
Liu Yijun: The first marriage gave me a shadow, and the second marriage taught me love

author:Haojie Shuxiang
Liu Yijun: The first marriage gave me a shadow, and the second marriage taught me love

"Husband and Wife World"

In the 2007 "Husband and Wife World" program, the host Yingda carefully asked Liu Yijun a question: Have you ever lost love, or have you been betrayed by the other party? Therefore, there is a shadow in the heart, and I am not particularly confident in love.

As soon as the words fell, this somewhat sharp question ushered in the well-meaning laughter and applause of the audience.

Although Liu Yijun still kept smiling, he was still slightly embarrassed, and he couldn't help but nod his head while being silent. Then he replied: This psychological test, I think, is quite accurate.

The wife who was sitting next to Liu Yijun also coughed inaudibly.

On that day, Liu Yijun and his newly married second wife, Lu Ziyao, appeared together in the talk show "Husband and Wife World" hosted by Yingda.

At the beginning, the two people who had a tacit understanding gave a completely different answer after Yingda threw out a psychological test question.

"If you had a piece of waste paper, how would you throw it away?"

Option 1: Throw it away

Option 2: Fold in half and throw it away

Option three: Knead into a ball and throw it away

Option Four: Shred and throw it away

The wife chose to knead into a ball, and Liu Yijun chose to tear it up and throw it away.

For Liu Yijun's choice, Yingda half-jokingly and half-seriously read out the above answer, which has a scene at the beginning of the article.

Liu Yijun's marriage, like his career, is first bitter and then sweet.

Hasty first marriage

The first marriage was at the age of 27.

It is this marriage that makes Liu Yijun have a lingering palpitation, and since then he has been more cautious about love, both afraid of being hurt and afraid of hurting the other party.

At that time, Liu Yijun, who was studying at the Beijing Film Academy, was still a proper little fresh meat, tall, handsome, versatile, and had unlimited hope for the future.

In the words of his classmates, he was full of spirits at that time, walking on campus, even his chin was raised high.

Unfortunately, the birth was not timely, when the film school students graduated, they were assigned back to their original hometowns.

As a result, Liu Yijun returned to Xi'an and became an ordinary employee of the Western Film Actors Troupe who copied salary slips.

For Liu Yijun, who loves acting, this is very different from his vision of life.

Even if he later gave up his stable job, went back to Beijing, and re-embarked on the road of acting, the generation of directors at that time preferred Jiang Wen's tough guy type of actors, and Liu Yijun did not have any market.

Liu Yijun: The first marriage gave me a shadow, and the second marriage taught me love

Young Liu Yijun

Although Liu Yijun is from Xi'an, he was born handsome and elegant, unlike the northern Hanzi.

When he was in Xi'an, once he and his classmates went to visit a director, the other party asked him where he was from, Liu Yijun replied in dialect, saying that he was from Xi'an, and the other party was surprised, saying that he did not look like a northerner at all.

It is also this sentence that strengthens Liu Yijun's determination to leave his hometown and go south to pursue his dream of being an actor.

Unfortunately, his dream-chasing journey was not smooth.

In those years, although Liu Yijun has been filming intermittently, but more often than not, he is waiting, and there has been gossip in the middle that he has been kicked out of the crew and banned by popular stars.

At the low point of his career, his first marriage also had a crisis.

Regarding this marriage, there are some rumors circulating on the Internet, but they have not been confirmed by Liu Yijun.

He rarely mentioned this marriage, and only admitted it himself in "Husband and Wife World": Fengzi got married at the age of 27 and broke up because of long-term separation between the two places and indifferent feelings.

But in many interview programs, from Liu Yijun's only words, we can still find clues.

In those years, his career was depressed, but because of his love, he always insisted on his dream of being an actor.

But marriage is trivial, chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, pile pile piece by piece into life, are endless pressure.

Thus, the first marriage ended.

A blind date that falls at first sight

Liu Yijun and his second wife, Lü Ziyao, met each other on a blind date.

At the beginning, because the interlacing was like a mountain, Liu Yijun did not know what "wireless data value-added" was, thinking that the blind date he wanted to meet was a mobile phone seller.

Although a little reluctant, because the introducer exaggerated the other party, Liu Yijun still agreed to meet.

As a result, when I got there, I was immediately disappointed.

The girl opposite is not as beautiful as the introducer said, and even some are not trim, plain face, wearing a T-shirt to come on a blind date.

For Liu Yijun, who is accustomed to seeing beautiful actresses, you can imagine how big the gap is.

Out of gentlemanly demeanor, Liu Yijun still sent the woman home after dinner, but it was still difficult to hide his straight male nature on the car, and sighed in front of the other party: "I didn't expect that Liu Yijun had also fallen to the point of being introduced by others!" ”

In other words, girls who are generally more sensitive, when they hear this sentence, I am afraid that they will be unhappy on the spot, and they will be angry and ask to get off the bus, and never see each other again.

But fate is so wonderful!

If Liu Yijun is sensitive, then this blind date, that is, his later second wife, Lü Ziyi, is exactly complementary to Liu Yijun.

Her personality was grinning widely, somewhat boyish.

In today's fashionable parlance, it is "blunt sensitivity". Therefore, at that time, she did not pay attention to Liu Yijun's obviously rude words.

