
Revisit Beijing to see the autumn colors

author:Ice plum 88

After the National Day, the weather turned cold, even a little cold, it is the time to see the autumn colors!

The son returned to Wujiang, said to take us to Beijing to see the autumn colors, full of interest, quickly set the time, the son single-handedly operated, bought high-speed rail tickets, booked hotels, scenic spot tour arrangements and so on.

The first day, October 20 at 5 p.m. we took the g24 high-speed rail Suzhou departure, galloping, 4 and a half hours to Beijing South Railway Station, hit the Wangfujing Street to stay in the Orange Crystal Hotel, the hotel room is small, the automation is higher, although the facilities and equipment are nearly five stars, it feels very ordinary, more than 1200 yuan per night accommodation fee, I have never stayed in such an expensive hotel. Your location is in the center of Beijing, close to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. Here we are going to stay for 4 nights. The son has been planning the tour program for several days.

The next day, after the breakfast buffet, we walked about 20 minutes to the Forbidden City, where I visited the majestic Forbidden City for the fourth time.

We entered through the noon gate, first in the middle and then on both sides, and the splendid palace complex in front of us seemed familiar, but it was still worth seeing, not enough. Jinshui River Jinshui Bridge, Taihe Gate Taihe Hall, Qianqing Gate Qianqing Palace, Bohol Hall, Jiaotai Hall, Yangxin Hall, Kunning Palace, East Sixth Palace, West Sixth Palace, Cining Palace, Royal Garden,...... Endless red walls, colorful glazed bricks, golden glazed roofs, rows and layers of white jade fences,......, the treasure hall can not see the endless royal gold ornaments, jade jade, take some preservation. In the Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City, those centuries-old trees were all photographed. After leaving the Forbidden City at the Shenwu Gate, looking at the corner tower of the Forbidden City across the moat, and then climbing the Jingshan Mountain to look at this imperial palace complex, it is really solemn and serious, majestic, magnificent, and symbolizes the supremacy of imperial power.

This time was originally dedicated to the autumn colors, the autumn colors in the Forbidden City are not thick, leaving some regrets. On the side of the Royal Garden, you can see persimmons hanging from branches, red and lustrous, which is also a beautiful scenery of Beijing's autumn colors.

The difference in the feeling of visiting the Forbidden City this time is that the stone steps and their reliefs are all protected, the halls can only be looked at from the outside, and the inside is blocked, and the harem can only look at the internal furnishings through the window, and the main hall of the Cining Palace is actually full of Buddha statues.

After seeing the Forbidden City, we shuttled through the small alleys of Beijing to see the ordinary houses of the people in Beijing, the ordinary bungalows of the green brick Daiwa, and the Obvious Contrast with the Forbidden City, the gap between the royal family and the commoners. The courtyard we saw was also very dilapidated, of course, even if it was dilapidated, it was worth a lot now!

Lunch, we specially went to eat Beijing famous four seasons minfu roast duck, where too many people are waiting, business is booming, we also waited for forty minutes to have a place, this roast duck is indeed the most delicious roast duck ever eaten, crispy, the taste is really good, in order to eat this roast duck, wasted a lot of time, so that Taimiao, Shichahai no time!

After dinner, we went to the Deyun Society, where Guo Degang's Deyun Society watched a cross-talk performance, and the ticket price was 280 yuan per person. Crosstalk is just ripping off the face and making the audience laugh and laugh. Watching the cross-talk performance on the spot, it was the first time, and it was a filial piety of the son, where he spent two hours, sometimes making us laugh, it was worth it!

On the third day, after breakfast, a taxi for an hour, I came to Xiangshan to see the red leaves, as soon as I entered the garden gate, I saw a few ancient maple trees, under the morning sun, the small half maple leaves have been red, this color is particularly bright and fiery red against the background of the blue sky, dazzling, most of the maple leaves are also gradually turning red, light green and yellow, green with yellow, yellow with red, colorful, while taking pictures while admiring the beauty of maple leaves.

After admiring the red maple, we went to Shuangqing Villa and visited the office and living environment of Mao Zedong in March 1949, with room furnishings and daily necessities, neat and simple. I also went to Qingxuan to visit Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and other older generations who once lived in several bungalows. At that time, the older generation of revolutionaries living in Xiangshan must have been very happy and relaxed, because they had already passed through the most difficult years, the liberation war had been victorious, Chiang Kai-shek had been driven away, and they lived in Xiangshan to make suggestions for the creation of a new China and prepare for the birth of a new China.

After reading this, we went to Xiangshan Temple, on the left and right sides, the stone steps went straight up, and we climbed high and looked far away.

