
#商道创投网 Investment & Financing News #SynTao Venture Capital Network learned on January 28, 2022 that recently, the mining intelligent sorting system provider "Holyst" has completed 100 million yuan of people

author:SynTao Venture Capital Network

#商道创投网 · Investment and Financing News # SynTao Venture Capital Network learned on January 28, 2022 that recently, the mining intelligent sorting system provider "Horizon" has completed a round of financing of 100 million yuan, led by Essence Securities, followed by old shareholders GuoKejiahe and Tusstar Venture Capital. This round of financing will be mainly used to increase R&D investment, research a new generation of intelligent spectral sorting algorithms and technologies, while further expanding the product line and accelerating the promotion of domestic and foreign markets.

Founded in 2010, Hollister is a tussy star one plan enterprise, the core team originates from the State Key Laboratory of the Department of Precision Instruments of Tsinghua University and the Brain-like Computing Research Center of Tsinghua University, with completely independent multi-spectral detectors and algorithms research and development and upgrade iteration capabilities, the company's self-developed algorithm models for ore detection, has been in a number of minerals to achieve the first set of intelligent mineral processing equipment installed in domestic mines. At the same time, Horizonte is also the only supplier of intelligent sorting equipment in China that has been applied in the sorting industry in all minerals of coal mines, non-ferrous metals, black metals, non-metals and radioactive mines.

#商道创投网 Investment & Financing News #SynTao Venture Capital Network learned on January 28, 2022 that recently, the mining intelligent sorting system provider "Holyst" has completed 100 million yuan of people