
In Germany, Amandus has developed Alzheimer's disease since the death of his wife, Margaret. He forgot a lot of things, but he didn't forget his most precious granddaughter, 10-year-old Tilda.

author:Make love to each other

In Germany, Amandus has developed Alzheimer's disease since the death of his wife, Margaret. He forgot a lot of things, but he didn't forget his most precious granddaughter, 10-year-old Tilda. Amandus's condition worsened, and his son picked him up and took him to his home and asked him to live with Tilda.

Amandus's illness progressed to not knowing his son and daughter-in-law, urinating in the refrigerator, going to the police station with a picture of his wife to report her disappearance, and cutting down trees in the yard. The son and daughter-in-law did not know what to do with him, and the husband and wife quarreled every day.

Later, the son finally decided to send Amandus to a nursing home, Amandus did not want to go, he wanted to go to Venice to see. When he was young, he always wanted to go to Venice, Italy, which was a city on the water, but for various reasons he did not go.

In order to evoke his grandfather's memory, Tilda accompanied his grandfather to read the previous photo album, and his grandfather unconsciously said his dream of going to Venice. Tilda suddenly wanted to help Grandpa realize this wish before he went to the nursing home.

So Tilda looked up the situation in Venice, made a plan, and set out with grandpa.

After they got on the train, Amandus wet his pants, and Tilda was not angry, but patiently helped Grandpa change his pants. Later, after the train arrived at a station, Tilda did not pay attention, and Grandpa got off the train alone.

Tilda was horrified and immediately got out of the car to chase, only to attract the attention of the police. After Tilda catches up with her grandfather, she is afraid that she will be caught by the police and will send them back, so they hide in the bathroom. The grandparents originally wanted to hide in the bathroom, who knew that both of them were asleep.

When the cleaner came to clean the bathroom, he found Tilda and Grandpa. After Tilda told the cleaners about the situation, the cleaners eagerly helped them evade the police and recorded a video for them to send to Tilda's parents.

The parents were in a hurry, looking everywhere for Tilda and Grandpa. After seeing the video, the couple knew the whereabouts of their grandchildren and finally felt relieved. Then, the couple immediately packed up their things and set off for Venice to find their grandchildren.

With the help of the cleaners, Tilda and Grandpa hitched a ride with sheep, and the grandchildren sat in the flock.

After driving for a while, the police were met to check, and Tilda sneaked away with his grandfather while the driver was talking to the police. The grandchildren followed the route found on the Internet and headed for Venice, passing through the rolling hills and then through the jungle.

On this day, the grandchildren came to a riverside, and there was only one apple left in the bag, and the grandchildren ate it separately. At night, they lit a campfire by the river and then lay down on the ground to sleep.

After dawn, the grandchildren continued to advance, and as they passed the monastery's vegetable garden, they picked tomatoes and ate them, they were so hungry. Then the nun came and saw them. When the nun heard Tilda's account of the situation, she let them into the house to eat and left them to stay overnight before leaving.

At night, Amandus took a statue from the monastery as his wife, and he cried and told her about his lovesickness, and the nun was very touched to hear it. The next day, the nuns drove them to the docks and put them on a yacht to Venice.

When Tilda and Grandpa finally arrived in Venice, they were so excited that they were immediately captivated by the beauty of Venice. But when they went to the hotel, Grandpa even forgot the password of his bank card, but fortunately Tilda remembered.

In the early hours of the morning, Amandus quietly walked out of the hotel and walked alone on the streets of Venice. When Tilda woke up to find grandpa absent, she immediately ran out to look for her, and she found grandpa in a chair on the shore, but grandpa didn't know her anymore.

When Tilda sat in a chair and was sad, her parents rushed to Venice and finally found Tilda and Grandpa. Next, the family of four had a good time in Venice.

When they returned home, their parents decided not to send Grandpa to a nursing home, and one of them quit his job to take care of Grandpa at home.

This is the storyline of the movie "Honey in the Brain", which tells the story between a girl and her grandfather.

Life, old age, illness and death are natural laws, and no one can escape death. When a person is old and loses his memory, his family must give him care and affection, and we must be kind to the elderly, which is also accumulating virtue for ourselves.

Filial piety comes first, respecting the elderly is the responsibility of people's children, and it is also the common sentiment of people.

Emotions: People with desolate evening scenes are nothing more than a few, and after you know them, you should try to avoid the desolation of evening scenes

In Germany, Amandus has developed Alzheimer's disease since the death of his wife, Margaret. He forgot a lot of things, but he didn't forget his most precious granddaughter, 10-year-old Tilda.
In Germany, Amandus has developed Alzheimer's disease since the death of his wife, Margaret. He forgot a lot of things, but he didn't forget his most precious granddaughter, 10-year-old Tilda.
In Germany, Amandus has developed Alzheimer's disease since the death of his wife, Margaret. He forgot a lot of things, but he didn't forget his most precious granddaughter, 10-year-old Tilda.