
Beijing Spring Festival Entry and Return Policy Released——

author:Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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On January 29, at the 279th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, Xu Hejian, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Government Information Office, and spokesman of the Municipal Government, introduced that Beijing advocates local festivals and reduces the flow of people, especially not to go to counties with new local coronavirus infections within 14 days, and must not go to the county where the land border port is located.

Recently, the city has a local epidemic caused by imported cold chain goods, the whole city is making every effort to deal with the epidemic, in order to strictly prevent the risk of the spread of the epidemic, the personnel in the district where the case is located insist on not going out of Beijing non-essentially, and the people in the streets and townships where they are located are not out of Beijing in principle. It is recommended that citizens and friends who have plans to leave Beijing understand the epidemic situation and prevention and control requirements of the destination in advance, arrange the itinerary reasonably, and do a good job of personal and family travel protection.

Beijing Spring Festival Entry and Return Policy Released——

Xu Hejian said that within 14 days, there are new local coronavirus infected people in the county where the resident history of the person strictly restricted entry and return to Beijing, and within 14 days, the person with the history of residence in the county where the land border port is located must not enter and return to Beijing. Personnel from other regions can enter and return to Beijing with a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours and a green code of "Beijing Health Treasure", and there is no problem of not letting them come back after leaving Beijing.

Xu Hejian suggested that before the end of March 2022, all people returning to Beijing will need to undergo a nucleic acid test within 72 hours after arriving in Beijing (commuters will continue to implement in accordance with the existing policies). If the test is not carried out on time, the "Beijing Health Treasure" will pop up the window to prompt, which may affect travel and daily life. Please pay attention to the prevention and control reminders and SMS tips for personnel returning to Beijing, take the initiative to report to the community (village), unit or hotel as soon as they arrive in Beijing, and cooperate with nucleic acid testing, health management and other epidemic prevention work. Those who do not take the initiative to report or do not cooperate with epidemic prevention work, causing serious consequences, will be investigated for relevant responsibilities in accordance with laws and regulations.

Edit: Suki

Source: Beijing Daily