
Even if you live in the gutter, you still have the ambition to look up at the stars

author:Not as good as it gets

Many years ago, I accidentally watched a friend QQ say, "When your talent can't support your ambition, you can only calm down and study well"; when your ability can't control your goals, you should sink your heart and practice. I was deeply shaken by this sentence.

The driving force of the heart was instantly ignited by this sentence. There is a great sense of empowerment. Understand that meditation on learning and patience are the key. Dreams need to be precipitated and accumulated, and opportunities and opportunities are always left to the person who desires most.

Before that, I was like a frog crouching at the bottom of a well, and I had wondered what it would be like to go to the vast blue sky, but the surrounding closed and sluggish environment made me lack the courage to explore.

Ambition and dreams were a very luxurious thing for me at that time.

But, when I read this sentence, it made me think about it. Yes, what kind of life do I really want" It is like a strong needle, making my blurred future suddenly clear and gradually forming a beautiful picture.

Yes, even if you live in the gutter, you can have the ambition and ambition to look up at the stars.

Even if you live in the gutter, you still have the ambition to look up at the stars

Time can swallow everything, but it doesn't diminish your thoughts, your humor, your kindness, your courage.

What is ambition? For many years, people have had mixed interpretations of it. It represents both a spirit of constant upward and self-challenge, but also an expression of aggression and utilitarianism.

But in this day and age, he represents more of a kind, ambition and dreams. The so-called ambition is to set yourself a goal for the future to make your life higher and your stage bigger.

All have that sentence "Yan Que An Zhi Hong Hu Zhi Zhi Zhi".

There was that sentence: The ground was full of sixpence, but I looked up and saw the moon.

Adversity is a compulsory course in life, how to turn tribulations into precious gifts of life and use wisdom and action to get rid of difficulties, it is worth learning for everyone.

Ye Jiaying: There are many difficulties in one life, and the poetry is like a water moon

Ye Jiaying, the literary documentary about her life experience, "Water Moon in Hand", won the Best Documentary at the 33rd Golden Rooster Awards. The woman, born in 1924, has had her fate ups and downs and experienced several ups and downs in her life. She lost her mother as a teenager and traveled to Taiwan in the chaos of war. Her husband was arrested and imprisoned, and she took her daughter alone to the fence and struggled to survive. At the critical moment, it is the ancient poem that I loved deeply when I was a child, and it becomes the last wisp of books in life.

Later, she taught in the United States and Canada, and finally returned to Nankai to give lectures and write books. She said that on that day of war, Chinese poetry comforted her, where there was great beauty in the world and great love in the world. She said: Poetry is useless, but it can drag you out of the abyss at your lowest point, giving birth to the power to beat forward, and there is life in poetry. ”

She said, "The weak are not the weak. The weak only lie there and get beaten. Weakness is that you bear, you persist, you have your own ethics, you have to complete yourself. ”

Zhang Guimei: Express stubbornness to the world with a blossoming life

Zhang Guimei's name, I believe everyone must be familiar with. She has won the "National May Day Medal", "National Top Ten Female Masters, National Top 100 Outstanding Mothers, National Top Ten Intellectual Women, Yunnan Province Outstanding Communist Party Members"... Behind these shining honors is her silent persistence in the cause of education for more than twenty years, and she is gratefully called "the principal of the lamp" and "the person who picks the stars" by all the girls of Huaping Girls' High School.

Even if you live in the gutter, you still have the ambition to look up at the stars

In 2008, Zhang Guimei, a rural female teacher, opened Huaping Girls' High School, the first girls' high school in Yunnan for girls living in poor mountainous areas, and more than 1,800 students walked out of this school. Entering the university and flying to the land of your dreams. She wrote this motto for the school: "I was born a mountain, not a stream, I want to look down on the mediocre ravines at the top of the peaks, I was born a man and not a grass." ”

Even if you live in the gutter, you still have the ambition to look up at the stars

Zhang Guimei single-handedly changed the poverty fate of three generations with her life. Touching China's 2020 award speech to Zhang Guimei: "In the rambling mountain flowers, we found you." Nature strikes you with the wind and snow, and you sing in return. Fate has put you on a precipice, and you have given the world a fragrance. Not afraid of crushing into dust, there is no intention of struggling for spring, with a blossoming life, to express stubbornness to the world. You are the laurel on the cliff side, the plum in the snow. ”

Each river has its own different life curve, but every river has its own dream, that is, to run to the sea.

Our life, sometimes will be lost sand, if you give up moving forward, it will be like sediment, and you will not see the sun in the future; no matter what kind of life your life will be, you must have the spirit of water, like water, and constantly accumulate your own strength. Accumulate your own thickness.

When the time comes, you will be able to rush into the sea and achieve your life!