
Why is the Mona Lisa so famous, and where is her mystery?

author:No yard sauce

The Mona Lisa is so famous that many people should be wondering how much it's worth? If you still want to buy it, the French will think you're crazy, just like you're going to buy his ancestral grave.

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous, and where is her mystery?

Mona Lisa

In fact, Italy and France officially valued the Mona Lisa in 1920, worth $3.45 billion.

The reason was that an Italian stole the Mona Lisa from France in 1913, believing that Leonardo da Vinci was Italian and that the painting should belong to Italy. When he was preparing to sell the painting for tens of millions of dollars, the buyer found that it was a real painting after inspecting the goods, and rather unkindly reported to the police to arrest the thief. But the Italian people thought he was patriotic, so he was released after a few days in prison. After several negotiations, Italy still returned the Mona Lisa to France, and the lost France immediately issued a stipulation that the Mona Lisa was a national treasure, so it was priceless. But if Italy hadn't returned it to France at the time, it would have been a $3.45 billion deal. Hundreds of years have passed, if there is a real price of at least tens of billions of dollars, few people on the earth should be able to afford it.

As for the smile of the Mona Lisa, it is a matter of benevolence and wisdom. Everyone's feelings about the work of art are hidden, but there will be some commonalities. The mona lisa portrait as a whole gives people a sense of elegance and harmony, at first glance at the face, it seems that there is not much smile, but looking closely at the subtle shadow of the corner of her mouth slightly raised, she is indeed smiling, and the emotions from it convey happiness, contempt, and even a little panic and anger. She sits on a wooden chair with curved roads in the background, rivers and arched bridges and surrounding peaks, blending in with the Mona Lisa's smile and permeating with mystery.

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous, and where is her mystery?

reach. Finch

The prototype of the Mona Lisa model is also a variety of opinions, some say that it is Leonardo da Vinci's self-portrait, some say it is a famous prostitute, and some say that it is Leonardo da Vinci's lover - but a gay man, is it difficult to become a master Leonardo da Vinci or a homosexual?