
When you get to that place you'll understand...

When you get to that place you'll understand...

Ignorant modern people, who think that they have stolen my thoughts, spied on my inner wounds, can grasp everything about me, but the truth is a different picture.

The development of people and things is not in how much you know about the privacy and secrets of others, but in whether you are a person with moral intentions. Those who have a heart can succeed in their work, and those who have no heart work in vain. Due to moral decay, people play with my privacy and hurt. In the midst of unbridled play, it seems that you have all the advantages, but unfortunately your mind and mind make it impossible for you to understand my deep and elusive thoughts. Errors and failures are therefore inevitable. Relying on the so-called dominant position obtained by stealing, making psychopaths, values unbalanced, and misguided in your thoughts and mental scarcity, all of which can only lead to one outcome - failure.

There is a Chinese proverb: There is nothing difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart. For more than twenty years, I have profoundly proved the correctness of this saying with the unfairness that has happened to me. Steal my thoughts, but never understand my thoughts, and eventually lose at my hands. I won the light, and you lost dirty. Again, my thoughts are waiting for you two hundred thousand light-years away, and you will understand them when you reach that place.