
The United States and Japan will work together to establish international standards for 6G unmanned technology to prevent monopolies by state-owned enterprises. What do you think?

author:Hi seconds understand popular science

Many netizens are saying: 5G has not been used, 6G is coming. Now the technology is more and more developed, using big brother together, and now the smart phone has increased several degrees, which is really exciting. Just recently, that is, yesterday on the 29th, Japan and the United States will jointly create an international standard for 6G communication driverless technology, what is their purpose?

What else could it be? It's not to prevent our technology from being too high, causing them to rely on continental products in particular. Just like lithium-ion batteries on the mainland, many countries rely on it, and it can be "painful" without lithium-ion batteries. There are even a lot of technologies that go nowhere to be developed, because lithium-ion batteries are so important. In fact, there is also a point that every country hopes that its technology can achieve certain breakthroughs and even benefit mankind. Because the strength of a country is often related to technology, how advanced and new your technology is, then it means how strong your strength will be.

Even Apple's CEOs are exploring new discoveries, holding a conference call on Jan. 28 with a mention of metaversary opportunities and ties to 6G. So what is the metacosm? The metacosm is a virtual world that uses technology to link and create, and realizes world mapping and interaction, and has a digital living space with a new social system.

In general, it is the virtualization of the real world and the digitization process. The user can experience a different life, such as VR. It can be said that at the beginning of the word metaverse, it was born in a science fiction novel, and it can be said to be a super powerful future world.

In fact, the metaverse also has several core technologies:

First, extended reality technology; just above we talked about VR and AR.

Second, the digital twin; it is equivalent to a pair of twins, the reality and the virtual are the same, and both are perceived.

Third, blockchain to build an economic system; that is, to form an economic system in the virtual world, which is used to spend money and make money.

Then for the United States and Japan will work together to create 6G unmanned technology. Japan has said that in 2022 they will establish a corporate alliance together, that is, to achieve cooperation between remote control of self-driving cars and drone factory robots. And they have planned to realize the practical application of a special semiconductor technology like an "atomic clock" within 2025.

It can be said that in the future, their 6G technology will be improved, and even these goals will be achieved in the near future. So will our country be worried about their technology surpassing ours? In fact, it can be said that we are not panicked at all, in the past we were a poor country, but now our technology and strength are in the eyes of everyone. In recent years, the economic strength of the mainland has been very fast, and we also have a certain degree of certainty in 6G.

It can also be said that every country wants its own country to become stronger and stronger, because then it will not be stuck in the neck of other countries. Our country is no exception, because we have experienced the taste of being stuck in the neck of other people's countries, so we are very hard at innovation and scientific research. And the realization of 6G technology and its use in other aspects our country is also considering continuous research, and has not given up.

From ancient times to the present, we have never given up the idea of flying in the sky, or even to achieve unmanned driving. If the driverless tower is used, there will be a lot of equipment, which may remind the driver to take safety precautions in the next second, and if it is about to rear-end, it will continue to sound an alarm to remind the driver.

Even 6G's communication speed will be 10 times or even 100 times faster than 5G, and its download speed can reach 1TB per second to achieve safe and reliable true unmanned driving. It can be said that the arrival of 6G will change a lot of things, and even increase the network to several times. Not to mention, the mainland's artificial intelligence technology is also at the forefront of the world, and it can be said that there is nothing that we humans cannot achieve.

The last thing I want to say is that whether they have achieved or broken new developments, I hope they can use them well, not for their own powerful technology to block other countries. Once the blockade of other countries avoids harm, it is necessary to make rational use of technology for the sake of friendly exchanges between mankind.