
Police caution: Do not install cameras in relatively private places

author:China Police Network

Installing surveillance in their own residences and shops to ensure property security is the choice of many people, but some criminals illegally control hundreds of thousands of home cameras across the country through App cracking tools, and then sell the account passwords, cracking tools or private videos taken by these cameras for profit.

Recently, the police in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, cracked a case of illegal control of household cameras, and arrested 32 criminal suspects in more than 20 provinces across the country.

In June 2019, the police of Yongjia County Public Security Bureau in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, found during the online inspection that Zhou Mou, a man in the jurisdiction, sold home camera cracking tools and controlled home camera account passwords in QQ and other social software, as well as a large number of private videos, and the police judged from the shooting angle and content of the video, and the parties were filmed and recorded without their knowledge, involving family bedrooms, clothing stores, beauty salons, etc.

Police caution: Do not install cameras in relatively private places

The police immediately arrested Zhou, after interrogation, Zhou confessed, initially because of curiosity, joined a QQ group that sells surveillance video account passwords, by logging in to these accounts, you can watch the surveillance screen in real time, peep into the privacy of others, in addition to buying and selling, the group can also exchange account information with each other, Zhou has more and more resources in his hands, in order to obtain greater benefits, he himself has also established a QQ group to attract buyers.

Police caution: Do not install cameras in relatively private places

Li Xiuou, police officer of Yongjia County Public Security Bureau in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province: Nude shots or more pornographic content are priced between 10-20 yuan, if it is a special privacy of those camera account passwords, it may be sold for 50-100 yuan.

After digging deep along the line, the special case team has successively arrested 31 criminal suspects in more than 20 provinces across the country, seized hundreds of thousands of cracked camera accounts, and initially investigated the amount involved in the case of more than 100,000 yuan.

The police said that the case is a new type of network hacking crime, which not only seriously infringes on the privacy of citizens, but is more likely to bring greater harm such as extortion, extortion, and damage to network security.

Police caution: Do not install cameras in relatively private places

Li Xiuou, police officer of the Yongjia County Public Security Bureau in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province: It is understood that the decipherment is basically the original password, and the password has not been changed. Remind everyone that the password must be changed after the first is installed in their own camera, and the second is not to install the camera in a relatively private place.

At present, the persons involved in the case have been taken criminal compulsory measures, and the case is still under further investigation.