
There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

Twenty-eight, put the face hair.

On this day, the main food of the New Year's Festival was started, and the elders always made their own noodles to steam when steaming steamed steamed steamed steam

Put the face hair, it sticks the auspicious word "hair", which means to make a fortune and get rich. The word "steaming" in steamed steamed steamed buns means to "steam" (fight) luck.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

The emergence of pasta, has a history of more than 2,000 years, in the Han Dynasty, with the widespread use of stone mills, pasta has appeared in large quantities, according to historical records, pasta in the Han Dynasty has been up to the imperial palace, down to the common food of the people. From the beginning of the Song Dynasty, noodles changed, with methods such as stir-frying, stewing, and frying, and also adding meat or vegetarian toppings to the noodles. By the Ming Dynasty, the production of pasta was already very exquisite.

In the Ming Dynasty Cheng Minzheng's poem "Fu Family Noodle Line", there is a sentence cloud: "Beautiful as sweet and crispy color yingxue, a spoonful of mouth melts the mind", and the face food is greatly appreciated.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

The "face" of the New Year can be wonderful

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)
There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)
There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

It is all the Spring Festival, but the food customs of the north and south of our country are very different, and the food customs are still regional. Just like the interpretation of "South Rice North Noodles", "South Cake North Cake", "South Sweet North Salty" and so on. On the occasion of the New Year, dumplings and rice cakes are symbolic foods with strong symbolic meaning, which can be called "auspicious" on the table. In addition to dumplings, eating a bowl of hot noodles made at home is both simple and delicious, and it is also the taste of the year.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

The "noodles" that are often eaten are also divided into different varieties

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

Flour is a powder made from wheat milled, and it is a staple food in much of northern China.

Foods made from flour come in a wide variety, variety and flavour. The raw material of flour wheat grain is mainly composed of three parts: wheat bran wrapped outside accounts for about 18% to 25% of the grain weight; the wheat embryo on which the wheat grain is germinated only accounts for 1% to 2%; and the endosperm accounts for about 80%. There is also a paste layer of adhesion between endosperm and wheat bran.

The grains are processed by a milling process to separate the bran, wheat germ and endosperm and grind the endosperm into flour for consumption. Flour processing is a physical separation process that does not change its properties. From the perspective of the factors that affect the edible quality of flour, the protein content and quality are the most important factors that determine its edible quality, processing quality and market value.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)
There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)
There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

/ 2022 / 01 / 30 /

Waxing Moon Twenty-Eight

In recent years, with the development of the food processing industry and the changes in the diet structure of domestic residents, the demand for flour from urban and rural residents has shown a trend of diversification and specialization, when you go to the supermarket, you will see that the flour packaging is written on the dumpling special, fritter special, hand grab cake special and so on.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

Healthy "noodles", there is a good way to choose flour

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

According to the amount of protein content in flour, flour can be divided into: high gluten flour, medium gluten flour, low gluten flour.



The protein content of high gluten flour is 10.5% to 13.5%, which is suitable for making bread, etc.;

The protein content of medium gluten flour is 8.0% to 10.5%, which is suitable for making noodles, snacks, etc.;

The protein content of low gluten flour is 6.5% to 8.5%, which is suitable for making snacks, dishes, etc.

When choosing flour, the information we need to get is the classification of different products such as high gluten flour, medium gluten flour and low gluten flour or the grade indicating the purity of the flour, as well as the identification of minerals, crude protein and other contents. Many people will mistakenly think that "high-gluten flour = high-precision flour" when buying flour, in fact, "high-precision" means simply high-grade refining, which only indicates the processing technology of wheat, and does not explain the gluten of flour, so "high-grade refining" may be high-gluten flour, or it may be low-gluten flour.

From this point of view, the term "high precision" is actually unscientific, at least not the industry standard term, so it is recommended that when purchasing flour, you should pay attention to its protein content, that is, gluten, rather than "advanced refining".

Here, Xiaobian shares with you the magic trick of choosing flour: "Take a look. Two smells. Three pinches. Four tastes. ”

Take a look

First buy in a regular market, such as a large supermarket. Like buying all goods, look at the contents of the packaging, including the manufacturer on the packaging, production date, shelf life, quality grade, etc., it is best to choose flour marked without whitening agent. When you get home, look at the color of the flour: the natural color of the flour is milky white or yellowish, and the color is pure white or dark, which may be due to excessive use of whitening agents.

There are "noodles" in it, and the new year is booming! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(35)

Two smells

It is to smell whether this flour has a wheat aroma. If there is an odor, it may be an excessive amount of added brightener or the flour may have exceeded its shelf life.

Three pinches

Flour that meets national standards feels soft and even. Grab a handful of flour pinched in the palm of your hand, let go of the powder and then disperse, this is a good flour with a water content standard, if the flour is not scattered, it means that the moisture exceeds the standard, and it is easy to deteriorate when stored.

Four tastes

You can put a little dry flour in your mouth to taste, good flour should taste delicate, if there is a foreign body feeling, indicating that the flour has a high sand content.

Flour is an indispensable ingredient in our daily lives,

Pasta is also one of the staple foods on the New Year's table.

We love noodles, love the taste of home;

The home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of millions.

Millions of loving families come together,

Her name is Motherland.

Review: Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database Cheng Jingmin of Shanxi Medical University