
1000 cubic meters of durian cold storage installation cost, durian preservation warehouse power consumption?

author:Haoshuang refrigeration

Durian is currently a very popular fruit in our lives. The flesh of durian can be used as an ingredient in a variety of cuisines.

At the same time, economic value is also very objective. Then the preservation and storage of durian is a very important job.

The preservation methods of durian pulp on the market are: frozen pulp, complete fruit preservation.

Below we introduce in detail the installation cost of 1000 cubic durian cold storage.

1000 cubic meters of durian cold storage installation cost, durian preservation warehouse power consumption?

The picture shows the cold storage built by Haoshuang Refrigeration

Durian cold storage storage durian is divided into 2 kinds,

One is a freezer at -18 °C, which can be used for long-term storage of durian pulp after the quick-freezing is completed.

The other is the 0-5 ° C preservation warehouse, which is mainly used for the preservation of fresh durian, but this type of preservation warehouse stores durian for a limited time.

Installation cost of a 1000 cubic durian freezer

The cost of cold storage is generally based on the capacity and temperature requirements to calculate the amount of materials to accumulate the cost of cold storage.

In the case of understanding the plant of the 1000 cubic durian freezer, it is also necessary to determine the height of the plant and what kind of durian is stored. That is, to determine the temperature of the cold storage that needs to be built.

In the case of determining the temperature and capacity, the approximate cost budget of the cold storage can be given.

If you want to know the detailed or specific cold storage equipment list price, you need to refer to the following aspects of the data:

1, [region]: the choice of durian freezer installation area, different climates on the cooling materials, refrigeration systems and other convenient choices have a great impact.

2. [Temperature]: The temperature of the cold storage installation design directly affects the overall cost of the cold storage project. Is there already a definite temperature.

3, [size]: The larger the capacity of the durian freezer, the higher the cost. The more refrigeration capacity and insulation materials required, the higher the price of natural cold storage;

4, [Function]: whether it is determined that only one temperature of the freezer is needed, if not, please also explain the purpose of other cold storage construction;

5, [system]: the current freezer, there are pipe cooling and air cooling 2 ways, we need to determine the refrigeration method, the cold storage scheme is different, the refrigeration system also has multiple choices, the unit brand difference, the price difference is larger;

【Compartments】: The same capacity cold storage, the number of compartments is different, the number of refrigeration equipment configurations is also different, which is also one of the key factors affecting the final cost of durian freezer;

The above is the construction of 1000 cubic durian freezer affects the cost of the condition factors, if you have the intention of building a fruit cold storage, or about the cold storage problems, you can always consult Haoshuang refrigeration.