
The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!
The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Dark gray jacket, Boss logo hoodie,

Dark grey slacks and black casual shoes are both bosses

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth was born in Melbourne on 11 August 1983. The midsummer defined in the northern hemisphere blessed his hot body, and the winter of the geography of the southern hemisphere gave him the courage to make prudent choices and move forward.

At the age of 19, he played his first role in a local TV series; in 2009, he got the opportunity to emerge in Hollywood as the male protagonist's father in "Star Trek"; after that, he successfully auditioned for "Thor", becoming the only male god with a sledgehammer recognized by global audiences in the past eleven years - Thor.

Earlier in 2021, he filmed Thor: Love and Thunder in his native Australia. This is the final chapter of the Marvel Universe Thor series, tentatively scheduled for release in 2022, and he will return to the screen as a Marvel hero. Director Taiga Viditti said in an interview that "it's probably the best Marvel movie ever made."

Hemsworth is not in a position to say much about this: "As is customary, it is tricky to discuss any details of Marvel's unreleased series without accidentally revealing the plot and destroying surprises!" So I really can't say too much! But I can tell you that the experience of filming Thor: Love and Thunder was another eye-opener. You won't be disappointed. ”

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Khaki blazer, khaki trousers,

White T-shirts and striped strap trainers are both bosses

Later in 2021, the second film of the film "Amazing Rescue" starring Hemsworth began filming in the Czech Republic. "Amazing Rescue" is the highest-grossing original movie on Netflix to date, capturing 99 million views in just four weeks of release. He plays an extremely dangerous man: black market mercenary Tyler Lake. The character's storyline has a distinct layered rhythm, from the shattering and loss of losing his son, to the self-exile of being alone and accepting "suicide missions", to regaining himself in the violent and bloody "dance steps" to complete his pun redemption.

Not only on the emotional level, as a super-typical tough guy protagonist film, "Amazing Rescue" also requires a high level of complexity and exhaustion on the physical level - he said that this is the most tired film he has ever made, and has done a huge amount of fitness and combat training for this. The results are obvious to all, he contributed dexterity, agility, smooth and skillful wonderful martial arts in the play, which perfectly fit the role of the former soldier and the post-black market mercenary.

Hemsworth's assurance that the second film will be more spectacular is worth the expectations of fans: "Our director Sam Hargrave has already pushed the limits in the first part of the film. This round, we have no choice but to continue to move forward and do better. From an emotional point of view, the first part we only touched on Lake's past; the beauty of the sequel is to explore the character's details and depth, and dig out some new parts – how did he become him? What was his motive? ”

Thor," the god of thunder, played as a lonely mercenary, is a sell-out guarantee in itself — who can refuse his muscular body, shining blonde hair, and clear blue eyes? As the Western saying goes, "Blondes have more fun," although in Rescue 2 he dedicates himself to the character's grand final throw away the handsomeness of Thor.

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Olive green blazer, olive green trousers,

Black T-shirts and black casual shoes are both bosses

Hemsworth didn't just get a series of opportunities with his superior appearance — waves of delicious "vases" of beauty and dining. Before "Thor", he had solidly created small characters that were not based on appearance and charm; even the critically acclaimed independent horror film "Cabin in the Woods" had his participation.

If you don't look at the actor's resume, it is difficult to remember his appearance, the inch, big, innocent young boy and the heroic and confident, heavy-handed Prince of the Divine Realm. This is the charm of the actors exclusively.

Thor made him famous, with opportunities and challenges coming hand in hand — but when an actor establishes himself in an extremely distinct role, he often needs to put in more effort to step out of that golden cage-like comfort zone.

After Thor, Hemsworth challenged himself in a number of genres: in "The Fast Winds" he played British racing driver James Hunt, a Formula One world champion known for his boldness and unruly demeanor; In "The Depths of the Ocean", he played the first mate of the whaling ship Owen, a man who was involved in a shipwreck in order to realize the dream of captainship, and finally survived the test of nature and the baptism of humanity.

