
Does the heart beat fast or slow, will it affect lifespan? The slower the heart beats, the better? Research publishes answers

author:Women's Encyclopedia

The heart is the "engine" of human beings, and the heart beats again and again, pumps out blood, maintains the basic blood circulation of the human body, and can support the most basic life of human beings. It is precisely because of this that the beating of the heart is also closely related to our health.

But then again, different people, the speed of heart beating is not the same, there are studies that show that the speed of heart beating, can even determine the life span of people, is this true?

Does the heart beat fast or slow, will it affect lifespan? The slower the heart beats, the better? Research publishes answers

Journal of the American Medical Association: Heart rate is closely related to myocardial infarction, mortality from stroke

The study showed that through the physical index data of 15680 cases of heart disease patients, and finally calculated, it was found that for every 5 times the heart beat, the risk of heart failure and the risk of death increased by 13% simultaneously. Heart failure is the main cause of myocardial infarction and stroke.

After further data integration, it was found that the speed of heartbeat will directly intervene in people's life expectancy by affecting cardiovascular health:

People with 70 to 89 beats per minute will have a lifespan index reduction of about 3%.

For every 90 to 99 heartbeats, the life index is reduced by 8%;

And a heartbeat of more than 100 beats per minute can even reduce the life index by 13%.

It can be seen that heart rate is indeed closely related to people's life span, and it seems that the slower the heart beats, the longer people can live.

Does the heart beat fast or slow, will it affect lifespan? The slower the heart beats, the better? Research publishes answers

But, is that really the case?

The slower the heart beats, the longer can a person live?

This is not the case. According to a 26-year study by the American Cancer Research Center. The number of heartbeats increases, indeed, proportional to mortality, and men are more close to this regular change.

However, according to the trend chart of the relationship between the overall heartbeat and lifespan, it is found that the heartbeat and longevity show a regular arrangement of "U" shape.

In other words, the slower the heartbeat, the easier it is to live a long life, but if it is slow to a certain extent, it is more likely to have blood retention and blockage due to bradycardia, which is more likely to cause cardiovascular disease risk. And the highest point of this "U" type is in the range of heart rate 50 beats per minute.

In summary, the heart does have a relationship with a person's lifespan. And within the normal range, the slower the heartbeat, the stronger the strength of the heart beating, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and naturally healthier and longer-lived.

For ordinary people, controlling the heart rate between 60 and 70 is relatively the healthiest and closest to the "U" type peak, hoping to give everyone a certain reference help.

However, the speed of heart beating cannot be controlled with our minds, but the accumulation of physical health. If your heart beats too fast, pay more attention to these reasons, adjust your habits, and let the heart "slow down".

Does the heart beat fast or slow, will it affect lifespan? The slower the heart beats, the better? Research publishes answers

The heart beats fast, and these reasons cannot be ignored

Reason 1: Excessive daily stress

The human sympathetic nervous system can control the body's tissue circulatory system to a certain extent. The sympathetic nervous system is affected by the brain's information associations.

If you are overly stressed in your daily life, the brain's information is more inclined to negative and high pressure, the sympathetic nervous system will become excited, and the heartbeat and blood circulation will become faster, detrimental to cardiovascular health.

Cause 2: Abnormal thyroid function

The thyroid gland is one of the main sources of human hormones, which act on enzymes in the body's cardiomyocytes, which in turn causes rapid heartbeat and induces diseases such as sinus arrhythmias and arrhythmias. If you have a long-term experience of rapid heartbeat, checking the health of the thyroid gland may be able to solve the problem.

Does the heart beat fast or slow, will it affect lifespan? The slower the heart beats, the better? Research publishes answers

Cause three: congenital heart failure

Some problems are not caused by nurture, because of genes and congenital inheritance, some people are born with weak hearts, which is the so-called congenital heart failure symptoms. The heart of such people is not able to supply blood, and the heart can only beat multiple times to maintain the basic blood circulation supply.

For such people, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and emergency measures, such as the preparation of quick-acting heart pills, the reduction of high oils, the intake of irritating food, and the avoidance of excessive emotional fluctuations, are effective ways to maintain their own life and health.

Although congenital heart failure, the heart beats too fast, we have no way to resist, but because of acquired reasons or diseases caused by the acceleration of the heart, there is still a chance to adjust. In daily life, develop a sense of regular physical examination to prevent the thyroid gland and hormone secretion type health; Try to develop an optimistic attitude, quit smoking and alcohol, and active exercise, in fact, are effective ways to "slow down" the heartbeat, and please remember.


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