
I "I" 065

author:Corpus summary

Left Branch Right Wu, ◆ Song Shi Li Bing Biography: "(Enemy) then from [Deng] [Lai] PanHai peep [Wu] [Yue], to the left of Wu, from [Wuchang] across [Jiang] peep [Jiang] [Chi], to go out of my right, a place that does not support a big thing to go." I would like to talk about the strategy of the left and the right. "The original term is left and right resistance, and by extension, it means that it is difficult to cope with in many aspects. ○ "Literature Tongkao 2": "If a husband undertakes a service and is confined to the official palace, he will do everything he can, pour out his grievances, and be insufficient for compensation." "○ [Ming] [Gui Youguang] Pan Yongzhong Epitaph: "Blame the door, the left branch and the right side, do not be alarmed, and do things to the end." ○ [Qing] [Dai Mingshi] "Selection of Primary School Arguments": "As for the commentators, they can come up with their own righteousness, repeatedly distinguish difficulties, and exhaust the reasons... Now or one with the law of righteousness, wandering around, left and right, and the context should also be avoided, is the system of Uchifu theory! ”

Note wu, ◆ [Hui] clan compound surname. ○ [Tang] Dynasty has [Note Wu Hesu]. See New Book of Tang: The Tale of the Uighurs.

Jinwu, the official in charge of the security of the capital. ○ "Hanshu Hundred Officials gongqing table": "Lieutenant, Qin official, in charge of the Jingshi, there are two beggars, hou, Sima and a thousand people. In the first year of Emperor Wu's reign, he changed his name to Zhi Jinwu. Yan Shigu's note: "Ying Shao: My one, Yuya." He is in charge of the Golden Revolution to go to the Imperial Household. Shi Gu Yue: Kingo, bird name also, the Lord is ominous. The Son of Heaven travels, and the Lord leads the way, so as to be very important. Therefore, the image of this bird is held by a famous official. ○ Jin CuiBao's "Ancient and Modern Notes and Public Opinions": "The Han Dynasty held Kingo, and Kingo also had a stick." With copper as it, gold is coated with two ends, which is called kingo. Imperial Physician and Lieutenant Colonel Si Li were also allowed to take charge. "○ "Later Han Shu Guanglieyin Empress Ji": "After [Guangwu] arrived in Chang'an, he saw that the Jinwu chariot was very prosperous, because he sighed: 'The eunuch is regarded as the Jingo.' ’”

Branches and branches, ◆ also known as "branches and branches". ◆ Talking and spitting, vaguely dodging. ○ The fifth time in the "Biography of the Children's Heroes": "Since I asked such a bitter question, you should naturally talk about it, how did you ask for half a day, you blindly swallowed and vomited, and you were in a state of limbs?" [Lu Xun] "New Story Editor: Ben Yue": "([HouYi]) sat on the old leopard skin wooden bed covered with hair on the opposite side, scratched his hair, and said with a branch of his neck - 'Today's luck is still not good, or only crows. [Yang Shuo] "The Melting Pot": "The instructor felt that [Golden Treasure] was a bit abnormal, and his eyes were shining with lights, as if with tears, and asked him again and refused to say it." ”

Zhiwu, also known as "Zhiwu". Also known as "support". ◆ 1. Judas support. Resist; support not to fall. ○ "The History of the Old Five Dynasties: The Tale of the Five Dynasties: Meng Zhixiang": "[Zhixiang] worried about the sudden arrival of the [Tang] army, and the [Sui] [Lang] army was overwhelming." ○ [Song] [Sima Guang] "Qijin Chengwen Fourth Zhazi": "Now that the autumn has been established, the subordinate himself should have a stronger strength than before, and can support Wu." It's just that there is no one to help them, and they can't worship it all. ○ "Zhu Zi Language Class" Volume 108: "If a person is sick and cold and the medicine is hot, the few things become dry again; and when the cold medicine is sick and hot, the few things become cold again." When this plan is broken, it is even more unbearable. The third fold of "Xiao Xiang Yu": "This road is rugged and the water is haunting, so anxious that I dare not look forward to Zhan Qinqin; [Qing] [Huang Zongxi] "Mr. Zhu Kangliu's Epitaph": "Mr. Zhu Kangliu's inheritance of the world, with eight mouths, I do not see the color of joy." ○ [Kang Mao] "Tomorrow of Disaster": "[Harumizi] turned around and walked away. Her whole body was cold, and she didn't have any strength, and when she returned home, she lay on her stomach on the kang. "◆2. By extension, resistance. ○ [Tang] [Yuan Shu] "There is a Tang Dynasty Prince Shaobao Cui Cemetery Inscription": "The words are strong and strong, if they cannot be supported." The second fold of "Frozen Su Qin": "Forced him to endure hunger and cold, and did not dare to say half a sentence." "◆3. Deal with; deal with. ○ [Song] [Sima Guang] "ShuShui Chronicle" Volume XI: "The Western Thief's treacherous plan is immeasurable, and the imperial court should reward the handsome ministers one by one, and Yu Zuo zhiwu." ○ [Qing] [Li Yu] "Idle Love Occasional Sending, Lyrics and Song Patterns": "At such a time, the literary mood is difficult and reluctant, then it is vigorous and faint, and there is no sunny color at night, so it is better not to do it to heal." ○ "Dream of the Red Chamber" the first time: "([Sister Feng]) saw [Madame Wang], and when he did something, he came to the [Baoyu] room." "◆4. Dispatch. ○ [Yuan] [Wang Shifu] The second fold of the first book of the "Records of the Western Chamber": "Even if you are rewarded with this life's aspirations, how long is this night?" "◆5. Speak vaguely and dodge; prevaricate with vague and flickering words. ○"Jingben Popular Novel: Feng Yumei Reunion": "In the middle of the diet, [Feng Gong] asked his hometown origin, [Chengxin] spoke with a weak voice, as if there was a color of shame. ○ "Ancient and Modern Novels: Li Xiuqing's Righteous Marriage of Huang Zhennu": "The day is the same food, the night is the same bed, so for three years, [Yingtai] does not understand the belt, [Shanbo] repeatedly doubts and interrogations, all of which are [Yingtai] will be spoken of." ○ [Ba Jin] "Home" 33: "The fifth aunt asked him, he always insisted on it, and then the fifth aunt was in a hurry to ask, and he said that he had lost it." ○ [Guo Moruo] Impressions of Nanjing XII: "From seven o'clock to twelve o'clock, there are five hours." The various delays or supports of the members do not know what the meaning is! "◆ 6. Hesitate, hesitate. ○ [Song] [Wang Mingqing] Volume II of "Waving Yu Words": "[Zhang Taiwei] sneered: 'I don't have a reason. Wait until I am in charge of the soldiers, and first let the people go to the words with the people. In case I don't move forward, the people will send people to help me. ○ "Warning of the World: Wang Jiaoluan's Hundred Years of Hatred": "A letter arrives, a concubine doubles herself; a few degrees of poetry come, a few degrees of loneliness are added." 7. Embarrassment and cramping. ○ [Qing] [Dai Mingshi] "Fan Zeng's Theory": "If [King Xiang] wants to be an emperor, there is [Emperor Yi] in the world; both the kings and generals, and the king himself, are indistinguishable from each other, so they are named [King of Western Chu]. Gai qi's situation is very difficult. "◆ Supplementary evidence entry ■ Response; response. ○ Tang Baijuyi's poem "Marrying at Home": "After getting married, the family affairs will not be the same from now on." ”

