
Cai Fumin talked about the enlightenment of "medicine does not buckle the door, and the gua does not empty the flutter" to modern people

author:The fairy dream soul tests people's well-being

About author:Cai Fumin, senior financial manager, investment and financial consultant, poetry creator, culture and art enthusiast, commentator, entrepreneur, dream researcher. Created on (March 30, 2021)

Cai Fumin talked about the enlightenment of "medicine does not buckle the door, and the gua does not empty the flutter" to modern people

Small business can only maintain food and clothing better than part-time work, it is cruel, big business is art, the art of being a person, there is no need to work hard. Hard work is not suffering, only when people are forced to suffer, heart pain is suffering. That is to say, the ancients said, "Heaven has sent a great task to the Si people, and they will work their bones and bones, and starve their bodies!" ”

Everything has a mystery, there is a heart, direct take is not enough, the doctor does not knock on the door, the gua is not empty, the energy is conserved, the things obtained for no reason, there is naturally a burden behind it, only those who know the mystery can have it better. Because you don't have faith, you don't believe or understand.

And many people always like to take advantage, go to the toilet willing to pay, buy bottles of water willing to pay, but in the spiritual field is half a cent do not want to come out. Materialism prevails, and everything is based on matter. However, a person's illness, in addition to the physiological but also mental, mental illness is not a gram to develop, but a long period of accumulation caused.

Cai Fumin talked about the enlightenment of "medicine does not buckle the door, and the gua does not empty the flutter" to modern people

Many pokers will walk out of the lost path if they are helped by people of the Word. Since there is someone to help, giving a little will get out of the lost path. Since there is someone to help, give a little money or other is the right thing to do, but some people are reluctant, always want others to be free, this situation, avoid what gods do not say, let's talk about the general social relations of laymen, who has the obligation to help a person who does not know each other? Relationship is mutual trust and mutual assistance, that is, the relationship between responsibility and rights to deal with problems.

No matter how complex people's thoughts are, the other party can analyze and judge whether they are willing to help each other or trade with each other from each other's words and deeds. Therefore, the ancients would say, "If you are willing to give up, you will not be willing to give up." ”

However, it is a pity that many people today, read a lot of books, have a high degree, but they do not understand the true meaning of society, always want to be parasites, blindly hope that others will pay for themselves.

Little clever, carving insects and small skills have learned a lot, all day long crooked and evil ways of blind work, making themselves to nowhere to go.

No matter how high the medical skill, it cannot save the soul of a walking dead, and it is even more difficult to awaken some parasites. Therefore, the Heavenly Dao of Taishang Laojun is naturally worthy of our deep consideration.

The avenue collapses, and moral degeneration is inevitable. The necessary principles as a doctor still need to be adhered to, and the real masters will not make up random and false propaganda. Integrity is the foundation of the foothold, the truth is the recipe!

Text: Cai Fumin