
Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

author:Texas News Network

Ping An Shandong Rule of Law Shandong Construction

A summary meeting on the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent of the whole province was held

Make every effort to build a higher level of safety and security in Shandong, rule of law Shandong

Provide strong support for the construction of a strong socialist modern province in the new era

Li Ganjie delivered a speech zhou Naixiang presided over Yang Dongqi's attendance

Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

Ping An Shandong Rule of Law Shandong Construction and provincial political and legal contingent education and rectification summary meeting was recently held in Jinan. The meeting deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the relevant central meetings, commended the advanced, summarized the education and rectification work of the political and legal contingent, and studied and deployed the work of safe Shandong and the construction of rule of law in Shandong.

Li Ganjie, secretary of the provincial party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech; Zhou Naixiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, presided over the meeting; and Yang Dongqi, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, made arrangements for relevant work.

At the meeting, the "Circular of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the Shandong Provincial People's Government on Commending the Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals in the Construction of Ping An Shandong", the "Circular of the Ping An Shandong Construction Leading Group on Awarding and Naming the 2017-2020 Ping An Shandong Construction Demonstration County (City, District)", and the "Circular on Commending the Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals in the Construction of the Rule of Law Government in Shandong Province and the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" Law Popularization and Governance Work in 2016-2020 were read out. Provincial leaders present awards and medals to the commended representatives.

Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

The meeting reported on the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent in the province.

Li Ganjie said in his speech that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the construction of a safe China and a rule of law China, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly issued important speeches and made important instructions, providing us with fundamental guidelines for doing a good job. In recent years, the whole province has conscientiously implemented the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and has achieved remarkable results in the construction of safe Shandong and rule of law Shandong around the center, serving the overall situation, and innovating actions.

Li Ganjie pointed out that the construction of safe Shandong and rule of law In Shandong is a practical measure to fully implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, an important support for the construction of a strong socialist modern province in the new era, and an urgent need to make up for the shortcomings of the governance system and governance capabilities. All levels and departments should profoundly understand the great significance of the construction of safe Shandong and rule of law in Shandong, earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of urgency, and resolutely support the "two establishments" and achieve "two safeguards" with practical actions.

Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

Li Ganjie stressed: In striving to build a higher level of safety and security in Shandong, it is necessary to make efforts to create a safe and stable political and social environment, safeguard the country's political security, prevent and resolve major risks, and solve problems in the field of people's livelihood and public security; we must make efforts to enhance the masses' sense of happiness and security, severely crack down on illegal crimes, normalize the elimination of organized crime and evil, and thoroughly resolve the backlog of letters and petitions; we must make efforts to improve the modernization level of social governance, give play to the leading role of urban governance, optimize the pattern of grass-roots governance, and unite and create a joint force of peace and security. Striving to build a higher level of rule of law in Shandong, it is necessary to pay close attention to the implementation of the "one plan and two outlines", improve the mechanism for promoting the construction of rule of law in Shandong, implement the key tasks of building a rule of law government, and raise the overall level of the construction of a rule of law society; we must earnestly optimize the construction of the rule of law environment, earnestly improve the quality of legislation, strictly regulate government behavior, and strengthen equal legal protection; we must pay close attention to the practice of the rule of law for the people, vigorously strengthen legal services, and solve the most direct and realistic interest problems that the people are most concerned about; we must pay close attention to the reform of the rule of law field, deepen the "decentralization and management of services", Reform of the administrative law enforcement system and judicial system.

Li Ganjie pointed out that carrying out the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. At present, the education and rectification has achieved positive results, and it is necessary to conscientiously sum up experience and practices, continue to adhere to effective measures, continue to exert efforts in learning and practicing Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law, comprehensively and strictly manage the party and the police, and encourage political and legal cadres and police to take responsibility, and continuously consolidate and deepen the results of education and rectification.

Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

Li Ganjie stressed: This year, the party and the state have many major events and important matters, and have put forward higher requirements for security and stability maintenance work. All levels and departments should resolutely grasp all aspects of security and stability maintenance with a high sense of political responsibility, strive to maintain a stable and healthy economic environment, a clean and healthy political environment, and a social environment of national peace and security, and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with outstanding achievements.

The meeting was held in the form of a video, and provincial leaders Xia Hongmin, Bai Yugang, Wang Yuyan, Lin Fenghai, Liu Qiang, Fan Huaping, Fu Mingxian, Zhang Jiatian, Chen Yong, the principal responsible comrades of relevant departments (units) directly under the provincial government, and commended representatives attended the meeting at the main venue. Each municipal and provincial political and legal committee and provincial political and legal unit shall set up sub-venues.

Ping An Shandong rule of law Shandong construction and the province's political and legal team education and rectification summary meeting was held

(Dazhong Daily client reporter Li Zilu Liu Bing reported photo Fang Xiangang)