Zhenwu, the real me. I am the one who has stripped away the essence of appearance. ○ [Song] [Su Hui] "Liuguantang Old Man Cursive" poem: "Qinglu has not yet passed away, and this annihilation is Zhenwu." ○ [Song] [Weng Sen] "Four Hours of Reading Music" poem: "The wood falls into the water and withers away from a thousand cliffs, and Jiong Ran I also sees Zhen Wu." ”

Zhang Wujun (张吾军), said to strengthen their own momentum. The words are from the "Sixth Year of the Duke of Huan": "I Zhang Wu's three armies, and my armor soldiers, with martial pro- and he is afraid and cooperates with me, so it is difficult to do so." ○ [Tang] [Han Yu] "Drunken Gift To Secretary Zhang" poem: "The poem is written so that it is enough for Zhang Wujun." ○ [Yuan] [Xue Angfu] "Yang Chun Qu" No. 2: "Patience and fear of the yellow urn, full of long dry old wine pots, poor can Zhang Wujun." ”

Yu Wu, ◆ ancient water name. That is, the [Orkhon River] in the territory of present-day [Mongolian People's Republic]. ○ "History of the Xiongnu Column Biography": "[The Xiongnu] heard that Xi Yuan was heavier than the north of [Yu Wu Shui], and Shan Yu rode to the south of the water with 100,000 horses and engaged the general of the Second Division." ”

Still old, ◆ see "still the same me".

Shingo, ◆ New Me; New Me. ○ "Zhuangzi Tian Zifang" "Although I forget my old self, I have not forgotten the one who exists" [Jin] [Guo Xiang] Note: "The one who does not forget exists, that is, the successor to the new day, although I forget the old me, and the new wu has arrived, I have not begun to be me, why should I suffer!" [Qing] [Huang Zunxian] "Self-Hai Miscellaneous Poems" No. 85: "Whoever incarnates into a thousand bodies, the day changes the new Wu to me Tan." ”

My ancestors, ◆ 1. My ancestors. ○ "Zuo Chuan , Seventeenth Year of Shōgun": "([Shōko] asked: '[Shōho clan], bird name official, why not?' [Tan Zi] said: "My ancestors, I know it." 2. My grandfather. ○ [Tang] [Liu Zongyuan] "The Snake Catcher Said": "The one who lived with my ancestors, now there is no one in his room. ”◆3. [Song] Shi [Western Xia] lord [Yuan Hao] called himself. ○ "Song Shi • Foreign Biography I . Xia Guoshang": "([Yuan Hao]) has attacked the seal ... Self-titled [嵬名吾祖] ○ [Song] [Su Rui] "Longchuan Beizhi" volume below: "[Baoyuan] At the beginning, [Yuanhao] founded grammar, hence the name [Wuzu]. The slow book began to be heard, and the imperial court was indignant. ”

My Sect, our clan. ○ "Zuo Chuan, The Fifth Year of the Duke of Qi": "[Jin], Wu Zongye, will you harm me?" ○ "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Zhi, Chen Qun Biography": "[Qun] was a child, [寔] was often strange, saying that the father of the Zong people said: 'This child will prosper the Wu Sect.'" [Tang] [Du Fu] "Wuzong" poem: "Wuzong's old grandson, simple and ancient style." ”

