
Policy continuous empowerment, precise service, Jianyang Jianzhan industry development is at the right time

author:Nanping News

"The support of the tax department is like a timely rain, which makes us Jianzhan enterprises more confident and confident about the transformation and upgrading into the new development pattern of 'double circulation'." On the 27th, at the Jianzhan Protection and Development Conference held in Jianyang District, the personnel of the district industry and information technology and commerce departments elaborated on the production, network promotion model and applicable tax policies of Jianzhan, and the preferential industrial policies triggered the resonance of the representatives of the participating Jianzhan production enterprises and the Jianzhan e-commerce platform.

Since last year, Jianyang District has conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to visit Fujian, become bigger, stronger and better "four major economies", deeply excavate the cultural potential of Jianzhan, and carefully create a gold business card of "Jianyao Jianzhan". As of the end of December 2021, a total of 6,682 enterprises and individuals (1,332 enterprises and 5,350 individuals) have been registered in the district, including 6 regulated enterprises, 7 limited enterprises, and 1 provincial-level cultural industry demonstration base, with an output value of nearly 4.5 billion yuan.

Ai Junbo, director of the Jianyang District Taxation Bureau, introduced that under the attention of the district party committee and the district government, the Jianyang tax department has made every effort to strive for tax support policies from the province through the model of "upward struggle + leaning over services", adopting the method of sending policies to the door, helping taxpayers analyze and sort out tax-related risks, guiding the application of tax policies, and resolutely cracking down on tax-related violations through the implementation of policies such as the adjustment of the threshold for small-scale taxpayers and the deferral of payment by taxpayers in small and micro manufacturing industries, so that Jianyang practitioners can enjoy the tax incentives.

In order to further promote the large-scale and standardized development of the Jianyang industry, the executive meeting of the Jianyang District Government studied and adopted the "Topic on Continuing to Support the Development of Jurong E-commerce Industrial Park", established the Jianyang Douyin E-commerce Live Broadcast Base, the Zhongchuang Zhigu Net Red Base, the Zhaoxing Media Live Broadcast Base, the Jurong E-commerce Industrial Park, and the Benli Information Technology 5 e-commerce live broadcast bases, and established a live broadcast industry rating access mechanism to further standardize the development of the industry, at present, Jianyang has more than 1,800 Jianzhan live broadcast rooms, with nearly 30,000 employees.

Software meets standards, and hardware must keep up. Jianyang District site Shuiji Town Houjing Village as the Jianzhan production base, to the park site funds and operating funds subsidies, through the "Jianzhan Ecological Bank" and municipal state-owned enterprises to protect mineral resources, with "specialized production base" as the core, "live broadcast" and "cultural creation" as the two wings, to further expand sales channels and influence, do a good job in the development of the Jianzhan industry.

Jianyang District coordinated the establishment of a departmental coordination mechanism, organized the District Taxation Bureau, the Commerce Bureau, the Statistics Bureau, the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism and other departments to study the problems of tax collection of Jianzhan Live Broadcasting Enterprises, and actively helped enterprises solve financing and land use problems. At the same time, Jianyang District formulated a statistical integration work plan, using the administrative records and information resources of the functional departments of the whole district, screening and confirming a number of enterprises that have reached or will soon meet the industry integration standards, and through the "key tracking + dynamic management" mechanism, guide enterprises to enter the system in a timely manner, so that the Jianzhan industry will become a new growth point for Jianyang's economic development.

Brand building and policy support, so that the Jianzhan industry to keep up with the pace of development of the times. At present, the brand value of "Jianzhan" is 16.043 billion yuan, and it is expected that the sales will reach 5 billion yuan by the end of the year. (Jiangsu Min, Zhao Hang)