
Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Guangyao Huaxia TV fusion media documentary tea party scene

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival Tea Party was held in Beijing, sponsored by Guangyao Huaxia Tv Media Documentary, and co-organized by the Chinese Cultural Work Committee of the Chinese Cultural Information Association, the China Zhouyi News Network, and the China Public Welfare Recorder Online.

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing
Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Liu Dagang, a famous film and television drama performance artist, a sand monk actor in the TV series "Journey to the West", and a cultural and artistic consultant of Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Fusion Documentary; Qi Guozhang, former deputy director of the General Office of the Ministry of Personnel of the People's Republic of China and policy adviser of Guangyao Huaxia Television Media Integration Documentary; Bai Yan, former director of the Party Office of the Administrative Department of the General Office of the State Council and policy adviser of Guangyao Huaxia Television Media Fusion Documentary; Former Political Commissar of the Armed Police Military Band, Deputy Director of the Chinese Cultural Work Committee of the Chinese Cultural Information Association, and Artistic Director of Guangyao Huaxia Television Fusion Media Documentary. Zhang Yejun, a famous military calligrapher; The 36th World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion, Women's Team Champion, The 37th World Table Tennis Championships Table Tennis Women's Team Champion, the 38th World Table Tennis Championships Table Tennis Women's Team Champion Tong Ling; China Education Television "Strivers" Documentary Producer, Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary Producer Li Ming; China Volunteer Magazine Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Secretary General of the Chinese Cultural Work Committee of the Chinese Cultural Information Association, "Guangyao Huaxia" Xu Shunxi, chief planner and chief producer of TV media documentaries; Liu Xinghong, chief editor and reviewer of "Guangyao Huaxia" TV media documentary; Li Dongyang, online editor-in-chief of China Charity Recorder and director of TV media documentary production of "Guangyao Huaxia"; Hu Maoshen, director of the Outreach Department of the Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Of the China Cultural Information Association; Du Haiyi, executive editor of China Public Welfare Recorder Online and deputy director of the production of "Guangyao Huaxia" TV fusion media documentary; Executive Editor of China Zhouyi News Network, cultural consultant of Guangyao Huaxia TV fusion media documentary, Zhao Jiayun, a famous scholar of I Ching culture; Li Zonglong, chairman of Beijing Ga grandma enterprise management co., LTD., director of the Chinese Food Culture Research Association, and caring entrepreneur, and other cultural and media circles were invited to attend the event.

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Zhang Yejun presented Liu Dagang with calligraphy works

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Zhang Yejun presented Li Ming with calligraphy works

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Zhang Yejun presented Liu Xinghong with calligraphy works

At the tea party, Li Ming, producer of the documentary "Strivers" of China Education Television Station and producer of the Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Integration Documentary, told that in the past year, Guangyao Huaxia shared with everyone the achievements of recording the beautiful China in the rise and telling the Chinese story of the new era. Subsequently, Xu Shunxi, chief producer of the TV media integration documentary "Guangyao Huaxia", elaborated that in 2022, Guangyao Huaxia will further broaden its channels and continue to cooperate with douyin, Kuaishou, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, Xinhuanet, CCTV and other media to expand the influence and audience rate of documentaries. At the same time, he also talked about how in addition to the premiere of Guangyao Huaxia on China Education Television, the new year will also open up a new chapter in the field of short videos and online documentaries.

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Zhang Yejun presented calligraphy works to Hu Mao

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Zhang Yejun presented Li Zonglong with calligraphy works

Guangyao Huaxia TV Media Documentary New Year Tea Party was held in Beijing

Group photo

At the scene of the event, Zhang Yejun, artistic director of guangyao Huaxia TV media documentary and famous military calligrapher, thanked all the leaders and guests for their support for the Guangyao Huaxia TV media documentary in the past year, and specially wrote a number of calligraphy works to give to everyone, which also sent a strong cultural feeling for the Spring Festival tea party. (Reporters Du Haiyi and Liu Xinghong)

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Fu