My son, ◆ I my son. ○ "Chinese Lu Whispering": "Now that my son has died, I hate him with good inner smell." ○ "Warring States Policy: Qin Ce II": "People tell [Zengzi] mothers: '[Zengsan] kills people. The mother of [Zengzi] said: 'My son does not kill. 2. The name of respect for each other. It is generally used between men. "Zuo Chuan, Three Years of Hidden Duke": "My son has no merit of abolishing the ancestors." ○ "Ritual Ceremony: The Ceremony of the Crown of The Priests": "So-and-so has a son, and will add cloth to his head, and may the teachings of my son also be taught." [Zheng Xuan] Note: "My son, the word of blind date." I, too; son, the beauty of men. "○ [Southern Dynasty] [Liang] [Shen Yue] "Bao Wang Yun Shu": "Good at beauty and push energy, and return to my son." "◆II kids. ○ "Pipe • Sea King": "At the end of the month, the eldest man's five liters of salt is less than half, the eldest woman's salt is three liters less than half, and my son's salt is less than half a liter. ○ [Yin Zhizhang] Note: "Wuzi, called a little boy and a little girl." ○ [Song] [Sun Guangxian] Northern Dream Trivia Volume I: "Tai Wei [Li Deyu], Young Shenjun ... [Wu Xiang] [Yuan Heng] summoned him, saying: 'What books does my son love at home?' 'Intended to explore its zhiye.' "According to this, the area around present-day [Hunan] [Changsha] is still called a child. ◆ Supplementary certificate entry ■ The name of respect for the other party. It is generally used between men. ○ Song Sima Guang's "Chronicle of Shuishui" Volume II: "Lai Gongxi, from his hand, said: 'Although Yuan Zhi's articles are crowned in the world, as for deep knowledge and foresight, they cannot defeat Wuziye.' ’”

I am a warrior, the stick held by the Imperial Guard. It began in the [Han] Dynasty and was held by Jin Wu. It is made of copper and gold adorns its two ends. Also known as Kingo, Wu Stick. Battle, also written as "staff". ○ "Qing History Manuscript • Li Zhi V": "Ding Wang with a feast, serve the Lord as the king of the county, welcome the Lord with a color pavilion, go to the east step of the temple, and worship on the step." "See "Three Talents Picture Society, My Staff."

I and, * Utah. Own partners. ○ Song Zhangzai's "Xi Ming": "The plug of heaven and earth, my body; the veil of heaven and earth, my nature." The people, my fellow citizens; things, my fellow citizens. ”

My brother, ◆ 1. Call yourself a brother or brother. ○ "Zuo Chuan Xiang Gong Fifteen Years": "([Xiang Shu]) said: 'The son has orders to hear, and the beautiful room is not expected!'" "I am in [Jin], and my brother has done it, destroying it and not daring to do it." [Du Pre] Note: "The Chuan says that [the son of the offering] is friendly to the brother, and does not hide the truth." ○ [Jin] [Fu Xian] "Gift to He Shao Wang Ji" poem: "My brother is both Fengxiang, [Prince] is also a dragon flying." "According to this, [He Shao] is [Fu Xian's] brother-in-law. ○ [Tang] [Li Bai] "Brother Mingfu of Beizhongdu" poem: "My brother's poetry wine follows [Tao Jun], and tries to slaughter [Zhongdu] the world." "◆2. Honorific titles for friends. In the old days, it was also called polite to the younger generations of friends. The same is true of superiors to subordinates. ○ [Tang] [Han Yu] "Reward Simen Lu Yunfu Wangqiu Zuo" poem: "[Yunfu] My brother has a frenzy, hobbies and vulgarity. ○ The thirtieth time in the "History of Ru Lin": "Human feelings are no better than men and women, and my brother said that it was not good." ”

Wu Wu, ◆ Alienated appearance. ○ "Chinese Jin Yu II": "The yu of wu is not as good as the bird wu." Everyone is gathered in the garden, and they are gathered alone in the dry. [Wei Zhao] note: "I, read like a fish." I don't dare to kiss myself. "○[Tang] [Huang Tao] "Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple Buddhist Temple Inscription": "Drill the fire of wisdom, dry the sea of troubles, and always live without reason." ○ [Qing] [Gong Zizhen] "Weeping Zheng Bazhang" poem: "The sound of the countryside is humble, and the broken hat is sorry for me." ”

My soil, ◆ my homeland. ○ [Han] [Wang Yue] "Climbing the Stairs": "Although I believe in beauty and not my soil, how can I stay less!" [Tang] [Meng Haoran] "Sutong Lujiang Sent Guangling Old Tour" poem: "[Jiande] is not My Soil, [Wei Yang] recalls the old tour." ○ [Tang] [Du Fu] "Changsha Sent Li Xi" poem: "Far ashamed that Shang Fang had given him a performance, it was not my soil that tired of climbing the stairs." ”

My disciples, my disciples. ○ "Analects of the Analects: Advanced": "Not my disciples, the boy beats the drum and attacks it." "◆2. Jews. ○ [Han] [Bangu] "Answering The Play": "[Kong] ends in the Western Hunt, the sound is in the Heavenly Yuan, and the master of the True Wu Disciple is also the table." ○ [Five Generations] [Wu Qiao] "Longtan Zhang Dao" poem: "He flew away in his years of achievement, and he should laugh at my disciples and groan." ○ [Ming] [Gao Qi] "Sending a Vain White To the People": "The sage of [False White] is not only better than my disciple, but also can pass through his discipleship." ”

Who I will return to (I will return to), just say who I will be. ○ "Etiquette: Under the Bow of Tan": "If the deceased can do it, who will I return?" [Chen] Ji said: "There are many people buried here in the death of Dr. Yan Qing, and if the order can be regenerated, who cares about me?" [Song] [Fan Zhongyan] "Yueyang LouJi": "Oh! Weiss people, who am I to return to? ”

I belong to (I genus), ◆ I wait. ○ "History of Xiang Yu Benji": "Alas! The erector is insufficient and conspiratorial, and whoever seizes the world of [King Xiang] will also be [Pei Gong]. I am now a victim! [Tang] [Li Qi] "The New Township of Desire Answers Cui Hao Qi Wu Qian" poem: "My family rejoiced in this and what night, and the Nan family moved their clothes and returned to the guests." ○ "Ming Shi Shi Ju Biography": "The Son of Heaven is at peace? I belong to what I do. ”

