
The Municipal Party Committee Rural Pastoral Work Conference was held and our flag set up a sub-venue

author:Ijin Holo News Network

On the afternoon of January 28, the Municipal Party Committee Rural Pastoral Work Conference was held to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural areas" work, fully implement the spirit of the Central Rural Work Conference and the Rural Pastoral Work Conference of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, analyze the situation and tasks facing the city's "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" and rural revitalization, and study and deploy the key work in 2022. Li Li, secretary of the municipal party committee, gave instructions on doing a good job in the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" in our city, and Du Huiliang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, attended the meeting and made a speech.

Li Li pointed out that it is of special significance to convene the Twentieth National Congress of the Party this year, do a good job in the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry", and stabilize the basic plan of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry". All localities and departments should deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the "three rural" work, fully implement the deployment requirements of the Central Rural Work Conference and the Rural Pastoral Work Conference of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, focus on the steady production and increase of agricultural and animal husbandry, the steady increase of farmers and herdsmen, the stability and tranquility of rural pastoral areas, solid and orderly promote key work such as rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, and make every effort to consolidate and expand the organic connection between the results of poverty alleviation and the strategy of rural revitalization. Continue to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas to achieve new progress and new results. It is necessary to fully implement the primary production remodeling plan, continue to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of agriculture and animal husbandry, vigorously promote the high-quality and efficient transformation of agricultural and livestock product production bases, pay more attention to breed cultivation, quality improvement, and brand building, focus on creating advantageous agricultural and livestock product industrial belts and advantageous areas for characteristic agricultural and livestock products, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural and animal husbandry development, and solidly promote the green, intensive, large-scale and high-end development of agriculture and animal husbandry. It is necessary to strictly implement the major arrangements for ensuring the supply of primary products, resolutely shoulder the major political responsibility of ensuring national food security, do a good job in the construction of high-standard farmland, resolutely prevent the "non-grainization" and "non-farming" of cultivated land, and make Ordos contributions to ensuring national food security. It is necessary to strengthen and improve the party's leadership over the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry", strictly implement the responsibility of the secretaries of the five levels to grasp the revitalization of the countryside, attach great importance to the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry", promote the tilt of all kinds of resources to rural pastoral areas and agriculture and animal husbandry, continuously improve the work mechanism, continue to strengthen work measures, promote the implementation of various tasks, and strive to create a new situation in the "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" work in our city.

Du Huiliang pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" in Inner Mongolia, and has repeatedly emphasized and made key arrangements, profoundly expounding a series of overall, fundamental and directional major issues in the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry and rural pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia. All levels and departments should deeply understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, firmly establish political awareness and rule of law awareness, strengthen innovative thinking and bottom-line thinking, accurately grasp strategic opportunities, clearly understand existing problems, undertake responsibilities and missions, strengthen implementation, and promote the continuous new progress of the city's "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" work.

Du Huiliang stressed: It is necessary to speed up the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, regard ensuring food security as the primary task, take the promotion of industrial revitalization as a strategy to consolidate the foundation, take the consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation as the bottom-line requirement, take the strengthening of rural construction as a basic project, take the deepening of grass-roots governance as the foundation of stability, grasp the key points and implement scientific policies, and promote the continuous achievement of new results in all work. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, comprehensively consolidate responsibilities, strictly implement the same responsibility of the party and government, improve the work promotion mechanism, increase the intensity of input guarantees, give play to the role of agricultural and pastoral democracies, and provide a strong guarantee for doing a good job in rural pastoral work. It is necessary to grasp the agricultural time, adapt to the agricultural conditions, make early preparations, early deployment, and early action, comprehensively do a good job in the key work of spring ploughing preparation, supply of agricultural materials, and farmland water conservancy construction, and ensure that the work of "three rural areas and three animal husbandry" throughout the year has a good start and a good start.

The meeting was held by video. Xing Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, secretary of the political and legal committee, and secretary of the Kangbashi District PARTY Committee, presided over the meeting, and municipal leaders Su Cuifang, Yang Yun, Erdenbilig, and Wulan attended. Sub-venues will be set up in each flag district. The responsible comrades of the Dalat Banner, the Yijinholo Banner, the Wushen Banner, the Hangjin Banner, and the Otok Banner made typical speeches respectively.

The Municipal Party Committee Rural Pastoral Work Conference was held and our flag set up a sub-venue

Wu Yun, deputy secretary of the Flag Committee and flag chief of the government, attended the meeting at the branch venue of our flag and made a typical speech on behalf of our flag. He Xiangguo, deputy secretary of the Flag Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and other relevant leaders, as well as the principal responsible persons of the relevant departments and towns directly under the Banner Department, attended the meeting at the flag branch venue.