
Insulting people, I want an apology

author:A cute fat body

It happened on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year this year, which is February 18, 2021 in the Gregorian calendar. That was actually a very small thing, because Teacher Ren and another actor, Li Fei, were friends, and Ben Fat mentioned it in Ren Kono Ren's Douyin fan base, and then someone immediately jumped out and said something to Ben Fat. Ben Fat is a violent temper, immediately hit back and said, the leader of this group is Ren Teacher, he did not say anything, what are you talking about here? As a result, the other party came up and was intimidated, and also provoked some other fan groups to attack it, it seems that Ben Fat did something wrong. Such a claim that the personal attack lasted an hour or two. In this matter, Ben Fat did not defend half a sentence, nor did he say half a word (because Ben Fat was taking a nap at the time, and all the information was seen after taking a nap). But the attacks of these group friends in the group on Ben Fat can be said to be unrelenting! At that time, Ben Fat did not call the current screen name "Long Live Grandpa", but called "a fat turtle" this screen name, the screenshots in the group can completely see how excessive these people are, how personal attacks! What King Eight What Turtle Is How Hard to Hear How Ugly To Hear How Ugly It Is! How hard it is to hear personal attacks! Afterwards, Ben Fat got angry, and then a friend who claimed to be Mr. Ren Kono's fan group apologized to me in a private message, sorry, this matter Ben Fat did not accept! You can say that after more than two months, Ben Fat still came out and said why is this? Because Ben Fat can't swallow this breath! For more than two months, Ben Fat has not been able to get an apology from anyone in this group who participated in the personal attack on Ben Fat! Ben Fat got only one of Ren Kenuo's teachers- not salty, not light and even said that he indulged in insulting people and he had to reserve a response to be held accountable! So, but what is the work of a group of lords? You can say that this fat is stingy, you can say that this fat is fussy, you can say that this fat is arrogant, but I believe that you have some language skills, look at these screenshots, read the above text how much can understand: what is insinuation, what refers to mulberry scolding, what is personal attack?! I don't say that Teacher Ren is a star, nor do I say that Teacher Ren is an idol and a big coffee; but this thing happened in Teacher Ren's group, it happened in Teacher Ren's Douyin group, as the group leader's Teacher Ren Kono, there was such a thing in your fan group, Ben Fat wanted to ask: Teacher Ren, have you been a group leader to deal with problems openly and fairly? Moreover, Teacher Ren has been stressing that this is just an exchange between friends, a place where friends communicate; then Ben Fat wants to ask: If this group is a group of friends communicating, why is the name a fan group? The name of the group exchanged by friends is the fan group, is this a stealing concept?

For more than two months, Ben Fat has been enduring and enduring; but the answer to endure is that people not only have not received any apologies, but how people have talked in the group, and how lively they are! Ben Fat once said that this article ben fat ben did not want to send and did not want to send, but now ben fat can not not send! Ben Fat understands why Teacher Ren is so cautious, because in Teacher Ren's heart, whether it is an old fan or a new fan, everyone is a friend, and there are contradictions that can be slowly resolved. But, Teacher Ren, solving the problem is not such a solution! Ben Fat knows how difficult and difficult it is for Teacher Ren to come to this step today, but Ben Fat wants to tell all his friends who like Teacher Ren that Teacher Ren has come to this step today, and Ben Fat knows better and better than you! This is why Ben Fat has been holding back and not sending this article until today. Ben Fat is not just to take this breath, Ben Fat just wants all the people who have insulted Ben Fat and personally attacked Ben Fat in this group to know: they are all adults, no matter what they do, they must take responsibility, they must take on their own responsibilities! Ben Fat sent the article out, no matter whether Teacher Ren wants to pursue the responsibility of Ben Fat in the form of law or to pursue the responsibility of Ben Fat in other ways, Ben Fat admits it! Ben Fat also accepts at any time! But those netizens who want to put their fat to death and be fast, when you are quick to talk for a while, have you ever thought about what responsibility you will bear? When you are quick to talk, have you ever thought about what kind of consequences your own words and deeds will cause to Mr. Ren as a teacher? Have you ever thought about it?! If Ben Fat really sues the fan base in the name of suing all the fans, then Ben Fat would like to ask these netizens who are quick to talk, what kind of responsibilities and consequences will Mr. Ren, the teacher of the group, bear, have you thought about it? To like a person, to love a person, to hope that a person is good, is to hope that he is getting better and better, more and more outstanding, more and more progressive, rather than doing something in the fan base in the name of fans to say something that makes him bear and bear unnecessary responsibilities and troubles!

This article is not what Ben Fat wants, Ben Fat is not targeting Teacher Ren Kenuo, nor is he pursuing Mr. Ren Kenuo! What Ben Fat asked for was nothing more than an apology and an attitude! No matter who it is, as long as he apologizes for this matter, then Ben Fat will never hold on to it again. This article will be released on the whole network, not only on Weibo, but also in Lehu, Zhihu, Toutiao, Tieba and other network carriers, online media release, and attach screenshots of all chat records. Where to go and how to choose is up to the kings.

PS: Because I am not a member, I can't send out more than a dozen chat screenshots. Only a dozen screenshots could be merged one by one in chronological order, and a total of five were merged. All the screenshots are merged together in chronological order, and if you want a large picture of the original in high definition, you can send a fat private message. Ben Fat will never hide it, and it will not be made out of nothing, and it will be targeted!

Long live Grandpa in Wuzhou, Guangxi

Insulting people, I want an apology
Insulting people, I want an apology
Insulting people, I want an apology
Insulting people, I want an apology
Insulting people, I want an apology
Insulting people, I want an apology