My life, ◆ 1. The life of oneself. ○ "Zhuangzi • Health Lord": "My life also has an end, and knowledge has no end, with an end with no end, it is already gone." ○ [Jin] [Tao Qian] "Return to Xi Ci": "When the goodness of all things is obtained, I feel that the journey of my life is rested." ○ [Qing] [Chen Weisong] "Tang Duoling, Heavy Nine After The Crab Eater Half Drunk" Lyrics: "Half drunk and wu hook, I live and rest." "2. The name of reverence for peers or lowly people. ○ [Jin] [Lu Ji] "Gift Pan Yue" poem: "You Yue Wu Sheng, Mingde Only Allow." ○ [Southern Dynasty] [Song] [Xie Zhan] "Answering the Spirit Fortune" poem: "Lead the jie jiazao, and be ashamed of my life." ”

Wushan, ◆ mountain name. i.e. Fish Mountain. In present-day [Shandong] [Dong'a County]. ○ "History of the River Canal Book": "The [river] is not peaceful, and the [Wushan] is flat when the merit is gone." ○ [Pei Jiao] Ji Xie Quoted [Xu Guang] Said: "[Dong Jun] [Dong A] has [Yu Shan], or huh?" ○ "Water Sutra Notes on Ji Shui": "[Horse Cheek Water] flows northeast to the south of [Yushan]. The mountain is [Wu Shan] also, [Emperor Wu of Han] "Song of the Dragon" so-called '[Wu Shan] Ping' also. ○ [Wang Guowei] "Ghost Fang Kun Wu Xuan Xuan Kao": "Ancient fish, I homophonous." ○ "History of the River Canal Book": "When there is no merit, there is no time for [Wushan] Ping. '[Wushan] is also [Yushan] also. ”

My people, ◆ 1. Judas this man. ○ "Gu Liang Chuan: The Fifteenth Year of XuanGong": "The outer peace is not the Way, but the existence of our people is also the way." ○ [Fanning] Note: "My man, the Doctor [to the Father]. "◆2. Judah. ○ "History of the River Canal Book": "For me, the river is not benevolent, and the flood is not only sad for my people." ○ [Song] [Zeng Gong] "Wang Congling Zhi Ganlan Military System": "The husband can enlighten Enwei to benefit my people, and to attach to other customs is to be good at his duties." "◆3. Utah. ○ "Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Wenyuan Chuanshang, Cui Qi": "The clouds under the heavens, is it not the only one who is my own, why should the King's stabbing be excessive?" [Jin] [Pan Yue] "Western Expedition": "The shackles of the Ugly People, floating and puffy." ○ [Tang] [Du Fu] "Entering the House" poem no. 3: "My people are drowning in old age and illness, and it is only when they travel to eat and eat." ○ [Song] [Yang Wanli] "Hugh Evening Walk" poem two: "The evening clouds want rain and sunshine, and the heavens borrow my people to make this trip." ○ [Qing] [Cao Yin] "East Department Drinking Bamboo Under the Joy of Ruo Zi Wei Yang Lai" poem: "Fashion rao name reason, I am drunk into the subtle." "◆4. Judeo, we. ○ [Song] [Yang Wanli] "Heji Weng Huishi": "I hate the vulgar son in my life, and I want to win." ”

Wu Qiu Zi, that is, Qiu Wu Zi. Filial piety in the Spring and Autumn Period. Details [Han] [Liu Xiang] "Saying Yuan Jingshen". ○ "Zhou Shu, Ru Lin Biography, Fan Shen": "([Fan Shen]) Tasted reading to see [Wu Qiuzi], so he returned to the service. ”

Wu Qiu, ◆ compound surname. I, through "Yu".

My servant, ◆ me. ○ Song Yaokuan's "Xixi Congyu" volume: ○ "Dongpo "Turbid Mash has a mysterious reason" Fu Yun: 'The turbid one drinks my servant, and the clean person drinks my friend. 'The servant, who calls me also, or thinks of himself as a slave, is mistaken. ”

We (us), we. ○ "The Surprise of the Second Moment Shooting" Volume 24: "You have walked over to him and met him, and you must have nothing to do with us." ○ The Fourth and Third Times in the Outer History of Ru Lin: "He said that his owner [Wan Xuezhai] had two ships of salt, and it was on these two days that the river was opened, and the toyo took care of them on the road." ”

Wu Lun (Wu Lun), ◆ Utist generation. ○ [Tang] [Han Yu] "Sending Huishi" poem: "What is right and wrong, abandon non-Wulun." ”

Ooko, ◆ shield name.

Mr. Wujia, the philosopher [Shao Yong] was famous, and in his later years he did not cultivate, and people called him "Mr. Wujia". ○ "Song Shi Daoxue Chuanyi Shao Yong": "The scholar's family recognized his ([Shao Yong]) car tone, and rushed to greet him, and the children and children were all called: 'Mr. My family is also the same. 'No longer refer to his surname. ”

Wujia Longwen (吾家龙文), the affectionate name for the excellent people of his own descendants. Long Wen, the name of the horse. ○ "Northern Qi Shu Yang Yan Biography": "It is already my family's Longwen, after the age of ten, it should be thousands of miles away." See also "My Family Thousand Mile Colt - My Family Thousand Mile Colt".

