
Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

author:Gu Yuan said
Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid
Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Wen | Guyuan said

Editor | Guyuan said

How did Chairman Mao's Spring Festival pass? Many people may not know this problem, in fact, in the life of the chairman, he once sent 2,000 yuan to his old friend Zhang Shizhao during the Spring Festival for 10 consecutive years, the purpose of which was to pay off his 20,000 yuan loan that year.

However, by the Spring Festival of 1973, Chairman Mao's account had obviously been paid off, but when he met Zhang Han, the daughter of Zhang Shizhao, Chairman Mao insisted that the money owed to the old man had not been repaid! So why did Chairman Mao say that? Why did the Chairman borrow such a huge sum of money that year?

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Zhang Shizhao

Spring Festival "Pay Back"

When did Chairman Mao start paying back this money? In fact, we have to start with a study by Chairman Mao. In 1962, on the occasion of Chairman Mao's 69th birthday, by chance, the chairman met Zhang Hanzhi, the daughter of Mr. Zhang Shizhao, and when he learned that Zhang Hanzhi was an English teacher, Chairman Mao said at that time that he hoped that the other party could be his own English teacher.

However, the chairman's words are not just a joke, because in 1963 China's international status is constantly improving, so for the sake of China's diplomacy, Chairman Mao, who has always liked to learn new things, plans to make more efforts in English, after all, Premier Zhou is proficient in 6 foreign languages, so Chairman Mao plans to follow suit.

So the following year, Chairman Mao would often find Zhang Hanzhi whenever he had time, but during one of his walks with Zhang Han, Chairman Mao suddenly remembered something. Originally, the two were chatting happily, but Chairman Mao suddenly said: "The money I owed to your father more than 40 years ago has not been repaid!" ”

Hearing this, Zhang Hanzhi was also a little crying and laughing, she probably didn't know why Chairman Mao suddenly mentioned this matter, so Zhang Hanzhi didn't care at all, she also thought that Chairman Mao was joking with herself.

Then he smiled and said, "My father never mentioned this to me, even if the chairman really owes my father money, I think he will not ask you to pay it back." And when he heard this, Chairman Mao was silent for a moment, I am afraid that the old man was too old to forget it, after all, this matter has passed for more than forty years.

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Chapter contains it

If it weren't for the coincidence of walking with Zhang Hanzhi today, I am afraid that this money would never be repaid again, so Chairman Mao said to Zhang Hanzhi: "This money helped the Communist Party a lot at that time, and from now on it will pay back the debt he has owed for nearly 50 years, 2,000 yuan a year, and 20,000 yuan in ten years."

However, just after Zhang Hanzhi went home to tell his father about this matter, Mr. Zhang Shizhao actually laughed loudly: "There is indeed such a thing, the chairman actually remembers", and within a few days, Zhang Hanzhi received 2,000 yuan sent in, at this time Secretary Xu said that this was specially explained by the chairman, and it must be sent every year in the future.

However, after Zhang Shizhao learned of this, he told his daughter that this money could not be collected, and the money he gave to the chairman was collected, and he only did some modest efforts, how could he go back and collect this money?

And soon the chairman also learned of this matter, to which the chairman said that this money is his usual income from the manuscript fee, and in order to let Mr. Zhang Shizhao accept this money, Chairman Mao also gave a special explanation to the secretary, and when the time came, he told Zhang Shizhao that this money must be repaid by himself, and also stressed that he must say that this is his own manuscript fee.

In the end, the secretary also pushed hard, and Mr. Zhang Shizhao only accepted the 2,000 yuan, so where did Chairman Mao's original loan of 20,000 yuan come from?

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Friends of Tribulation

In fact, this money has to be traced back to 50 years ago, in 1912, when for the development of China, many progressive people said that education must be improved, in order to take root in the world, it is best for young people to study in Western Europe.

However, just after Yuan Shikai's restoration in 1915, a large number of progressive people were driven to France to flee, including Cai Yuanpei, Wu Yuzhang and others, and it was not until Yuan Shikai's fall that these people were able to return to China one after another to continue to advocate studying in France.

It was precisely for this reason that at that time, many aspiring young people drifted to foreign countries, with the purpose of hoping to learn new ideas, new knowledge, and new ideas, which can be said to have cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for China at that time.

At the same time, in June 1918, on the recommendation of Zhang Shizhao, Chairman Mao's mentor Yang Changji arrived at Peking University to teach, and after learning that Cai Yuanpei and others were preparing to go to France for work-study, Yang Changji immediately told the young Chairman Mao the news.

At this time, Chairman Mao had just graduated from Hunan First Normal School, so he was looking for a way to develop, so everyone thought that studying in France was the best way out at that time, but before studying abroad, students also needed to learn some French and life skills to facilitate exchange and study in France.

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Students in France

In fact, these were not difficult for this group of students at that time, each of them can be said to have gone overseas with the attitude of saving the country, but the problem faced by everyone at that time was not to study, but to spend money to study.

It is said that studying in France, a person will spend five or six hundred yuan, at that time, this can definitely be said to be a huge amount of money, even if they are young people with aspirations to save the country, but there is a saying that a penny is difficult to die hero, so it is basically impossible to go to France without money.

