
Pharmaceutical factory construction 1100 cubic meters of pharmaceutical refrigerator program construction cost standards

author:Haoshuang refrigeration

Medicine will affect people's life safety, the state and the people on the safety of drugs is very important, pharmaceutical cold storage is pharmaceutical factories, hospitals, pharmacies, CDC operating enterprises must be the storage facilities for pharmaceutical products, because the need to ensure the quality of medicine effect, the need to build a pharmaceutical refrigerator for storage. Under low temperature conditions, the drug can not be deteriorated, and the shelf life of the drug can be extended.

Pharmaceutical factory construction 1100 cubic meters of pharmaceutical refrigerator program construction cost standards

The pharmaceutical cold storage of the pharmaceutical factory can be divided into:

1. Drugs, reagents, vaccines and medical refrigerators at 2~8°C;

2, 20 °C temperature is used to store drugs at room temperature, is the storage of ordinary cold storage.

3. -20 °C can be used for storage of plasma, stem cell products and other storage.

Standards for the construction of pharmaceutical refrigerators in pharmaceutical factories:

The cold storage built by the pharmaceutical factory needs to monitor and record the temperature and humidity for 24 hours.

The pharmaceutical refrigerator needs to have a power supply, and it also needs a backup set of equipment or a dual circuit power supply.

The brand of refrigeration equipment installed in the pharmaceutical cold storage and the design of the refrigeration scheme.

Material and price of insulation boards installed in pharmaceutical cold storage.

The location and region of the construction of the pharmaceutical cold storage are different, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside the library is large, which is also a condition factor that will affect the rise in the cost of the cold storage.