
A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

author:2021 decoration design sharing

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

In order to live more comfortably, the friend chose a ladder and a large flat floor, when the decoration she saw that the elevator front room was empty is also a waste, she designed the entrance to the elevator entrance, every day out of the elevator can change shoes, but was complained by one of the owners who took the stairs.

The property said: There is only one household on the first floor, and each family can install a shoe cabinet here.

Friends themselves also think: this floor lives in my house, shoe cabinet I want to put where I want to put it!

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

It is estimated that many owners of a ladder and a household are thinking so, let's first understand the type of apartment of a ladder and a household, simply put, there is only one household on one floor, which is the so-called large flat floor, which is well-appointed by the rich people. Some developers also use private space to promote when selling houses, leading owners to think that the entire floor is their own and can be handled as much as they want.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

So the question is, the owner of one ladder and one household spent money to buy a house, the pooled money was also paid, and there were no neighbors on the whole floor, can the elevator front room be designed in the end? In fact, many hardcover houses, the developer installed the entrance cabinet in advance, tacitly acknowledging that this is the owner's entrance. After all, one ladder and one household, each owner's home on the floor can only reach their own home by swiping the card.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

First of all, no matter how many households on a ladder, the front room of the elevator belongs to the public space of the community, not the owner's private property, even if no other owners will use this floor, this does not mean that all the space on this floor belongs to the owner of this floor. In principle, a friend's house is an encroachment on public space.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

Secondly, the elevator front room is designed as a hallway, which will not only affect the daily cleaning and cleaning of the community, but also cause a certain degree of fire hazards, a variety of shoes will also affect the aesthetics of the corridor, the summer weather is hot, the smell is not very good.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

Finally, for the owner himself, the entrance cabinet is placed outside, in addition to the shoes can be stored, some scattered small objects, such as mobile phones, keys, bags can not be left outside at will, so even if the entrance hall is designed in the front room of the elevator, the home also needs an indoor entrance.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

So under what circumstances can you put the shoe cabinet at the elevator entrance?

If the elevator into the door can, the elevator is their own private space, decoration when choosing a reasonable design, you can make good use of the space of the elevator entrance, such as placing a shoe cabinet into a doorway, or planting some flowers and plants, changing into a small garden into the home is also a good choice, even the property can not be managed.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

In fact, whether it is a ladder and a household, or a ladder of two households, the location of the elevator entrance belongs to the public area, it is not recommended to place the shoe cabinet, but because a ladder and a household will not affect other owners, if you just put some simple items at the elevator entrance, you can still consider it.

A ladder and a large flat floor, exclusive access to the pool area of the elevator entrance, can each family install a shoe cabinet here?

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