My family, ◆ 1. My home. ○ "History of foreign relatives": "The Lord and the left and right discuss [Chang'an] in the marquis can be husbands, all say that the great general can be." The Lord laughed and said, "This is out of my house, and often makes the order ride in and out of my ears, so why should it be used as a husband?" [Tang] [Du Fu] Zongwu's birthday poem: "Poetry is my family affair, and people pass on the world's feelings." "◆2. Utah. ○ [Tang] [Hanshan] Poem No. 4: "My family is so hidden, and there is no place to live." The grass is divided into three paths, and the clouds are the four neighbors. "◆3. My fellow sects. ○ [Lu Xun] "Hua Gai Ji : Chewing On Words I": "If he talks about Gorky, he will probably be called 'my family'. Note: "'My family rky' is my family Erki." In the old days, people with the same sect were often called 'my family so-and-so', and some people raised themselves in order to climb the celebrity, along with their surnames, they were also called 'my family so-and-so'. "◆ Supplementary Entry ■ Utah. ○ Yuan Ma Zhiyuan's "Han Palace Autumn" Fourth Fold: "A sound of Han Palace, a sound of sending Weicheng; the secret addition of people with white hair into a decaying disease, the straight-forward my family can not be persuaded." ”

I promise (吾許), ◆ I am. ○ [Zhou Suyuan] Chapter 9 of the History of the Guizhou Nationalist Party: "And Junyou should not drown for a long time and increase the target of attack." ”

Wu Gong, ◆ 1. The title of the courtier to his master in the Spring and Autumn Period. ○ "Zuo Chuan XiangGong Thirty Years": "[Zheng] [Bo You] is an alcoholic, for the cave room, and drinks at night, hitting the bell." Towards, not yet. The pilgrim said: 'Where is the gong yan?' His man said, "My father is in the valley." [Du Pre] Note: "The courtier, therefore, is called [Bo You] as a duke." "◆2. Honorific titles for people. Commonly used in correspondence.

We wait, we are. ○ The 91st time in "Journey to the West": "We know that [the Great Sage] has been pursuing it all night, and I am afraid that [the Great Sage] will not know the mountains and forests, so I have come to report it." "◆ Supplementary Evidence Entry ■ Judas. ○ The Puyao Sutra, Shu Lin, etc.: "Hundreds of millions of people have developed wisdom and power, established avenues, and each of them has said: 'We should learn from the Buddha, and strengthen the power of the gods, so that the disease will be honored to the third world, and the World's Tao will be caught and the supreme true way.'" ’”

Wu Dao Dong (吾道东), ◆ Said to be his own scholarship flowed eastward. ○ The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: "(Xuan]) Naixi entered the pass, because of Lu Zhi of Zhuo County, [Fufeng] [Ma Rong]... Because of the doubts of the questioning, he asked for his resignation. Rong Ran said to the doorman: "[Zheng Sheng] is gone today, my way to the east." "%;"" is later used as a language that laments the eastward flow of one's own scholarship or the eastward passage of one's peers. ○ "Nanshi Zhang Shi Biography": "Father [Shao] made an envoy talk with Gao Shi [Nanyang] [Zong Shaowen] about the "System" and "Elephant", and repeated several times. ○ [Shaowen] Every time he wanted to bend, he shook his tail and sighed: "My way to the east." So the price grew. ○ [Tang] [Qian Qi] "Kou Zhong Sent Zhang Sima Guiluo" poem: "My way will be in the east, and the autumn wind will be more sassy." ”

My way, my doctrine or proposition. ○ Analects of Li Ren: "Zi Yue: '[See] Hu! My way has always been consistent. [Tang] [Du Fu] "Screen Trace" poem no. 2: "With clumsy storage of my way, living in seclusion near things." ○ "Song Shi Daoxue Chuan II Yang Shi": "[Hao] Seeing the Message: 'My Dao NanYi.' [Zhang Binglin] "Letter to Tao Liu's Second Son": "Wen [Sun Yixian] also advocates that stealing luck is not alone." ”

My Party (吾 Party), ◆ 1. My countrymen. ○ "Analects of the Analects of Zilu": "[Ye Gong] [Confucius] said: 'Our party has a straight-headed one, and his father carries the sheep, and the son bears witness to it.' [Xing Yu] Shu: "There are people who walk straight in the Party of Yan Wuxiang." "◆ 2. Jude, my servant. ○ [Tang] [Jia Dao] Shi Men Pi Liu Ci From Shu Mo poem: "When is the willow in the stream, and our party comes to climb together?" [Yan Fu] "On the Urgent Need for Changes in the World": "Investigate what our party has done, and cover the cultural relics of four thousand years." "◆3. Our political party. ○ [Sun Yat-sen] "Speech to kuomintang members in Wuzhou": "The Three People's Principles of our Party, that is, the three kinds of nationality, civil rights, and people's livelihood. ”

Wu Dang (Wu Dang), ◆ I. When, the word auxiliary. ○ [Yuan] [Ma Zhiyuan] The second fold of "Han Palace Autumn": "Like an arrow wearing a cockroach, no one dares to cough, I should be a servant." The first fold of "Wutong Rain" [Yuan] [Bai Pu]: "But I should be fortunate that a [Tai Zhen Concubine] fell into the country." "◆ Supplementary entry ■ I." When, the word auxiliary. ○ "Liu Zhiyuan Zhugong Tune Junchen Brother Mother and Son Couple Reunion": "Zhiyuan angrily drank Hong Xin: 'Pifu opened his eyes to look at Wudang. ’”

Wu Cao, * Utist generation; we. ○ "Han Feizi Wai Chu said on the top right": "Wu Cao He loves is not just." "○ [Southern Dynasty] [Liang] [Wang Monks and Children] "Book with He Jiong": "The ambition of Si Da's husband is beyond the reach of Wu Cao. ○ [Song] [Yang Wanli] "Sub-Master Book Uncle Beggar Mi Yun": "The text borrows the order to really cook, and Wu Cao should not be poor from ancient times." ○ [Qing] [Zhou Lianggong] Shuying Volume II: "Wucao City language, take a large number of words, hardware cover fifty golden clouds." ○ [Guo Moruo] "At the Farewell Volunteer Army Conference" poem: "The ocean is more affectionate than flesh and bones, and the eternal victory belongs to Wu Cao." ”

