
Not a U.S. citizen, why do many mothers still choose to go to the United States to have children?

A child born in the United States, whether or not his or her parents are American or not, and whether or not the parents have a U.S. green card, automatically acquire u.S. citizenship under the "right of birth citizenship." Many people in China have made it their lifelong goal to acquire U.S. citizenship. If the child can have U.S. citizenship, he can have one more way to come to the United States when he is old.

Some people like the American way of life, some people like the American environment, and everyone says that the United States is good, but is this really the case? The United States has its good side, but it also has its bad side. We've all seen a series of events in the United States in 2020 that could definitely make a bunch of horrors and thrillers.

But I know many friends, they did not plan to let their children become U.S. citizenship, nor did they plan to immigrate to the United States, but they still chose to go to the United States to have children. Why?

I once saw a friend posted by a friend who said that giving birth to a child in a Chinese hospital is like a factory assembly line. Production costs in the United States are high, but the production conditions provided are correspondingly much better than in China. At the time of delivery, there are many doctors and nurses in American hospitals to serve you and your newborn child. China's medical resources are very tight, and doctors and nurses face a large number of mothers and newborns every day, which is simply impossible to do.

Some elderly people in China will intervene more when their daughter-in-law gives birth, such as requiring labor induction on auspicious days and not allowing painless delivery injections. When you arrive in the United States, you don't need to have this scruple at all.

American hospitals encourage husbands to accompany their wives through the "difficulties" of painful childbirth. After the child leaves the mother's body, the father cuts the umbilical cord himself. This action is very important for both father and child, through such a ritual behavior, so that the father has a stronger sense of fatherly love and responsibility as a father, so as to promote family happiness and harmony.

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