
It is time for leaders of Ji'an City to visit and comfort the front-line cadres and workers who have adhered to their posts Wang Shaoxuan Luo Wenjiang led a team of Xiao Yulan and others to visit together

author:Jinggangshan newspaper rong media

Ji'an News Network News In order to promote a strong start to the economy and achieve a good start in the first quarter, the city actively responded to the call of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and during the Spring Festival, major projects did not stop work and key enterprises did not stop production. On January 30, Wang Shaoxuan, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Luo Wenjiang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, led a team to visit and comfort the front-line cadres, workers and workers who stuck to their posts during the Spring Festival, and extended New Year greetings and blessings to everyone on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and thanked everyone for their contributions to the economic and social development of Ji'an.

Xiao Yulan, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, visited together, and municipal leaders Qi Haiyun, Gan Wenxin, Chen Qingshou, Hu Haiyang, Zhou Mi, and Zhu Xintang respectively participated in the visit.

The masses have needs, and the "auspicious things are done" service is not closed. The delayed and wrong-time appointment service implemented by the Municipal Administrative Service Center has greatly facilitated the masses who need to do things during the Spring Festival. Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang learned in detail about the operation of the various windows of the center, cordially visited the front-line staff, and pointed out that everyone is the creator, service provider, participant, and devotee of the "auspicious thing that is done" government service platform, hoping that everyone will continue to stick to their posts with full enthusiasm, facilitate the masses with efficient work, convey the warmth of the party and the government with warm services, and show the good image of the government window.

During the Spring Festival, the city will continue to be low temperature and rainy weather, emergency, meteorological, transportation and other departments actively respond, effectively prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, and make every effort to ensure the normal production and life of the masses and normal traffic travel. At the emergency command center of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang connected the emergency management departments of various counties (cities, districts) through a video system to express their gratitude to the cadres and workers who stuck to their posts during the Spring Festival, and demanded that they should have a clear idea of the key points of the emergency response in light of the weather conditions; they should strengthen their duty and do a good job in various emergency plans, so as to respond quickly and deal with them in a timely manner, so as to ensure that the people of the whole city spend a safe, happy, and peaceful New Year festival. At the Municipal Meteorological Bureau, Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang inspected the monitoring and analysis of meteorological cloud maps by technical personnel, connected the meteorological departments (counties and districts) through the video system, and pointed out that the comrades on the meteorological front, with their own technology of excellence, a highly responsible attitude and the spirit of dedication, achieved the goal of meteorological people serving the overall situation of Ji'an's economic and social development, fulfilled the promise of keeping the original intention and undertaking the mission, and hoped that everyone would continue to work hard to protect the safety of people's lives and property and help Ji'an's economic and social development make more meteorological contributions.

Wang Shaoxuan, Luo Wenjiang, and their entourage went deep into the traffic police duty booth at the heqi junction of Qingyuan District, cordially visited and greeted the people's auxiliary police who were sticking to the front line of their posts, and through them extended Spring Festival greetings and good wishes to the vast number of public security and people's auxiliary police in the city, stressing that the public security organs, as the link and bridge between the party and the government and the masses, have a direct bearing on the image of the party and the government among the masses Let the people feel fairness and justice in the handling of every case and every matter, feel the warmth of law enforcement, unremittingly do practical things for the masses to do good things and solve difficulties, continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and effectively maintain the sustained stability of the overall situation of social security in the city.

Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang came to Ji'an West Railway Station to learn about the work of the Spring Festival, check the epidemic prevention and control work and the free nucleic acid testing work at the station, extend New Year greetings to the staff and volunteers who adhere to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control and Spring Festival services, and thank them for their contributions to consolidating the achievements of epidemic prevention and control in Ji'an and ensuring stable and orderly economic and social development. Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang pointed out that on behalf of the image of Ji'an, everyone welcomed the vast number of wanderers back to Kyrgyzstan and their hometowns, not only with an attitude of being responsible to the people, strictly implementing various measures for epidemic prevention and control, but also patiently guiding and meticulously serving, so that everyone can truly feel the warmth and warmth of the people in their hometowns, and show the good image of a civilized city in Kyrgyzstan.

At Jinggangshan University, Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang listened to the briefing on the relevant work of the school and gathered together with the representatives of teachers and students to exchange views and discussions. Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang expressed their gratitude to Jinggangshan University for vigorously supporting the construction and development of Ji'an for a long time, and hoped that Jinggangshan University would make further progress in the new year, the discipline construction would be more intense and grounded, and further close cooperation between the school and the local government, organically combining the school's disciplinary and professional advantages with the advantages of Ji'an's electronic information industry resources, actively promoting the integration of industry and education and the integration of school and city, continuously delivering high-level talents and high-end technologies for enterprises, and providing powerful talents for the transformation and upgrading of Ji'an industry. Intellectual and technical support; it is necessary to make good use of Ji'an's rich red resources, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jinggangshan, cultivate more students with high moral quality, good ideological quality and high ability literacy, and further polish the brand of Jinggangshan University.

People come early in the spring, and the land of Ji'an is full of enthusiasm and pride in "rolling up your sleeves and working hard" and striving to build the "three districts". "The Spring Festival is approaching, on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, we have come to pay tribute to everyone and wish everyone a happy new year and a happy family." Wang Shaoxuan and Luo Wenjiang successively went to the construction site of the New Materials, Weigao Electronics, and New Ganjiang Bridge projects in South Asia to understand the production and operation of enterprises and the construction of the project, pay tribute to the front-line workers, actively respond to the call of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the municipal party committee, and the municipal government, stick to their posts, stop work on major projects, and do not stop production of key enterprises, support the economic and social development of Ji'an, and emphasize the need to firmly establish safety awareness, implement the main responsibility of safe production, strengthen the investigation and resolution of potential safety hazards, and guard the safety bottom line It is necessary to increase the intensity of promotion, under the premise of ensuring quality and safety, quickly step up the whip to promote production and construction; we must do a good job in guaranteeing services, earnestly care for the production and life of enterprises and employees, create a good social environment and a warm humanistic environment for enterprise production and project construction, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the goal of opening the first quarter and winning the whole year.

Text/ Jinggangshan Daily all-media reporter Guo Huan