
Huangdian Town carried out pre-holiday work deployment meeting

author:Shu media spread

On January 28, Huangdian Town organized a pre-holiday work arrangement and deployment meeting, and all cadres and workers of the organs, village (community) branch secretaries, and responsible persons of units stationed in the town attended the meeting.

Huangdian Town carried out pre-holiday work deployment meeting

At the meeting, the members of each team arranged and deployed the work in turn, covering safe production, forest fire prevention, farmland protection, fireworks and firecrackers prohibition, people's livelihood care, epidemic prevention and control, and duty duty.

Deng Ermu, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor of the town, stressed: First, improve the position of the station. It is necessary to tighten the "ideological strings" at all times and not relax, earnestly improve the standards, quality, and work efficiency of work, and grasp all work in a strict, down-to-earth and meticulous manner. The second is the responsibility for compaction. Normalize the "desktop simulation drills" of various work such as epidemic prevention and control emergency treatment and safe production work, force the implementation of the work with questions and answers, and strengthen the responsibilities of all parties at all levels. The third is to refine measures. It is necessary to further refine the measures, come up with more targeted and highly operational measures, do a good job in the investigation of risks and hidden dangers in key industries, key areas, and key places, strengthen supervision and supervision, and promote the rectification of sales numbers. Fourth, strict discipline. During the Spring Festival, strictly abide by various rules and regulations such as duty duty, keep in mind the spirit of the central government's "Eight Provisions", and live the Spring Festival in peace and integrity.

Zhang Yong, secretary of the town party committee, put forward several requirements: First, the Spring Festival should be celebrated in a disciplined manner. During the Spring Festival, we must still strictly restrain ourselves at all times and in all places, keep in mind the rules and regulations, implement the spirit of the "Eight Provisions" of the central government, and put an end to the occurrence of violations of the "four winds" during holidays. The second is to celebrate the Spring Festival in peace and security. Grasp the key work of forest fire prevention and safety production, and relevant departments and personnel should implement the work of duty duty, inspection and supervision, etc., to ensure that the residents of the villages under their jurisdiction have a safe and peaceful life. The third is to spend the Spring Festival in good health and health. Do a good job of "importing customs", strictly implement the management of returnees, and supervise and urge shops and the masses in the jurisdiction to do a good job of protective measures. The fourth is to spend the Spring Festival cleanly. Organize cleaning personnel, volunteers, etc. to do a good job in cleaning the streets and roads under their jurisdiction, strengthen the inspection of straw burning bans and fireworks and firecrackers, and promptly deal with and report problems found. Fifth, celebrate the Spring Festival with joy and joy. Vigorously create a strong festive atmosphere, so that the residents can spend a happy, festive and peaceful Spring Festival. (Wang Lei)

(Source: People's Government of Huangdian Town, Jiangyang District)