
In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

author:Fans Dong big eyes

As the saying goes, love does not stand up, righteousness does not lead wealth, kindness does not serve officials, kindness does not lead soldiers, it is said that if a person has too much emotional entanglement, it is difficult to achieve great things, and such ancient precepts are also very applicable on the basketball field!

There is such a group of people on the CBA field, they are thinking hard about their opponents before the game, and they are dancing on the sidelines to direct the team during the game, and after the game, they summarize the whole process of the game at a glance, they are the head coaches of the CBA!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches
Most of the CBA head coaches have a more significant feature, that is, their temper is slightly grumpy, Guangdong head coach Du Feng's strict master out of the high apprentice, Zhejiang Chouzhou head coach Liu Weiwei's violent jump like thunder, Shanghai team coach Li Chunjiang's arrogance and Liaoning head coach Yang Ming's cat painting tiger has left a deep impression on the fans, this article will take you back to the CBA in the second stage of the CBA game, the most "grumpy" 5 CBA head coaches:

5, Wang Bo angrily rebuked the referee

Wang Bo, the guangsha coach of the Famous Jilin team, has always been a gentle and elegant image in the minds of fans, good at thinking and good at tactics is the deep impression he left on the fans, and now the achievements of the Zhejiang Guangsha team are enough to explain everything!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can figure it out, after all, Wang Bo has also studied under Li Chunjiang for a long time, not only has a great gain in tactics, but also has made great progress in on-the-spot command, especially in communication with referees!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

In the second stage of the CBA, Zhejiang Guangsha and Tongxi team in a game, Guangsha coach Wang Bo inexplicably angrily rebuked the referee, and through the slow-motion replay we finally realized that before the Guangsha players scored the ball, the Tongxi players had obvious foul actions, and the referee chose to ignore, which angered Wang Bo, who has always been polite!

Although Wang Bo is also a hot-tempered manager, as fans, we still hope to have more managers like Wang Bo and Qiu Biao on the CBA field, do you agree?

4, Li Nan surrounded the referee

If it were not for the unexpected defeat of the Chinese team in the World Cup, Li Nan's status and evaluation in the basketball world would definitely not be as depressed as it is now, and the former "Little Li Flying Knife" is experiencing various doubts!

After joining the Jiangsu team last season, Li Nan carried out a large-scale positive transformation of the team, but unfortunately the team's record has not been significantly changed, but Li Nan's fiery temper has slowly been revealed!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

"Can you fight?" If you don't fight, give me all down! This is Li Nan's fierce words in the game, and what is even more incomprehensible is that he actually used the substitute lineup to complete the rest of the game, which is really unambiguous!

The scene that best reflects Li Nan's fiery temper occurred in the second stage of the CBA, in the game between Jiangsu and Fujian, Shi Hongfei pushed Gordon back to the half in a defense, referee Yan Jun immediately punished Shi Hongfei's foul, and at this time, Jiangsu coach Li Nan on the sidelines thought that Gordon made a mistake in returning to the court, so it was a rebuke to Yan Jun, of course, as fans, we are the most reluctant to see such a scene, and we also hope that the CBA field can be less like this happening!

Because of Li Nan's gentleness on the field during his playing days, many fans subconsciously think that he is an easy-going person, but after Li Nan became the head coach, the grumpy temper slowly appeared, and we were able to see his true face of Lushan!

3, Li Chunjiang angrily scolded Marbury

As a very famous head coach in the Chinese basketball world, Li Chunjiang's status in the CBA League is quite high, and the picture of questioning the technical platform after the game last season is still in my mind, and the grumpy temper is also the label on him!

Li Chunjiang's coaching style is also known for its harshness, and even his eyes can't rub half a bit of sand, recalling the words of the Guangdong team when they competed with Beijing Shougang, Li Chunjiang's sentence: "If you put your legs on the leg again, I will knock him down!" "Still quite domineering!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

Maybe it was the liang zi that was formed at that time, after Marbury became the head coach of Beijing Beikong, the relationship between Li Chunjiang and him did not seem to have been eased in any way, which may really be different and not conspiratorial!

In a game between Shanghai and Beijing Beikong in the second stage of the CBA, Marbury and Li Chunjiang met again as scheduled, and this time the script performed by the two people greatly surprised all the fans, and even some surprises!

During the game, Li Chunjiang was slightly dissatisfied with the referee Wang Mei's decision, he thought that Marbury's voice on the sidelines of the game was also very loud, and the referee only warned about his own command voice, so he has been chasing the referee for the conclusion!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

At this moment, Marbury said two consecutive words of American national scolding as if in response to something, so the hot-tempered Li Chunjiang asked the referee: "He can scold me, can I also scold him?" Then Li Chunjiang responded to Marbury loudly with a national curse at a distance of 10 meters, and really had to admire, Li Chunjiang is really a personality, dare to think, dare to say, dare to do, dare to bear!

