
On January 28, Jingdong Group issued an internal letter announcing that it would invest more than 400 million yuan to adhere to the front-line employees of the Spring Festival

author:Alphabet list

On January 28, JD Group issued an internal letter announcing that it would invest more than 400 million yuan to increase welfare subsidies for front-line employees who adhered to the Spring Festival. The internal letter revealed that with the acceleration of the "Penfolds Plan" for rural revitalization, in October 2020, Jingdong proposed that it would drive the rural areas to achieve trillions of output values within three years, and by the end of 2021, it has achieved 320 billion yuan, which is expected to achieve the goal ahead of schedule.

On January 28, Jingdong Group issued an internal letter announcing that it would invest more than 400 million yuan to adhere to the front-line employees of the Spring Festival