His protagonist roles often have a high-brightness character arc: a superhero who has transformed into a growth, an F1 racing driver who has gone straight into wanton fashion, a first mate who has experienced life and death in the sea, a senseless agent in black, a mercenary who is heartbroken and desperate... These characters are highly recognizable and dramatic, and can fully mobilize the audience's curiosity and desire to follow, so how did he choose the role? In the future, will he intentionally try "ordinary" characters without so many highlight moments?

He has his own set of tests that have nothing to do with whether the character is "small" or "big," "ordinary" or "remarkable": "Whenever I think about a work, I ask myself the same kind of question — is it unique to me?" Is it different from the characterS I completed before? Can I find spiritual attachment and emotional bond in it? Who will I work with and learn from? Hemsworth replied.

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

He's a dynamic and energetic person who takes the initiative to leave his comfort zone: "It's about how to go into new territory. I put myself in the crowd that pushed me through the adventure instead of playing the safety card. When people inspire me to take on a daring challenge, even if I fail halfway through, it's the best experience I've had on set. In doing so, new discoveries can be made, and a natural and native power can be injected into the character. ”

So of all the characters portrayed, who resonates with them the most? "I loved the experience in 'Fast And Furious,' and James Hunter had a 'no sorry' bluntness: that's who I am, either accept or leave. He faces life with true enthusiasm and desires to indulge in every opportunity and every moment in life. ”

Who haunts the beam for three days? "As a parent, I will never forget Tyler Lake who lost my child. Like all parents, you can easily empathize with that loss, it derails your life, it destroys your soul, and that's how we interpret the character in Rescue. ”

Which character is the biggest fan? "It's too hard for me to be a Thor fan. From the first time I read Thor's comics, to the time I've been with this character, I've enjoyed every moment of the eleven years. I am so grateful for these opportunities he has given me. ”

In judging his character, he gave three different answers, each of which spoke about who Hemsworth was: he faced life with his true life force and self; he cherished his family and the precious emotional experiences between them; and he was grateful for the opportunities that came to him.

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Black T-shirts and olive green trousers are both bosses

Since starring in a TV series at the age of 19, the 38-year-old Hemsworth has devoted half of his life to his acting career. At the beginning of his career, he simply wanted to do something that made him passionate and loving, and this enthusiasm led him into the halls of film and television art: "When I was young, I was attracted to stories, books, television, and movies. At that time, I thought that my future job would be the same as my hobby, and it still remains so today. I enjoy every minute of my job. ”

After so many years, what is constantly igniting his passion, providing power like an engine, making him constantly challenge and improve, so that he can do better and more outstanding in his field? Hemsworth's drive comes from others—the wonderful perceptions and mental resonances that he once connected to, and then uses him as a hub to transmit to others.

"Right now, my motivation is to continue to create projects that resonate with people. The best gift for me is that the fans and my characters have an emotional connection, walk into this journey with the characters, and fall in love with this journey. I still remember the feeling of seeing those movies I loved for the first time as a child, and they brought me all the strangeness and beauty. Now I can pass this on to others, which is a real gift. ”

This is also a real tough guy's tender gift.

He said that when he was a child, he could not afford to buy particularly fashionable clothes, and he would tailor clothes himself, such as a pair of cool Bermuda denim shorts; for a while, he also liked to do cross stitch, a quiet handicraft that helped him re-entangle his mind. Growing up, magic gradually happened, and now Hemsworth is the spokesperson for the global brand of Boss, with the image of "high-quality male god" known all over the world - needlework does not have to be done personally. "Now, I like to dress comfortably and stylishly, and luckily I have a wardrobe boss to take care of my needs."

He is proud to be part of this journey as part of the brand's story with an illustrious heritage. In his definition, the contemporary gentleman is not only about appearance, but also about personality and soul: "I think that a contemporary gentleman should have a good character, respect and love for others." He understands how his actions affect others and seeks to have a positive impact on the world. ”

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Khaki blazers, khaki trousers and white T-shirts are all bosses

His answer was sincere and kind. He is well aware of his influence in the community and the responsibility that such influence holds to him. On Instagram, he shares his work and life in a positive, optimistic and witty way, setting a good example for the more than 50 million followers who follow him.

