
Reading: Tagore's Birds

author:Stream feathers 492

World Poetry Day, friends shared a WeChat message in the circle of friends, opened it casually, saw 30 classic poems of Chinese and foreign masters, inadvertently touched my heartstrings: the city, full of cement forest; work, unchanged busy rhythm, people's hearts covered with a hard shell, no longer the past soft, moist, coupled with a long time I have been paranoid that poetry belongs to youth, full of wonderful fantasies; novels belong to the prime-age, write bloody stories; essays belong to the elderly, unique taste of life, poetry has long been far away from my life, It almost became a historical legend. On this day of remembrance, it seems that I should use poetry reading to reminisce about the lost youth and pay some respect to the poet.

Casually pulling out a book of poetry on the shelf, Tagore's "Birds Collection", Tagore, poet and novelist, created a lot of works in his life, famous, ashamed that he only read the sporadic chapters of his poetry collection, resigned his official, wandered around the forest, and finally had the opportunity but the embarrassment of this life.

"Asuka Collection" contains more than 300 small poems, each with no title or serial number, only separated by empty lines of verses, verses and verses, it can also be said that the content between poems and poems is not closely related, recalling that Bingxin once said that "Asuka Collection" is to collect "sporadic thoughts" together, then, through the text to explore the poet's ideological pulse.

The family had gone to work, and the house was quiet, just in time to study. Tagore's verses are fresh and ethereal, wise and speculative, and as they are read, they find that the poet has philosophically pondered on two opposing sides of something. Allow me to pick up some of these verses:

The life and death of the green leaves is the rapid rotation of the whirlwind; and the broader rotation is the slow movement between the stars.

In death, "many" become one; in life, "one" becomes "many."

The sheath of the knife itself is satisfied with its bluntness when it protects the sharpness of the knife.

Not the blow of the mallet, but the song and dance of the water, which makes the pebbles perfect.

The root is the branch of the ground, and the branch is the root of the air.

The stars are not afraid to look like fireflies.

Night kissed the passing days and whispered in his ear: "I am death, your mother, I have come to give you new life."

You can't see yourself, all you see is your own shadow.

In the verses, the dialectic of the opposition between fast and slow, more and less, sharp and blunt, soft and rigid, hidden and explicit, light and dark, life and death, real and virtual reflects the poet's thinking on the meaning and value of life, with a broad vision, a broad mind, charity and benevolence, humility and introversion, and full of noble and unique personality charm.

Thinkers are lonely, and the light of thought is dazzling, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, no one can be excluded. More than two thousand years later, Tagore's "Collection of Birds" is similar to Lao Tzu's "doing nothing and doing nothing" during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period on the mainland, and Zhuangzi's view of "Qi size, equal life and death", transcending regional, ethnic and cultural differences.