
Nigeria holds 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activities China and Nepal celebrate the "Year of the Tiger" New Year

Nigeria holds 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activities China and Nepal celebrate the "Year of the Tiger" New Year

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Culture of Nigeria, Anya Utaku (third from right), The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria Cui Jianchun (first from the right), and Representative Achiolu ( second from right), The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of Nigeria, visited the Chinese New Year photo exhibition. (Photo by Wang Xinjun)

Nigeria holds 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activities China and Nepal celebrate the "Year of the Tiger" New Year

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Culture of Nigeria, Anya Utaku (first from right), The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria Cui Jianchun (second from right), and Representative Achioru (third from right), the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of Nigeria, were the highlights of the dance. (Photo by Xu Rui)

International online report (reporter Wang Xinjun) on January 27, local time, on the eve of the Chinese Lunar Year of the Tiger, the 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activity was launched at the Chinese Cultural Center in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, with a joyous and red-hot scene, full of strong atmosphere of celebrating the Chinese New Year and welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Nigeria's 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" event was jointly organized by the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, the Ministry of Information and Culture of Nigeria and the Nepal Chinese Cultural Center, and guests such as The Permanent Secretary (Vice Minister) of the Ministry of Information and Culture of Nigeria, Anya Utaku, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Cui Jianchun, and other guests. The Nepalese Literary and Art Group, the Abuja Wushu Association, the students of the "China Horn" school, and the employees of Chinese-funded enterprises performed dragon and lion dances, Chinese and Nepalese songs and dances, and ethnic instrumental music performances.

Nigeria holds 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activities China and Nepal celebrate the "Year of the Tiger" New Year

Chinese martial arts performance. (Photo by Wang Xinjun)

Nigeria holds 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" activities China and Nepal celebrate the "Year of the Tiger" New Year

2022 "Happy Spring Festival" event live dragon dance. (Photo by Wang Xinjun)

Anya Utaku congratulated Chinese people on the New Year and congratulated Beijing on its imminent emergence as the "City of The Two Olympics." "On the basis of more than 50 years of diplomatic relations between Nepal and China, cultural understanding and exchanges between the two countries have shown new vitality, and the celebration of the Chinese New Year is also important for Nigeria," she said. Congratulating China on winning the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, Beijing will become the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics, a major achievement. Happy New Year in the Year of the Tiger! ”

Cui Jianchun introduced the Chinese New Year customs to the guests and audiences: "With the arrival of the Chinese Lunar Year of the Tiger, the 24th Winter Olympic Games will also be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, and the theme slogan of this Winter Olympic Games is 'Together to the Future'. China will certainly host a 'green, inclusive, open and clean' Winter Olympics, which will greatly promote the development of sports and strengthen friendly exchanges between China and the world." Not long ago, we witnessed the establishment of the Cultural Tourism Subcommittee of the China-Nepal Intergovernmental Committee, which is a milestone in the cultural tourism exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. ”

The wonderful program performances at the 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" event made the audience feel a happy and auspicious Chinese Tiger New Year celebration feast. AdiShawa, who is home in Abuja, is the first time to feel such a strong Chinese New Year festive atmosphere, she told the CCTV reporter: "The program is so wonderful, so wonderful, I especially like it!" I wish Chinese people all the best! ”

Guests and audiences who participated in the launching ceremony of the 2022 "Happy Spring Festival" event also visited the "Chinese New Year Photo Exhibition" on the spot.