My generation (my generation), ◆ my generation, I wait. ○ "Zizhi Tongjian, Tang Yizong Xiantong Nine Years": "The generals in the city are all my fathers and brothers, and when my generation sings outside, he will respond to the inside." ○ [Ming] [Lu Cang] "Gengwei Ed. Jinhua Ershi": "Jungui, on a certain month and day, drove the family out, and the gods of the three realms were listed in the hall, and one stool and one request were waiting, and my generation came, from what you said." ○ The Eighteenth Time in the Outer History of Ru Lin: "My generation's elegant collection today must not be without poetry." ”

I love (I love), ◆ 1. The person I love. Call relatives and friends. ○ [Southern Dynasty] [Song] [Xie Zhan] "Yu Ancheng AnswerIng Lingyun" poem: "The Silk Road has eternal sorrow, and it is in my love." "◆2. The person I love. Call the wife. ◆3. My loved one. Called the object of love.

Uyghurs (Uyghurs), one of the ethnic minorities in our country. The ancient names were [袁紇], [Wei Qi], [Hui Qi], [Hui Que], [Fear Wu'er] and so on. According to 1990 statistics, the population is about 7.21 million, mainly distributed in [Xinjiang]. Believe in Islam. ○ [Tang] [Tianbao] Sanzai (744 AD) [Hui] tribes established a nomadic feudal khanate centered on the [Orsan River] basin. In the fifth year of [Tang] [Kaicheng] (840 AD), the Khanate fell and moved westward. Most of them moved to [Xinjiang], where they lived with the local ethnic groups for a long time and gradually developed into [Uyghur] ethnic groups. Gradually from nomadism to agriculture. Culture and art have also developed considerably, especially song and dance as its national cultural characteristics. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the [Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] was established, social reforms were realized, religious feudal privileges and the system of oppression and exploitation were abolished, and various undertakings developed. ◆ Supplementary certificate entry ■ One of the ethnic minorities in the mainland. In ancient times, it was called Yuan Qi, Wei Qi, Hui Hui, Hui Hu, and Wu Er. According to 1990 statistics, the population is about 7.21 million, mainly distributed in Xinjiang. Believe in Islam. Tang Tianbao Sanzai (744 AD) Established a nomadic feudal khanate centered on the Orkhon River Valley. In the fifth year of Tang Kaicheng (840 AD), the khanate fell and moved westward. Most of them have emigrated to Xinjiang, where they have long lived with various ethnic groups and gradually developed into Uighurs. Gradually transformed from nomadic to agricultural. Culture and art have also developed considerably, especially song and dance as their national cultural characteristics. Before liberation, the feudal system prevailed in the socio-economic structure, and the capitalist commodity economy developed to a certain extent. After liberation, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was established, social reforms were realized, religious feudal privileges and the system of oppression and exploitation were abolished, and various undertakings developed. ○ Wang Meng's "Hometown Trip": "The heart of the laborer is the broadest and most generous, and we all quote the Uyghur proverb: A manly husband always has to endure all kinds of tribulations." ○ Xu Li's "Woman is an Attitude: A Long Road of Thousands of Miles--- Live Broadcast xinjiang": "And after thousands of years of integration, the Uyghurs,--- the first ethnic group in Xinjiang, which was finally formed, what kind of life is the Uyghur people living in Xinjiang, the only place where the four major civilizations of mankind meet?" ”

Uyghur (Uyghur), the language of the [Uyghur] ethnic group. It belongs to the Turkic language family of altaic languages. It is mainly distributed in China [Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region]. Among the dialects of Uyghur in China, the characteristics of the Rob dialect are more prominent. In Uyghur standard language, the harmony of vowel parts is relatively tight, and the harmony of the lips has been more relaxed. Since liberation, with the political, economic and cultural development, the number of Chinese loanwords in the Uyghur language in China has been increasing. See "Uyghur".

Uyghur (Uyghur), the [Uyghur] script of our country. ○ The [Uyghur] people have used many languages such as Turkic and Uighur in history. It was later changed to a phonetic script based on the Arabic alphabet. In 1959, a new script based on the Latin alphabet was designed, which was approved by the State Department in 1964 and used both old and new Uighurs. In September 1982, the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress [of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] passed a decision to fully use the Uyghur language based on the Arabic alphabet. ◆ Supplementary entry ■ Mainland Uyghur text. Uyghurs have historically used Turkic, Uighur and other scripts. It was later changed to a phonetic script based on the Arabic alphabet. In 1959, a new script based on the Latin alphabet was designed, and in 1964, with the approval of the State Council, the old and new Uyghur scripts were used at the same time. In September 1982, the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region adopted a decision to fully use the Uyghur language based on the Arabic alphabet. Fang Rui," "My Husband Wang MengDuo's Eyes": "Later, the 'Cultural Revolution' began... Wang Meng simply recited the Uyghur 'Red Treasure Book'. ”

Only I am the only one who is respected (only I am the only one), ◆ see "only I am the only one".

