
Equipped with high-end intelligence and power, the "automotive robot" Auchan Z6 released a limited digital collection

Recently, "metaverse" has become the latest hot word in the global science and technology community. The concept of "metacosmity" in the automotive industry has also begun to have auchan automobiles. The all-media reporter learned from Auchan Automobile that the first meta-universe digital collection of the automotive industry jointly launched by Auchan Automobile and Tencent Phantom Core will be officially launched on the Tencent ecosystem at 00:00 on January 29, 2022, and will be drawn for all groups, with a global limit of 666 pieces.

Equipped with high-end intelligence and power, the "automotive robot" Auchan Z6 released a limited digital collection

According to reports, Auchan Automobile officially announced the first NFT in the industry on December 27, 2021, and the digital collection jointly launched by Auchan Automobile and Tencent will not only be limited to unique identity identification images, but also have high collection value. Any "lucky one" who has extracted the meta-universe digital collection of the "car robot" Auchan Z6 will be able to become the super driver of the automotive robot Auchan Z6, that is, to obtain the priority car pick-up right of Auchan Z6, the opportunity to meet with the "car robot" for the first time, the super surprise car pick-up rights and the opportunity to obtain the one-year early adopter right of Auchan Z6.

At the end of 2021, Auchan Auto will launch its new smart sequence flagship model, the Auchan Z6. Customized for the "Z generation", Auchan Z6 created three metaverse images of navigator Xiao Ou, YYDS digital twin image, and automotive robot Auchan Z6. In terms of product strength, in addition to the innovative use of edge and environment aesthetics, Auchan Z6 has also brought the creation of intelligent leapfrogging, diversified power system choices, and created high-order strength. In terms of smart cockpit, Auchan Z6 brings the third generation of "eye trigger, mind interaction" third-generation in-car voice interaction mode, to achieve a look, that is, "easy to control"; at the same time, the 10.25-inch instrument screen + 12.3-inch central control screen + 9.1-inch small European screen composed of three-screen cockpit, can achieve four-screen interaction (+ AR-HUD), five-screen interaction (+ Huawei, OPPO, vivo, millet and other mainstream mobile phones), six-screen interconnection (+ smart wearable devices) Coupled with the OnStyle 5.0 intelligent car operating system supported by the 8-core speed chip, this car has become a veritable "intelligent robot".

Equipped with high-end intelligence and power, the "automotive robot" Auchan Z6 released a limited digital collection

In terms of intelligent driving, thanks to the AgilePilot 7.0 Cloud Eagle Intelligent Driving System of Auchan Automobile, Auchan Z6 can realize full voice automatic valet parking, 15 radars, 5 cameras, 6 highly sensitive microphones, all-round detection to solve various problems such as user parking difficulties and car removal difficulties. In terms of power, Auchan Z6 has three combinations: Blue Whale IDD Global Electromix System, Blue Whale 2.0T+8AT Power System, and Blue Whale 1.5T+7DCT Power System. Among them, the Blue Whale IDD global electromix system can bring NEDC about 1500km endurance, and the Blue Whale 2.0T+8AT power system can accelerate up to 6 seconds.

Equipped with high-end intelligence and power, the "automotive robot" Auchan Z6 released a limited digital collection

【Car World Reviews】

It is not easy to make the car a fashion product that is in line with the "thinking" of the new generation. The first meta-universe digital collection of the automotive industry can be seen in Auchan Automobile's breakthrough in addition to products. It can be said that knowing how to play with Gen Z is the brand that truly understands Gen Z. If the operation goes well, this will be the core value of the automotive robot Auchan Z6. From the product point of view, the high-level intelligent level, diversified and powerful power system, which is the basis for Auchan Z6 to create a higher level of quality experience for generation Z.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Deng Li

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Deng Li

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Zhao Dongqin

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