
Monday, January 31 Celebrating Chinese New Year's Eve What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

Today Chinese New Year's Eve, we are about to usher in the New Year of the Year of Nongyin. January 31st, Monday, the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, the combination of stems and branches for the ugly year of the ugly month of Jia Shen, jia wood like a big tree, with the power of hair, born in the cold ugly moon, the wealth star is exuberant, easy to get the help of noble people, conducive to the display of talents, career development. The sky is dry and the official star is transparent, which is suitable for meeting the division leader, team building, learning and planning. Komu sat down to apply for gold, and jinmu fought with each other, to be open-minded and harmonious, to cherish blessings and be grateful, to strive to improve themselves, and to advance steadily. Under such a combination, which genus is auspicious today?

Monday, January 31 Celebrating Chinese New Year's Eve What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

First of all, Tatsuyashi is auspicious. Chenlong is located in the Xun Palace, soaring upwards, five lines of earth, thick and inclusive, full of vitality. Born in the ugly month of winter, the food wounds are thoroughly dried, which is conducive to showing talent, technological innovation, friend support, and career development. On the day of A Shen, the Tiangan official star is revealed, which is conducive to breakthrough development, colleagues to help each other, career advancement, and the integration of local branches and shenchen, which is conducive to technological breakthroughs and internal cooperation.

Monday, January 31 Celebrating Chinese New Year's Eve What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

Second, the snake is auspicious. The snake is in the same position as the Tatsuryu in the Xun Palace, but the five lines are fire, good at change, and have the image of civilization. Born in the winter of the ugly year, the wealth star is dry, which is conducive to showing talent and obtaining wealth. On The day of Jiashen, Tiangan Jiamu and Wei Snake Wood live together, which is conducive to the help of nobles, investment profits, work advancement, and the integration of local branches and Shenwei, which is conducive to team building, internal collaboration, and wealth accumulation.

Monday, January 31 Celebrating Chinese New Year's Eve What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

Third, the sub-rat is auspicious. The sub-rat is located in the Kan Palace, the lowest part of the Bagua, the five lines of water, and the wisdom and wisdom. Born in the winter ugly month, the heavenly dry xin gold seal star revealed, gold and water are born, the child and the ugly are compatible, which is conducive to the help of nobles, career development, and self-improvement. On the day of Jia Shen, Tiangan Jia Mu is conducive to showing talents, and the earth branch Shenzi is compatible and mutually born, which is conducive to the implementation of the plan, the support of the nobles, and the implementation of the plan.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

Monday, January 31 Celebrating Chinese New Year's Eve What are the auspicious zodiac signs?

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