
What is the meaning of the design of the beijing winter olympic torch

Li Jianye, exterior designer of the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch "Flying": Traditional Chinese philosophical wisdom emphasizes "what is profitable, what is useless". "Flying" is a torch with an open form and an inclusive posture, breaking through the closed shape of the traditional torch. Inspired by the Chinese cultural idea of "Taoist Nature, Unity of Heaven and Man", the "Flying" torch draws inspiration from nature, presents an extremely natural and oriental aesthetic, and conveys the value proposition of a community with a shared future for mankind. The silver and red of the main body symbolize the meeting of ice and fire, illuminating the ice and snow and warming the whole world. The bottom-up inner and outer double-layered structure dances like a ribbon and finally merges with the flying flame. The red lines run up and down around the torch, symbolizing the passion of the ice and snow track, expressing the endless human life, the desire for peace, the pursuit of excellence and the power of the Olympic Movement. The appearance of the torch echoes the form of the main torch tower of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and the auspicious cloud pattern on the main body of the torch is cleverly gradated to a paper-cut style snowflake pattern, reflecting the unique charm of Beijing as the world's first double Olympic city.

What is the meaning of the design of the beijing winter olympic torch

Source: Guangming Daily

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