
"Wushan Love"

author:Gangnam View

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The song "Wushan Love" is written by Zhong Xuezheng, composed by Peng Ming, arranged by Xiaodao Honghai, and sung by Young Singer Wang Xinqi of Xing nationality. "Wushan Love" uses the form of popular music to show the legendary love story, beautiful scenery, history and culture of Dawushan, the highest peak in Xingguo County, Ganzhou City. The lyrics are eloquent, the music is melodious and catchy. The lead singer is even more famous for the song, wonderful interpretation, with full passion to sing the love of Dawushan.

Located in Fengbian Township, Xingguo County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, dawushan is the highest peak in Xingguo County at an altitude of 1204.5 meters. The mountain is not high, there are immortals are named, and Dawu Mountain is a different kind of immortal mountain:

It is the mountain of Eros, where many beautiful love legends are circulated, such as "Eighteen Rests of the Fox", "Golden Cabinet and Fairy Boots", "Three Lions Facing the Sky", "Fairy Flowers" and "Fairy Waterfall".

It is a famous mountain of humanities, and various literati have left countless literary masterpieces, the National Hero of the Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang wrote "Yongzhen Jiangnan" in Dawushan, the Ming Dynasty Jinshi and the Punishment Department Attendant Zou Yuanbiao wrote the Wushan Wonderland in Dawushan, and the Ming Dynasty wizard and university scholar Xie Jin wrote "Progress to Heaven" in Dawushan.

It is a famous red mountain, Marshal Chen Yi once compared Dawu Mountain to Jinggang Mountain in the east, leaving behind a revolutionary poem :"Donggu Mountain is high, the peaks are like a barrier, this is Dongjinggang, and the world will be strong." It is a scenic mountain, is a realistic version of the Penglai wonderland, mountaineering overlook, the surrounding ten thousand peaks are under the Great Wu Mountain, "the sky is cloudy and the waves and the dawn of the fog galaxy want to turn a thousand sails dance", "Ten thousand peaks are majestic and green waves, the central main peak towers are towering clouds", "travel all over the famous mountains to see the river, do not see Penglai to see the Wushan".