On weekdays, he enjoys fitness and various outdoor sports, and advocates a balanced lifestyle. Now he doesn't do cross-stitch, but calms down through a variety of fully mobilizing activities: "When I prepare for the film, I usually concentrate extremely, and in order to give my brain a rest, I like to participate in activities that release 'me' from brainstorming and infuse my body. I love surfing, cycling, hiking, swimming... I would do things that would immerse my body to prevent me from overthinking and stressing myself too much. ”

He's also an environmentalist, using his influence to draw attention to other creatures on Earth, while not forgetting to help people better love their lives: In 2021, he starred in the National Geographic special "Shark Beach", working with marine biologists, surfers, eco-environmentalists, shark protectors to uncover the reasons for the surge in shark attacks in recent years and find ways for people to live with sharks; this year's national geographic and Disney joint scientific documentary series "" Chris Hemsworth: Challenge the Limits, he will undergo 6 extraordinary challenges to transform himself, exploring in different ways how people can live healthier, wiser, and longer lives.

Numbers, just a measure, some of the ancient wisdom and inventions of human beings: "The Second Film of The Amazing Rescue", the Thor series now has four parts, the upcoming "Challenge to the Limit" has six episodes, and there are more than fifty million fans worldwide - these are all digital yardsticks.

Extraordinary creations and works of art can cross the digital dimension and sparkle in the eternal river. Those characters who are alive in the real world because of his creation, their confusion, their choices, their struggles, their courage, their strength, their love, their human beauty... Because Hemsworth, the man who resonated with the characters and gave them life, has long remained in the common memory of mankind.

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Beige jacket, double-sided hoodie,

Olive green trousers and striped strap trainers are both bosses

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

Usually, Hollywood stars settle in Los Angeles after they become famous, not allowing themselves to miss the "aroma of opportunity" that permeates the air. But in 2014, when Hemsworth and his wife, Elsa Pataky, made the decision to move their family to Byron Bay, Australia.

Byron is a rich paradise town known for its beaches, rainforests and surfing culture. There, he and his family explored life in a more authentic way. His three children were also able to grow up in a relaxed way in nature, with animals, riding horses, exploring, learning, growing up... Hollywood, or other sets in the world, is where he works; Australia is the homeland of his roots and the home he chooses to return to.

In 2019, he temporarily put his acting work off for a while and concentrated on staying with his family. Sadly, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic began to wreak havoc around the world, the film and television industry was particularly devastated, and many projects were shut down and put on hold – if he could foresee all this happening, would he adjust his plans?

There is an obvious answer to our question, he is a man who cherishes his family very much, and his pursuit of career does not interfere with his clear values in life; whether it is career or family, he has set a perfect example for the contemporary gentleman: "I will not change a single bit." When I was taken out of my job, everything around me slowed down, and I felt lucky in the middle of it, so I didn't feel like I was missing anything. It gave me a chance to really spend time with my family without being disturbed by daily chores. He said.

Because of the global epidemic, the "Sky Rescue 2" team came to the snowflake-filled Prague to shoot. His family also came here and spent Christmas wrapped in silver with him; on New Year's Day, they went to Ibiza, Spain, to enjoy a long-lost sunny day. Partners, children, brothers, friends, work partners... It was a year in which Hemsworth was surrounded by joy and walking non-stop.

The man with Thor's Hammer in his hand came to us to break the news!

He had no grand plans or visions for the New Year, and in the company of his family, his mind was gradually sailing back to his harbor, his home, where his soul and body rested: "The older my children get, the less I want to work, and it makes me realize how precious the time I spend with them is." Now, only extraordinarily important work can keep me from my family. We all know that everything changes very quickly these days, so I'm trying to live authentically in every present moment and not think much about the future or the past. Otherwise, time flies and leaves a blur, because we miss everything that is happening in front of us. ”

More than role models, Hemsworth is still setting a higher standard for how we should live.

Photography by Dylan Don (Darling Creative)

Executive Producer, Stylist Sherry Shen

Interview and author of Iris Longstocking

Fashion Editor Elva Zheng

Makeup Matteo Silvi (Milton Agency)

Hairstyle Sevelene Roddy (Milton Agency)

制片 Yu Peng(AW Production)、Catherine Martel Suarez、Maggie Wen、Jeanne Prouteau

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