
Peng'an folk customs jump into the national village night

Peng'an folk customs jump into the national village night

"Spring with a Tiger"

Peng'an folk customs jump into the national village night


Peng'an folk customs jump into the national village night

Boatman trumpet

Peng'an folk customs jump into the national village night

Happy new farmer

On January 23, the 2022 national "village evening" demonstration and display activity was opened in Dongmen Community, Jinping Town, Peng'an County. As one of the demonstration and display points of the national "Village Evening" demonstration and display activity in Sichuan, the event closely followed the theme of "Happy New Year, Welcoming the Winter Olympics——— Our Beautiful Life", and vividly demonstrated Peng'an's colorful folk culture, intangible cultural heritage, tourism resources and beautiful pictures of rural revitalization.

It is understood that the 2022 national "village evening" demonstration display activity is hosted by the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the linkage of various places and the integration of online and offline. The "Village Evening" series of products full of strong Chinese flavor shows the beautiful scene of the New Year party everywhere and the happy life of the villagers.

The Dongmen community of Jinping Town uses the small rural stage to realize the national carnival, and artistically presents the new style and new achievements and new vision of rural revitalization by displaying the rural appearance, transmitting the hometown sound, looking back at the nostalgia, and condensing the nostalgia, and creating the cultural rhyme and new spring love of "comfortable Sichuan". At present, the relevant recording work has been completed and broadcast on the National Public Culture Cloud and other platforms on January 30. Audiences across the country can "see the village evening on the clouds" and see the new style of Peng'an countryside.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Peng'an County Cultural and Guangdong Tourism Bureau, during the Spring Festival, in accordance with the principle of "narrowing the line and enriching the line", the New Year cultural activities such as the exhibition and performance of traditional folk programs will be organized to enrich the cultural life of the festival and create a festive and auspicious atmosphere.

Peng'an Reporter Station Liu Yonghong Wang Zemin Text/Photo

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