
The party branch of hetou construction group carried out pre-holiday clean government education to build a solid defense line of honesty and self-discipline

author:Volkswagen network Heze

Public Network Poster News Reporter Zhao Chenguang Correspondent Tian Linlin Zhang Ying Heze reports

With the Spring Festival approaching, in order to further enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres, on January 27, the party branch of Hetou Construction Group paid close attention to the time node and held a party member meeting in the party member activity room on the 3rd floor of the construction branch pipe pile to carry out pre-holiday integrity education activities. The meeting was presided over by Liu Chengjun, executive deputy general manager of Hetou Construction Group and secretary of the party branch, and all party members of the party branch and active members who joined the party attended the meeting.

The party branch of hetou construction group carried out pre-holiday clean government education to build a solid defense line of honesty and self-discipline

At the meeting, Liu Chengjun studied the "Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party under the New Situation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), the "Regulations on the Organizational Work of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and the "Regulations on Supervision within the Party of the Communist Party of China." On the eve of the Spring Festival, he sounded the alarm bell for party members and cadres in advance to ensure that they lived a clean and honest holiday.

The meeting stressed that all party members and active members who have joined the party should profoundly comprehend the core essence of the "Guidelines" and "Regulations" they have learned; through study, they should know the bottom line and know and respect them, so that the awareness of honesty and discipline and the awareness of rules can truly "enter the ears, brains, hearts, and deeds," and enter the profession; they must conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Guidelines" and "Regulations," set an example by example, take the lead in standardizing words and deeds, abide by discipline, constantly strengthen the sense of responsibility, build a solid ideological and moral defense line against corruption and degeneration, and enhance the ability to prevent corruption and promote honesty and resist risks. We must give full play to the fighting fortress of party branches and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members; we must firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", use the "Guidelines" and "Regulations" to arm the mind and guide the work, and effectively promote the company's various work to achieve new results in the new year.