Therefore, in order to help so many young students, Chairman Mao in his youth, he began to raise funds for everyone, but unfortunately, in the following year, Chairman Mao's mentor Yang Changji became seriously ill, but in response, Yang Changji still wrote a letter to Zhang Shizhao and recommended Mao Zedong, Cai and Sen to the other side.

In the letter, Yang Changji wrote: "I solemnly say jun, the second son Hai Nei talent has a great future, the jun does not say that to save the country is already enough, to save the country must first be the second son", and this statement is indeed true, the person who finally saved China is Yang Changji's student Mao Zedong.

Unfortunately, yang Changji died only a few months later, and in May of the same year Chairman Mao rushed to Shanghai, at this time it was imminent to study in France, but Chairman Mao did not have much money in his pocket at that time, and it was impossible to send all these 50 people out.

Therefore, at that time, Chairman Mao was full of sorrow, and no matter how frugal and how to save money on weekdays, even if he had food to eat and clothes to wear, he could not make up enough money, but at this moment, Chairman Mao thought of Zhang Shizhao, who was mentioned by his mentor at that time.

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

So the chairman plucked up the courage to visit and find the other party, and Zhang Shizhao did not hesitate at all when he heard this, he said that he would do his best, and then mobilized progressives from all walks of life in Shanghai to scrape together enough money.

Therefore, this money is not Chairman Mao's alone, in the chairman's view, Zhang Shizhao raised this money to save China, so Chairman Mao has great respect for this old gentleman, and this money has become a loan that the chairman must repay.

Half a century of friendship

In 1963, this was the first time Chairman Mao sent this money to the other party, when Zhang Hanzhi actually sought out the chairman more than once, which basically meant that Chairman Mao's father could not receive this money.

But when he heard this, Chairman Mao jokingly said: "The old man in your family has no money all his life, and he is nosy and has helped many people, and most of the letters he wrote to me are to solve problems for others, and some things the government cannot solve, and he even pays his own pocket to solve them."

Therefore, Chairman Mao was very concerned about this nosy old man, and the chairman knew that even if he returned two thousand to the other party, this old man would definitely take this 2,000 yuan to help others.

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Therefore, no matter what Chairman Mao thinks about this matter, he must return this money to Zhang Shizhao, so that today in the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, there is also a list of Chairman Mao's income and expenditure at that time, and this contains the record of returning money to Zhang Shizhao, but Chairman Mao's change is ten years, and during this period it has not been broken once.

During this period, no matter how Mr. Zhang Shizhao himself came out to resign, the secretary had to push this money back to Zhang Shizhao, the reason is that Chairman Mao has repeatedly confessed, but in 1973, an interesting thing happened this year.

Originally, Chairman Mao had already paid back this money, but when he saw Zhang Hanzhi this year, Chairman Mao just happened to ask about this matter, and as a result, he accidentally learned that he had not repaid this money this year, and it turned out that the secretary at that time had calculated this money well, twenty thousand a year, and by the Spring Festival of 1972, it should have just been able to pay it off, but in fact, Chairman Mao planned to pay it back all the time.

So the chairman apologized slightly to Zhang Hanzhi and said: "Blame me for not making it clear before, this money is a subsidy for your old man, where can it really stop for ten years, I told them to make up for it immediately, starting from this year to repay the interest, more than 40 years of interest, I can't figure out how much it should be, just pay it back, as long as the old man is alive, this interest will be repaid."

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

Qiao Guanhua

In fact, the story of Chairman Mao and Zhang Shizhao repaying money is just a small matter in the lives of the two people, Chairman Mao has great respect for Zhang Shizhao on weekdays, and what activities will invite each other to come, such as Chairman Mao has not had several birthdays in his life, but at the age of 69, he invited Zhang Shizhao for the first good birthday.

In addition, Chairman Mao often invited the other party to be a guest during the New Year, so this matter was actually just a very ordinary and trivial matter in this friendship that lasted for half a century.

However, Chairman Mao's friendship with Zhang Shizhao is not only him, in fact, the chairman and the other family have a very deep affection, Zhang Shizhao's daughter Zhang Hanzhi, not only often teaches the chairman English, but later became a famous Chinese diplomat, and his husband is the former foreign minister Qiao Guanhua.

Unfortunately, in 1973, Zhang Shizhao went to Hong Kong to visit his family, and in July of that year, the old man died in Hong Kong at the age of 92.

Chairman Mao "repaid the money" during the Spring Festival for ten consecutive years, and in 1973 he found Zhang Hanzhi: The money owed to the old man has not been repaid

After learning of the death of Mr. Zhang Shizhao, Chairman Mao And Premier Zhou and others held a funeral for him in Beijing, for which Chairman Mao sent a wreath with great sorrow, and this half-century friendship also came to an end.

Looking back at the stories of Chairman Mao and Mr. Zhang Shizhao, Zhang Shizhao has been paying for the people all his life, and the same is true of Chairman Mao's life, in addition, Chairman Mao's spirit of repaying each other is also worth learning, and they are all well-deserved great people.