Sanwu, ◆[Tang] [Yuanjie] have [浯溪], [Wuting], [峿台], collectively known as Sanwu. ○ [Song] [Ge Lifang] Yunyu Yangqiu volume XIII: "Above [Yuan Ci Shan] ([Yuan Jie]) JieYa [Huan Xi], there are three Wu Yan. Because of the water, I am known as [Huanxi]; because of the house, I am known as [Wu Ting]; because of the stone, I am known as [峿台], which is the meaning of my uniqueness. ○ [Song] [Yang Wanli] "And Xiao Judge Dongfu Yunzhi": "Return to the road of new poems together with a thousand poems, when to take advantage of the xing more three wu." "The original note: "[浯溪], [Wu Ting], [峿台], [Yong] people call it Sanwu." ”

Qiu Wu, that is, [Qiu Wuzi], [Spring and Autumn] people. According to legend, [Confucius] was suitable for [Qi], and he heard people crying and mourning in the middle of the way. Asked, [Qiu Wuzi] also, less knowledgeable, all over the world, returned to his own death. The husband tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop, and the son wants to raise and not to wait, please resign from this, so he throws himself into the water and dies. ○ [Confucius] took the disciple as a precept. So the disciple resigned and three of the ten adopters were relatives. See Confucius's Sayings: Thoughts. Later, [Qiu Wu] was used as a synonym for filial piety. ○ "Nanshi Xiaoyi Passed Down, Han Huaiming": "[Qiu] Taste the January waste speech, live alone and weep." ○ [Huai Ming] whispered to [Qiu] family, answering that Yun was the day of the death of his grandfather. When [Qiu] mother was also dead, [Huai Ming] heard about it, and he went out of school on the same day and returned to his family to raise him. ○ [Qiu] sighed: "[Han Sheng] has no hatred for [Qiu Wu]. ’”

Mugo, ◆ wooden stick name. ○ [Han] Officials such as imperial history, school lieutenants, county sheriffs, lieutenants, and county magistrates all used Muwu to clamp cars. ○ [Tang] [Lu Yu] "Tea Sutra • Four Instruments": "Charcoal is made of iron and six prisms... Wakahino [River] [Long] soldier Mugoya. ”

Lu Wu (Rikuo), the legendary [Kunlun Mountain] god name. i.e. [Shoulder Wu]. The human-faced tiger has tiger claws and nine tails. ○ The Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Classic of The Western Mountains: "Four hundred miles to the southwest, known as [kunlun hill], is the capital under the Emperor Of Shiwei, and the god [Lu Wu] Sizhi." It has a divine tiger body and nine tails, a human face and a tiger claw; it is a god, the nine parts of the heavens and the emperor's time. ○ [Guo Pu] Note: "That is, [shoulder wu] also." ○ [Zhuang Zhou] 曰 '[Shoulder Wu] got it, to be in the mountains' also. ”

Kuiwu, ◆ see "Kuiwu".

Kingoko, a generic term for showing respect to Kingo officials. ○ [Han] [Xin Yannian] "Yulin Lang" poem: "I don't want Jin Wuzi, Lou Ting passed me lu." ○ [Tang] [Tortoise Meng] "Lefu Za yong Jin Wuzi": "Married to Jin Wuzi, long and thin name." ”

Kingo Wei (金吾衛), a pro-army in charge of the Emperor's Janissaries and Subordinates. ○ [Tang] [Wang Jian] "Chicken Song": "Jin Wu Wei Li Nao Lang's wife, to Ming does not sleep to listen to the morning chicken." ○ [Yuan] [Ma Zhiyuan] The first fold of the Han Palace Autumn: "Xiao Huangmen, who passed on the will and Jin Wuwei, beheaded [Mao Yanshou] to report." ○ "The Surprise of the Second Moment Shooting" Volume V: "The Holy Will promises to make all eyes look up, and Jin Wuwei must not stop it." ”

Kingo Bird (Kingo Bird), the bird-shaped honor guard that the emperor holds at the top of Kingo's travels. ○ "Book of Han, On the Table of Hundred Officials and Secretaries of State" "[Emperor Wu] [Taichu] Changed his name to Zhi Jinwu in the first year" [Tang] [Yan Shigu] Note: "Jin Wu, bird name, the lord is ominous. The Son of Heaven travels, and the Lord leads the way, so he holds the image of this bird. ○ [Ming] Xu Wei's "One Pin And Three Gong Tu Zan": "[Han] Gong Bo Zhi, take the Golden Bird, show the Fa to abstain from delay, the teacher gives jujube, the ancients entrust the metaphor, it seems to be clumsy and clever." ”

General Kingo (Kingo General), ancient official name. He is in charge of the day and night patrols in the palace and the capital. ○ [Tang] [Han Yu] "Preface to Sending Zheng Shangshu": "Entering the dynasty as a general of Kingo, scattering and riding a regular attendant." ○ [Ma Qichang] Note: "[Yuan He] In November of the fourteenth year, [Quan] was a general of the Right King's Guard, serving as an envoy to the left street. "○[Song] [Le Shi] Guangzhuo Yiji III Zhi Jinwu: "[Cheng Zhijie] is the general of Wuhou, [Zhijie] Zi [Chu Bi], [Chu Bi] Zi [Xiao Bo], and is the general of Kingo. See Old Book of Tang and Zhiguan Zhi III.

