
At the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, Li Guosheng stressed the need to unremittingly push forward the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth and to ensure that the quality of the modernization of shangqiu construction is improved, accelerated, and the progress is steady and far-reaching

author:Times News

On January 28, the second plenary session of the Sixth Discipline Inspection Commission of Shangqiu City of the Communist Party of China was held, and Li Guosheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and spoke at the meeting. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, unremittingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth, continue to fight the party style and clean government and the protracted battle against corruption, build a lasting and clean political ecology, and provide a political guarantee for Shangqiu to strive to be the first and more brilliant in the overall situation of the "two guarantees" in the province.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Bai Xiangyang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Wu Zuming, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress Zhou Shuqun, and Secretary of the Cppcc Municipal Committee and Chairman zeng Zhaobao attended the meeting.

Li Guosheng pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission stands tall and far-sighted, oversees the overall situation, has profound thinking, has rich connotations, has a strong political nature, guidance, and pertinence, is the basic guideline for promoting the new great project of party building in the new era, is the action guide for implementing the requirements of comprehensively and strictly administering the party and strengthening the construction of party style and clean government, and is a mobilization order and charge to continue to promote self-revolution at a new starting point in the new starting point of the centenary of the founding of the party. At the Second Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and made comprehensive arrangements for carrying forward the spirit of self-revolution, promoting strict party management in depth, and building a lasting and clean political ecology. We must study and comprehend in depth, resolutely unify our thoughts and actions with general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the plenary session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to take advantage of the momentum, continue to work hard, and ensure that the construction of modern Shangqiu is improved in quality, accelerated, and stable and far-reaching.

Li Guosheng pointed out that 2021 is a milestone year in the history of the party and the country. The municipal party committee comprehensively implements the general requirements of party building in the new era, firmly shoulders the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, adheres to the main tone of strictness, unswervingly promotes the comprehensive and strict management of the party, leads and guarantees the "first priority" of development with the "first responsibility" of party building, and comprehensively and strictly governs the party to create a new situation. Persist in holding high the banner and keeping firmly in mind the entrustment, display a new atmosphere in strengthening theoretical armament and strengthening the party's political building; persist in carrying out new improvements in implementing the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party under the command of the party at the above rate; persist in stirring up turbulence, promoting purity, and correcting trees at the same time, and make new progress in continuously rectifying the "four winds" and building new winds; persist in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, superimposing effects, and displaying new results in promoting the "three noes" as a whole; persist in comprehensive policies and systematic management, and show new deeds in safeguarding the people's livelihood and people's interests.

Li Guosheng stressed: It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of self-revolution and further strengthen the firmness and persistence of comprehensively and strictly administering the party on the road forever. After the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee made important arrangements for improving the supervision system of the Party and the state, and the pattern of full coverage of the "four supervisions" of discipline supervision, supervision and supervision, stationed supervision, and inspection supervision gradually took shape, and the supervision network of supervision within the party and supervision by state organs, democratic supervision, judicial supervision, mass supervision, and public opinion supervision became more and more rigorous. We must profoundly understand that the courage to carry out self-revolution is the most distinctive character and the greatest advantage of our party, that comprehensively and strictly administering the party is the great practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era, that comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road, that the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government, and the new situation and new requirements of the anti-corruption struggle, and correctly handle the relationship between ideals and realizations, the relationship between achievements and setbacks, the relationship between criticism and praise, the relationship between progress and slow progress, the relationship between losses and the light, the relationship between the small self and the big self, the relationship between retreat and pragmatism, and the relationship between meritorious service and speech. We should study the relationship between work and life, the relationship between honesty and innovation, and with the soberness to face problems squarely and the courage to turn the blade inward, we should resolutely fight a tough and protracted battle of self-revolution.

Li Guosheng stressed: This year our party will convene the Twentieth National Congress, which is a major event in the political life of the party and the state. It is necessary to earnestly shoulder responsibilities, unremittingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, fulfill responsibilities, bravely assume responsibilities, and make contributions to maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment, a social environment of national peace and security, and a clean and healthy political environment, and greet the victory of the party's twentieth national congress with a clean and healthy political ecology.

First, we must consolidate and expand the study and education of party history, persist in taking the study and understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, establish and improve the normalization and long-term institutional mechanism, resolutely achieve "two safeguards" in the process of consolidation and expansion, always stand firm on the people's stand, enhance the spirit of struggle, and continuously enhance the historical initiative of forging ahead on a new journey.

Second, we must earnestly strengthen political supervision, guide and urge party members and cadres to align themselves with the party central committee at all times and everywhere, focus on the major strategic deployment of the party central committee to strengthen supervision, strengthen supervision around the overall situation of the whole city center, keep an eye on comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, strengthen supervision, and ensure the implementation of the party central committee's decision-making and deployment and the provincial party committee's work requirements.

Third, we must continue to pay attention to strengthening systematic management, persist in putting discipline before the law and strictly enforcing discipline, maintain political determination to fight corruption, maintain a high-pressure posture of punishing corruption, persistently uphold the correct style of discipline, strengthen the building of a culture of honesty, and achieve greater results in promoting as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt.

Fourth, we must persevere in rectifying the "four winds", establish a correct view of political performance, seriously investigate and deal with the spiritual problems that violate the eight provisions of the central government, deepen the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy, solidly promote the construction of ability and work style, actively promote the efficiency revolution with the "13710" work system as the traction in the city, and use the ability and style to tackle tough problems to help high-quality development.

Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen education management and supervision, put political standards in the first place, combine strict management with generous love, strictly control the barriers of conduct, ability, work style, and honesty, strengthen political tempering, daily management, and targeted supervision, and promote the healthy growth of young cadres with greater efforts.

Sixth, we must faithfully perform our duties and strict requirements, and improve the effectiveness of supervision and governance in the overall situation of the service center. Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels must strictly perform their main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, strengthen leadership over discipline inspection and supervision work, and discipline inspection and supervision organs and discipline inspection and supervision cadres at all levels must play a role in supervising and guaranteeing the implementation of the central situation closely around the overall situation of the central authorities, and always be loyal defenders of the party and the people.

Li Guosheng stressed that the Spring Festival is approaching, and it is necessary to guard the clean customs and pass the New Year with a correct style and discipline, grasp the safe production and normalization of epidemic prevention and control work with bottom-line thinking, focus on economic operation, market supply and warmth delivery, strengthen the implementation of festival security measures, pay close attention to all work on duty, make every effort to maintain the harmony and stability of the overall social situation, and ensure that the people of the city spend a stable, happy and peaceful Spring Festival.

Chu Yaohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee, secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, presided over the meeting and, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, made a work report entitled "Using the Party's Historical Experience in a Century of Struggle to Promote the High-Quality Development of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Work and Provide a Strong Guarantee for the Comprehensive Construction of Modern Shangqiu", systematically summarizing and making specific arrangements for the discipline inspection and supervision work in the whole city.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, members of the leading bodies of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, and the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the president of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, the chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, and other leading comrades at the municipal and departmental levels attend

Members of the Sixth Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, principal responsible comrades of various ministries and commissions of the Municipal CPC Committee, various inspection groups of the Municipal CPC Committee, and all units directly under the municipal government, and principal responsible comrades of the Party Committee of municipal management enterprises and municipal management colleges and universities attended the meeting.

The meeting was held in the form of a video teleconference, with the main venue and the first and second sub-venues in the municipal administrative center, and sub-venues in each county (city, district).

(Shangqiu Network - Shangqiu Daily reporter Li Daojun)