Subsequently, we went to climb the incense burner peak, the steps were winding and twisting, steep and flat, climbing upwards, more and more tired, my legs and feet could not take a step, walking and stopping, walking for a while, physical weakness, weak legs and feet, really did not want to climb again, but the father and son were full of interest, must climb to the top of the mountain, under their encouragement and encouragement, I still went up step by step, tired and sweaty, rest for a while, continue to support and continue to climb, in order to let me persist, my son helped me carry a backpack, encouraged me to insist on continuing upwards, the stone steps became more and more steep, With my hand on the railing, step by step upwards, there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as I am willing to climb, I finally climbed the incense burner peak, on which the three of us took a group photo, looking far away, ah! The city of Beijing is in full view.

It was easy to go up the mountain, it was difficult to go down the mountain, we went down the ropeway, and it took half an hour to get down the mountain. It was already 2 p.m., looking for a restaurant in Xiangshan Park for lunch.

Take the car to gong wangfu, gongwangfu is the Qing Dynasty and Shenfu at that time, the time is too late, to get there has been closed, hey, sorry, had to look at the surrounding hutongs. We drilled into the hutongs and found that the Gongwang Mansion was surrounded by rich families, and the better courtyards in Beijing were all here, so if we looked at the courtyards of these courtyards, we knew that they were all people with status and status. The doors are large, and there are "door dang" and "household pairs". The larger the door, the more the household pairs, indicating that the more status and wealth this family has. Every household here has a door to door! I've seen it too! Maybe he and Shen have money and bring rich so many people around!

Through these small alleys, we went to Shichahai, climbed the Drum Tower, looked at the Bell Tower, and finally came to a bar, accompanied the father and son to drink some flower wine, and then returned to the hotel.

On the way to play, my son's filial piety and my husband's concern made me very happy!

Day 4 At 8:30 a.m., chartered bus more than 2 hours to reach the Mutianyu Great Wall, we roped up, climbed the No. 1 peak fire platform has been very tired, and then climbed up, the city wall steps meandering, climbed up and down, in some places the steps are high and steep, very dangerous, have to be very careful, we climbed the highest no. 1 beacon tower, looking into the distance, the mountains are stacked, the clouds are full of mist, the picture is very spectacular and beautiful, the city wall extends along the peak to the distance, and the farthest only sees a raised beacon. Under the city wall on the opposite hill, five big characters are written "Loyal to Chairman Mao"! It is said that the Mutianyu Great Wall is more majestic than the Badaling Great Wall, and foreign heads of state come to China to see the Great Wall in Mutianyu. Due to the epidemic prevention and control reasons, fewer people come to Mutianyu to visit the Great Wall these days.

We went east to west to climb the highest beacon before coming down, although it was also very tired, but much less effort than climbing the incense burner peak, down the mountain, we sat on the slide, the first time we sat on the slide, very curious, like skiing in winter, sitting on the sled-like skateboard, slowly sliding down, can adjust the speed, can be fast or slow, fast may crash, but very well controlled, feel interesting, children like it more!

Leaving Mutianyu, the time was almost 3 p.m., we had to buy sandwiches to eat in the car, directly to the Hongluo Temple, where the smoke is thick, burning incense to worship the Buddha, the Buddhist atmosphere is strong, we walked around and came out!

After more than two hours by car, I came to Niutou Street, ate Beijing's most famous Jubaoyuan shabu lamb hot pot, and waited in line for 50 tables, that is to say, it was the turn of the 50 tables to have our seats. Dizzy, we went to the street for a walk and came back and waited for a long time before it was our turn at the table. Shabu lamb hot pot, charcoal fire in the middle, other I feel similar to other places, the taste is particularly good, very grateful for my son's filial piety and care, every time I want us to eat the best dishes.

It's not too late for us to go back to the hotel!

On the fifth day, I got up late, and after a few days of playing, I felt a little tired. After breakfast, riding a bicycle for 10 minutes, went to see Tiananmen, walked around Tiananmen Square, came back to walk around Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, ate lunch, went back to the hotel to pack up things, left the store, went to Beijing South Railway Station back to Suzhou, and ended this pleasant Beijing tour!

These days, the sky in Beijing is beautiful, the sun is shining, the blue sky is blue and white clouds, everywhere is painting, and the scenery is beautiful. The scenery of Beijing is not enough to see, the majestic royal palace, the narrow and narrow residential hutongs, the winding and undulating Mutianyu Great Wall, the colorful fragrant leaves of Xiangshan, and the red persimmons hanging from the branches, etc., are still unfinished, and I will go to Beijing again next time!