
Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

author:Nine Schools of Observation
Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Jinhua news client January 29 news reporter Wu Yueyue text / photo

Today, is your circle of friends brushed by various "waiting for snow"?

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Some people take their families to the North Mountain at five o'clock in the morning to wait for snow

At five o'clock in the morning, Mr. Ye, who lives in the city, drove to beishan with his wife and children to wait for snow. Mr. Ye said that the last time it snowed on the North Mountain, they missed it, so they have always had a little regret, and after learning the news of the snow this time, they began to plan in advance.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Mr. Ye/Photo

"I drove all the way up the hill, there was no ice on the road, and it was about 6 o'clock when I got to the front of the plate." Although they set off very early, on the way, Mr. Ye saw several cars, and some of the people who got out of the car carried cameras. "It is estimated that it is the same as us, waiting for the snow to shoot the snow."

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

But by 9 a.m., the snow still hadn't fallen. "Just a little snow seed," Mr. Ye said, although he did not see the snow, a little disappointed, but the pine trees on the north mountain are full of ice, crystal clear, very beautiful, wife and children are still happy to shoot.

In the afternoon, in the reporter's circle of friends, more and more people were waiting for snow.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...


For southerners, snow is indeed a "rarity", the last time it snowed in the north mountain, netizen "Carrie" had to go to the north mountain to enjoy the snow, she said, in Jinhua city snow impression of the deeper impression, should be 2013, when her eldest daughter was four or five years old, early in the morning, the door accumulated a thick layer of snow, the daughter was holding a large washbasin, but also made a snowman, not to mention how happy. After that, in her memory, there was no "serious" snow in the city.

However, this time, the colleagues of "running meteorology" told reporters that according to the news of the meteorological station, it is expected that there will be snow in the urban area tomorrow. Either way, you can keep looking forward to it.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

In 2013, there were 329 traffic accidents in the city of Sherwin-Jinhua throughout the day

If snow comes and traffic accidents are very likely, what do we need to pay attention to?

According to Lu Qi, deputy director of the Jinhua Traffic Police Detachment Legal Propaganda Center, the number of traffic accidents on snow days will be 3-4 times or even higher than usual.

The heavy snow on January 4, 2013 mentioned by netizen "Carrie", the reporter learned that there were 329 traffic accidents in Jinhua city throughout the day. Lu Qi said that this is partly because the ice and snow weather vehicles are easy to slip out of control, on the other hand, because most of our drivers still lack driving experience in ice and snow weather.

If it snows, sections prone to snow freezing include bridge decks, wind tunnels, roads prone to water, and mountain roads. For example, Mr. Ye went to the snow-viewing place Beishan today, every time it snows, many people will go up the mountain to watch the snow, but there are many cars trapped in the North Mountain every year.

Just like the snow that fell some time ago in Beishan, according to Zhang Fengzhi, the captain of the Luodian Squadron in Wucheng District, a snow fell, and the people who went up the mountain to watch the snow were endless, although they sent many police forces to command, but there were still 12 traffic accidents, and among these accidents, the most was skidding. Many people are fine when they enjoy the snow, but when the road is frozen at night, then drive down, plus the road surface is curved, it is easy to have accidents.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Driving on snow days should be mentally prepared

In addition to slippage, Lü Qi said that according to previous experience, there are more reasons for traffic accidents caused by snow days, as well as rear-end collisions and scratching accidents between motor vehicles due to loss of control; unilateral accidents of two-wheeled vehicles such as electric bicycles and motorcycles; casualty accidents caused by collisions between second-wheeled vehicles and automobiles.

Therefore, he reminded that driving on snow days should be mentally prepared, driving in ice and snow weather should not be too nervous and not too excited, and at the same time, you cannot rely on past driving experience and habits to make judgments. As long as you relax and drive carefully, most situations can be easily handled.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Overnight, if you find that the car parked outside is covered by a large area of snow, don't rush to drive, be sure to clean the front and rear of the vehicle windshield, rearview mirrors, etc., to ensure that the line of sight is clear, and pay attention to whether the vehicle lights are covered by snow when cleaning.

Driving on snow days, controlling the speed is the most critical. Therefore, slow down the speed, maintain a sufficient safe distance from the car in front, the driving distance is preferably 3-4 times larger than usual, and try not to overtake. The brakes are lightly stepped on, and must not be stepped on.

Circle of friends and other "snow", before the "snow" comes, it is necessary to understand these ...

Driving on snowy days with low visibility, turn on the headlights, contour lights and rear position lights, and if there is fog, turn on the fog lights and double jump lights, and use high beams with caution.

"Don't park next to buildings, utility poles, trees, etc. to avoid accidents." Lü Qi said that the mountain road freezing will be more serious, in addition to the above points, the important point is to put snow chains on their cars, do a good job of anti-skid measures; electric bicycles, motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles are not recommended to travel in such weather conditions.

【Source: Jinhua Daily】