
What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

author:Fashion mushroom cool

Recently watched a bloody cycling movie - "Life Loop", after watching it, Xiaobian really wanted to ride a bicycle around the world immediately, it was not too cool! Although cycling is very common, cycling is difficult for us to contact, in the editor's opinion, cycling competition and many other sports competitions convey the spirit of competition to us, which is why we see these sports can always be hot.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

In addition to the bloody cycling competition and the spirit of never giving up, Xiaobian also noticed one thing when watching the movie. Yes, it is the male protagonist Feng Suo wearing this pants when riding, Xiaobian saw that the first sense of this pants is a good sports style, the muscle line is so obvious, but everyone sees this pants is not particularly familiar ah? Yes, that's the bike pants that have been on fire in the fashion industry recently.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The same is shorts, why can cycling pants be so hot this year? In fact, many people can't understand, such an ugly single product, why can it be promoted by the fashion circle? In fact, Xiaobian can't understand it, so let's answer it together, what is special about it? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!

<h1>Cycling pants and the fashion circle have to say two or three things</h1>

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Cycling pants, as the name suggests, were originally made for cyclists to reduce air resistance while riding while protecting the legs of cyclists. The tight design of cycling pants can perfectly show the line of our legs, and most of the common cycling pants are in the middle or lower thighs.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Speaking of the origins of cycling pants and the fashion world, it can be traced back to the 1980s, when Western stars were particularly fond of dancing aerobics under the influence of body culture, and they not only loved to jump, but also wore cycling pants to TV. Since then, cycling pants have begun to emerge in the fashion circle.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The 90s cycling pants are still in the fashion industry, all thanks to Princess Diana. Princess Diana, a fashion icon in the 90s, was very fond of cycling pants, often wearing cycling pants, a plus-size loose sweatshirt, pedal daddy shoes and a pair of fashionable sports socks to hang out in Sloane Square. This combination of upper and lower tightness is very flattering, especially for girls who are not satisfied with the waist and abdomen line.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The 2019 chanel spring-summer collection

It is said that in recent years, the retro trend has returned, and cycling pants are no exception. Cycling pants can kill a carbine Kardashian family in 9102. There is no Kim Kardashian with non-red goods, wear it ten times without fire, and call the Kardashian women's group to wear it together if it is not hot. With the resurgence of cycling pants, it is often seen on the runway. It seems that this wave of trend is not chasing ah~

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > how to pick cycling pants? </h1>

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Although cycling pants have been very popular recently, but not everyone can wear it well, because the tight design of cycling pants, Xiaobian has seen so many collocations, I realized that cycling pants only chopsticks legs to wear up to look good, but also to require the legs to be straight, a little bit not straight, it is easy to become unsightly! Remember to ask your legs before picking out your cycling pants! Well, next we will take the chopsticks leg of the students to see how to choose cycling pants~

Press Material

1. Silk bike pants

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Our common cycling pants are more like bodybuilding pants, which are made of silk material and appropriate rayon fiber blending, with great elasticity. Cycling pants of this material, after wearing, will be very close to the body, will produce a sense of stretch, can set off the slender legs, reflecting a kind of line beauty

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

In addition, the silk material of cycling pants in the hot summer also has a great advantage, because the silk bicycle pants fabric is very thin, and with elasticity, so there will be no pressure to wear, than ordinary shorts to wear more non-existent, wear it feels that the lower body has lost several pounds ~

2. Denim cycling pants

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

There is also a material of denim cycling pants, because denim belongs to hard cloth, so it will not be like silk bicycle pants close-fitting. However, it is precisely because it is a hard cloth, the whole will be more contoured, will not particularly expose our triangle area, it can be said to solve our small embarrassment~ ~

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

If you like this length of cycling pants but are afraid of holding the close-fitting, you can choose denim cloth ~ but pay attention to the choice of thinner denim in the summer, otherwise it will not be breathable and very hot ~

Press Element

1. Solid color cycling pants

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Solid color cycling pants are the most common color, and black and white gray as the base color is a color that many fashionable people will not miss. If you are fat, then white is try not to choose, because white will enlarge the volume of the lower body is easy to appear fat. Of course, if you are a legging stunt, even white cycling pants are absolutely fine.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