Lu Ziyao is not a mobile phone seller, but a high-achieving student majoring in finance, engaged in the communications industry.

She had just finished a business trip that day, and as soon as she got off the plane, she went straight to the blind date.

Although he knew that the other party was an actor, Lu Ziyao did not think much about it, and did not even think about giving himself a moment, so he was so plain-faced, wearing the cheapest T-shirt, appeared in front of Liu Yijun, a young man of literature and art, and opened their fate.

At that time, Liu Yijun thought: Just see this time, and never see each other again.

Lu Ziyi thought: He has seen so many beautiful female stars, how can he find me.


But when the real fate comes, it will not be able to stop it.

On the way home to send Lu Ziyao home, Liu Yijun remembered that when she was eating, she said that she was going on a business trip, so she casually said: When the time comes, I will invite you to dinner and give you practice.

As soon as the words came out, he regretted it, and secretly complained to himself in his heart: It's over, you still have to meet, there is something to see.

But now that the words have been spoken, they must be done. Liu Yijun took advantage of Lu Ziyao's business trip and invited her to a meal.

As a result, after eating, he said casually: Or I will send you tomorrow?

And then I regret it again...

Lu Ziyao, who originally had no hope for this blind date, saw that the other party was invited to dinner and sent on a business trip, out of courtesy, after arriving at the destination, he returned a text message to Liu Yijun: I have arrived in Inner Mongolia safely, thank you for sending me.

In this way, two young people who may never have intersected again began text messages.

Unexpectedly, this kind of communication method based on politeness, starting from politeness, has opened the prelude to the love between the two.

Lu Ziyao in the text message let Liu Yijun see her more relaxed and relaxed side.

What really moved Liu Yijun was a handwritten outing itinerary written by Lu Ziyi.

As an actor, Liu Yijun originally had no concept of weekends and holidays, but when he learned that Lu Ziyao usually liked outings, he was still excited to participate.

Lu Ziyao was also very happy, in order to study the route, it was to check the Internet, to call friends, and to sort out the itinerary into a list.

The moment Liu Yijun saw this list, he couldn't help but be moved.

That was the first time he felt that a girl's word, how so beautiful!

This made him immediately have a different kind of feeling for her.

The handwritten itinerary has also been kept by him and has become a souvenir of their love.

Although in the words of the straight man Liu Yijun, their marriage is suddenly purred by their own "casual mouth", I believe that behind the superficial "casual mouth" is the subconscious "heartbeat".

Because a handwritten love for a person, it seems a little incredible, but put on Liu Yijun, it seems logical.

Liu Yijun: The first marriage gave me a shadow, and the second marriage taught me love

"Husband and Wife World" itinerary

All tribulations are prologues.

Many people know that Liu Yijun is a drama bone, and he can always brush the supporting roles out of the general presence of the protagonist.

From Xie Yu, the Marquis of the Belly Black, to the spicy instructor Wang Tianfeng, to Officer Zhang in the recent hit web drama "The Beginning", the character image he has created is thousands of faces, even if he plays a lot of bad people, it is also very bad.

Of course, this stems from his tempering of acting skills, but it is also inseparable from some sensitive and fragile parts of him.

It is with these qualities that he can more deeply appreciate life and figure out the role.

It is precisely because of these qualities that he is more likely to be moved by some small details.

If Liu Yijun's first marriage was the impulse of Fengzi to get married, then the second marriage had more maturity and stability after precipitation.

There is no love at first sight, the sea vows and mountain alliances, but there is a long stream of thin water and warmth.

In the words of Liu Yijun, the second wife made him change a lot, and also made him start to feel that love is beautiful, serious, and responsible.

When she first got married, Lu Ziyao was already a successful career woman, but she never put pressure on her husband's career.

She originally traveled frequently, and then Liu Yijun's career improved, in order to take care of the family, Lu Ziyao gave up her career and resigned as a full-time housewife.

For the son born to Liu Yijun and his first wife, Lu Ziyao also had no mustard, and asked her husband to take the child to them. At the critical stage of the beginning of the primary school and the beginning of the ascent, he also accompanied the child to review the homework until the early morning.

She gave him wholehearted trust and support.

In front of Lü Ziyao, Liu Yijun can always be relaxed and do not need to be inferior.

It is with such a family as the backing, Liu Yijun can devote himself to work without distraction, thus ushering in the spring of his career.

Looking back at Liu Yijun's marriage and career, you will find that he has a tenacity in him.

This tenacity made him still not give up his dream of being an actor in the years when he copied his salary slip in Xi'an.

This tenacity makes him still not give up on himself when there is no drama to shoot and the road ahead is slim.

This tenacity makes him still believe in hope and love when he encounters the double blow of career and marriage.

In "Lu Yu Has a Date", Liu Yijun admitted that there were indeed a few years in his life that were really dark, which once made him despair.

But no matter how desperate he was, he never thought of using extreme ways to relieve his depression.

Along the way, from depressed ambition to the "top stream of the uncle circle" sought after by countless people today, Liu Yijun walked hard, but he also walked solidly.

To use a phrase that I like very much, it is not forgetting the original intention, and we must always be consistent.

I also hope that every friend who is at the trough of life can be like Liu Yijun,

Keep working hard and believe in hope.

One day, you will usher in your own spring blossoms!

#虎年有娱 #