Once watched an interview about Li Chunjiang, from the expression in the program can also be seen, Li Chunjiang is actually a very serious and very hard working coach, although his coaching experience is very brilliant, but he never thinks that it is his own credit, how can such a humble person not be awe-inspiring?

2, Yang Ming reached out and hit Wu Changze

Frankly speaking, Yang Ming's achievements in coaching the Liaoning team are very outstanding, at least he did not bring the Liaoning team out of the championship sequence, from this point of view, Yang Ming's coaching process is still relatively successful on the whole!

Why are many fans more disgusted with Yang Ming?

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

I think most fans should be more similar to my inner thoughts, that is, Yang Ming's slightly contemptuous eyes and slightly raised corners of his mouth make people look very uncomfortable, and his facial expression control is also very inadequate, and these are the places that must be improved as soon as possible as the head coach of the team!

In addition to the facial expression is very uncomfortable, Yang Ming also has a great shortcoming in emotional control, lack of corresponding respect for the referee's decision, and not enough patience for young players, jumping like thunder is the most picture left by Yang Ming when he directs the game on the sidelines!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

The picture that best reflects Yang Ming's coaching frizz appeared in the second stage of the CBA, in a game between Liaoning and Shenzhen, Yang Ming replaced wu Changze because of his mistake in defensive rebounding, and just when Wu Changze returned to the bench, head coach Yang Mingxian was very angry and loudly accused, and then pushed him with his hands and asked him to make a confession attitude, is this something inappropriate?

Yang Ming's fiery temper actually has some taste of drawing a tiger according to the cat, and there are many shadows of Du Feng coaching in the strictness of young players, and the loud reprimand during the suspension period will more or less remind people of the coaching style of Zhejiang Chouzhou coach Liu Weiwei!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

But on the way to learn other excellent managers, Yang Ming is a good place did not learn much, bad habits are learned a lot, Du Feng is very strict with young players, but it does not mean that Du Feng does not allow his players to make mistakes, Liu Weiwei although hot temper, but those players are brought up by themselves, their teaching according to their aptitude is what Yang Ming should learn the most!

1, Du Feng poked Hu Mingxuan with a tactical board

Fans familiar with the CBA League know that Du Feng, the head coach of the Guangdong team, is a very strict coach, and the reward and punishment are clearly engraved on him, which is not so much a head coach as a real "leading big brother" of Guangdong players!

The rapid growth of young players such as Xu Jie, Hu Mingxuan, Zhao Rui, Zeng Fanri and so on is due to the severity of Du Feng, and it is under this strict requirement that the young players of the Guangdong team can adapt to the rhythm of the CBA game faster, which will also benefit these young players for life!

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

In fact, sharp-eyed fans will definitely be aware that in this season's CBA game, Du Feng has undergone obvious changes in both the control of temper and the way of coaching, and the previous argument for sentencing and the almost harsh criticism of his own players have gradually disappeared, replaced by the process of quietly enjoying the game!

The reason why Du Feng will form such a big contrast with the previous one is that the team has encountered a large wave of injuries and no one can use, and more importantly, the young players in the team have grown significantly.

In the second stage of the game, the 5 most "grumpy" CBA head coaches

Despite the obvious convergence in temper, Du Feng still made a rare thunder in the second stage of the game, in a game between Guangdong and Qingdao, Hu Mingxuan made up his own mind to fight a single basket without success, Qingdao foreign aid Wells easily counterattacked to score 2 points, Du Feng immediately suspended and called for the players to quickly assemble, and then Du Feng poked Hu Mingxuan with a tactical board and said: "Did I let you shoot? ”

It can also be seen that Du Feng's hot temper in the coaching process is more about the team's tactics, and the reward and punishment are clearly jealous and hateful is Du Feng's truest personality, which is also the real reason why Guangdong players trust this "big brother"!

Write at the end:

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the greater the temper, the greater the possibility of the ability, in other words, people with temper will generally be accompanied by some superiority, so grumpy is not necessarily a bad thing!

Of course, there are many head coaches with the same temper in the CBA League, Qingdao coach Wu Qinglong is a typical violent temper, and Beijing Shougang head coach Yannis is also not a generalist, so the temper is only relatively good and bad, and there is no absolute violence and no violence!

Well, this issue will say here, I am Dong Big Eye, let's see you in the next issue!