In addition to the most basic black and white gray, this year's popular bright color system is also a very eye-catching color. If you want to be more colorful, you can abandon the black, white and gray bicycle pants that choose bright colors! And because cycling pants are far from the danger zone, even if you choose fluorescent color, you can safely drive ~ ~

2. Decored cycling pants

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Simple lines are more common and safe cycling pants, but this type of cycling pants also has higher body requirements. If you choose cycling pants with lines or check elements, you must remember not to choose horizontal striped cycling pants, and you little fairies must also know the truth that horizontal stripes are fat, so Xiaobian will not be long-winded~

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

If you don't think it's eye-catching enough, then the recent super-hot leopard print element will definitely be able to get into your eyes. Because the style of the cycling pants itself is on the hard side, if you add a feminine leopard print element, it will make the overall effect have a more surprising collision, and you can reach the state of mother-in-law balance.

<h1>How to wear cycling pants? </h1>

After reading the materials and elements of cycling pants, are you excited to start a pair of cycling pants to wear ~ but do you know which pieces of cycling pants to match? If you're slightly chubby but want to wear cycling pants, do you know how to cover your big thick legs? If you want to know, let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!

Cycling pants + tops

1. Cycling pants + big T-shirt

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

When it comes to wearing, it's always our one-size-fits-all piece – the T-shirt. The oversized boyfriend-style T-shirt is just right with cycling pants, revealing a little bit of the small edge of cycling pants, different from the missing bottoms, it will look more layered, and the whole body will be more sporty. The big T-shirt can cover both the stomach and the buttocks, how can the little fairy of the apple-shaped body not come and try it!

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Of course, if you are a girl with a particularly good body, especially those who have deliberately gone to the gym to practice their hips, or a little fairy with a particularly thin waist, you can confidently expose it. Tie a knot in the T-shirt to perfectly expose your waist, don't let your efforts miss this summer~

2. Cycling pants + shirt

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The more professional shirt and sportsy cycling pants sound a little inappropriate. But because the shirt itself is more tough and the masculine cycling pants are more harmonious, it will make the tough shirt less rigid and monotonous.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Of course, if you want to cover the meat, you may wish to match the cycling pants with the oversize shirt, the wide shirt hem just covers the meat on both sides of the thighs, while extending the leg line, extremely thin. Want to be more feminine, blouse is also a good choice, blouse can neutralize the male style of cycling pants, the overall dress will be a little more feminine.

3. Cycling pants + blazer

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The blazer has always been a tough, formal coat in everyone's eyes, and it will be a little different from the bicycle pants, but it is not like this. The suit jacket is the same as the shirt, which does not look like a style of cycling pants, but it is more fashionable and attitude to wear together

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Choose an oversized silhouette blazer, the bigger it is, the better it is to drive, the loose coat just can cover imperfect hips and thighs, and the pear-shaped figure can also be driven ~ with a blazer with cycling pants, whether it is a date or a commute, there will be no delay!

Cycling pants + shoes

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

The original intention of the invention of cycling pants is to make sports more comfortable and relaxed, so the choice of shoes is more of a casual sports flat shoes. As a versatile weapon, small white shoes are not easy to make mistakes with cycling pants. Canvas shoes have their own youthful attributes, and they are more lively with cycling pants. Paired with dad shoes that have been on fire in recent years are also fashionable up.

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

In addition to the regular flat shoes, high heels can be said to be very bold. Seeing the high heels with cycling pants, is there a little fairy who has already made up the way you wear bodybuilding pants with high heels. Of course, cycling pants do not have the weight of bodybuilding pants, just the right length even with high heels is very suitable, but also a little more OL style, very suitable for the workplace of the little fairy la~

What the hell is the "bike pants" that has recently caught fire? Cycling pants and fashion circles have to say two or three things cycling pants how to pick? How to wear cycling pants?

Well, today's cycling pants sharing is here ~ said so many editors also super want to get into a bicycle pants, but I asked my legs, they do not agree! (Smile) You little cute have decided to get started cycling pants, if you have any meat covering skills or lightning protection guide can be shared with you in the comment area