Kingo can't help it, ◆ In ancient times, Kingo, who was in charge of the guards of the capital, forbade night travel, but opened the night ban on the fifteenth day of the first month, called "Kingo can't help it". ○ [Tang] [Wei Shu] "Xidu Miscellaneous Records": "[Xidu] Jingcheng Street Qu, there is Jinwu Xiaoxuan's call, to forbid night travel; but on the night of the fifteenth day of the first month, Jinwu is forbidden, one day before and after each." ○ [Tang] [Su Wei] "Fifteen Nights of the First Moon" poem: "Jin Wu can't help the night, and the jade leaks mo xiang." ○ "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 69th time: "To the fifteenth night of the first month, the sky is clear, the stars and moons are shining, the six streets and three cities, competing for flower lanterns, the real Kingo can't help it, the jade leak is not urgent." ○ [Qing] [and Bang'e] "Night Tan Suilu : Silly White": "On the occasion of the First Yuan Festival, Kingo can't help it, the lights and moons shine." ”

Kingo, the name of an ancient official. He was in charge of the emperor's ministers' guards, honor guards, and military officials in charge of public security. Its name, system, and authority have varied throughout the ages. ○ [Han] had Jinwu, and after [Tang] [Song] there were Jinwuwei, General Jingo, lieutenant Jingo, and so on. ○ "Book of Han, On the Table of Hundred Officials and Secretaries of State": "Lieutenant, [Qin] official, in charge of the Jing Division, there are two servants, Hou, Sima and a thousand people. ○ [Emperor Wu] [Taichu] changed his name to 'Zhi Jingo' in the first year. "○[Yan Shigu] Note: "[Ying Shao] said: 'I, The Emperor, is in charge of the Golden Revolution. 'Kingo, the name of the bird, the Lord is ominous. The Son of Heaven travels, and the Lord leads the way, so as to be very important. Therefore, the image of this bird is held by a famous official. ○ [Jin] [Cui Bao] "Ancient and Modern Notes": "Car spoke stick also." ○ [Han] Dynasty 'Zhi Jingo', 'Jingo' is also good. With copper as the one, the gold is coated with two ends, which is called 'Jingo'. ○ [Tang] [Bai Juyi] "A Hundred Rhymes in the Southeast": "Drunken once rushed to the prime minister, arrogant not to Jinwu." ○ "Liao Shi Yi Wei Zhi IV": "The battle of the six armies of Jin Wu and Huang Qi, [Liao] received [Jin], [Jin] received [Later Tang], [Later Tang] received [Liang Tang], and it also came from itself." ○ [Qing] [Zhou Lianggong] "Yugou Bridge Cherry" poem: "[Chang'an] Xia Shao Old Jingo, immediately on the wall to shoot himself." ”

Jiang Zuo Yiwu, ◆ "Jin Shu Wen Yao Biography": "Yu Shi [Jiang Zuo] was created, Gang Wei did not lift, [Yu] was particularly worried. And see [Wang Dao] to talk together, cheerfully said: "[Jiang Zuo] has [Guan Yiwu], I have no worries!" [Guan Yiwu], a politician [Guan Zhong] during the [Spring and Autumn] period, Xiang [Duke Huan] became a hegemon. Later poems were mostly used as "Jiang Zuo Yiwu" as a person who had the talent to help the country and save the people. ○ [Song] [Lu You] "Boating Lake Mountain Feeling" poem: "Wild people only want to cultivate and fish, [JiangZuo] [Yiwu] can be seen?" ○ The seventh time in "Traces of the Flower Moon": "There is nothing strange about this, that [Zhuge Gong] plays the piano to retreat from the enemy, [Xie Taifu] Go gambling villa, most of the celebrities can imitate the tune, only now even if [Jiang Zuo] [Yiwu], let him push the group alone." ”

Shoulder Go, ◆ the legendary name of the god. ○ "Zhuangzi, Grand Master": "The Husband's Tao has feelings and faith, nothing is invisible, it can be passed on but not acceptable... [Shoulder Wu] got to the place [the mountain]. ○ [Cheng Xuanying] Shu: "[Shoulder Wu], the name of the god also." ○ "Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing" "Four hundred miles southwest [Kunlun Hill], is the capital of the Shi Wei Emperor, the god [Lu Wu] Si Zhi" [Jin] [Guo Pu] Note: "That is, [Shoulder Wu] also." ○ [Tan Zuomin] "Nightmare" poem: "Suddenly the landslide and the sea split the heavens, [the Yellow Emperor] [King Mu] greeted each other, with the zhao [shoulder Wu] nine parts, Mu Gong Jin mother head Zhen Zhen." ”

Mixed-go, ◆[Kungo], mountain name. Legend has it that this mountain is out of dollars. A stone name that is inferior to jade.

So I, ◆ the past me. ○ "Zhuangzi Tian Zifang": "Although I have forgotten my past, I have not forgotten the one who exists." ○ [Guo Xiang] Note: "Although I have forgotten my past and the new me has arrived, I have not yet begun to be me, so why should I be troubled?" [Ming] [Zhang Jing] "Flying Pill Chronicles: Visiting the Old Alliance": "Unfortunately, he [Longmen] nodded his forehead, as if he still existed in the past." ○ [Qing] [Zhao Yi] "Inscription Yin Qian Mirror Shadow Xiaozhao" poem: "Ning Tong incarnated into illusion, just with the old I am close." ”

Ganwu, ◆ Jinwen language. Defending the Emperor.

Alone and good (alone good in my body), ◆ the same as "alone in its body". ◆ [Guo Moruo] "Starry Sky, the Second Son of The Lonely Bamboo King": "I swear in this high heaven and earth: I can only live in isolation, and I am alone!" ”

Dongzhi Xiwu (東支西吾), which is said to speak vaguely and perfunctorily. ○ "The Surprise of the Second Moment Shooting" Volume II: "When [[Miaoguan]) went down to the third game, he frequently sent love to his eyes. ○ [The little daoist] will understand, still in the east, let him pass. "◆ Supplementary evidence entry ■ refers to vague and perfunctory speech. ○ Ming Taizu's "Sayings to the Monks of the Celestial Realm Temple": "And to the temple to take people, but the one who will be the priest is half hidden and half out, and there is no priest in The Yunzhuang." As for repeated searching, it is difficult to resist, and it is still necessary to do it in the east and the west. ”