
The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

author:Huailai posted
The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

Fully implement the new development concept

Strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development in the new era

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

On the afternoon of January 28, the second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County successfully completed its agenda and closed in the conference room on the third floor of the Government Affairs Building.

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

Jia Bing, secretary of the county party committee, executive chairman and executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, presided over the meeting and made a speech.

Executive Chairmen Zhang Qi, Feng Zhanwu, Liu Chaojun, Han Zhiming, Wang Qibing, Wang Xiaoshun, Wang Yucheng, Dong Haihong, Wang Haiyue, Niu Yijun, Mi Guoliang, Zhang Zhi, Cheng Meixia, and Tai Xiaofeng took their seats at the rostrum. Also seated on the rostrum were Fu Min, Wang Jinfeng, Sun Wenjie, Sun Jing, Guo Lifu, Shi Fuxian, and other members of the presidium of the congress.

The meeting shall consist of 219 delegates, and the actual number shall be 171, which shall be in accordance with the quorum.

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

The meeting announced that 10 projects such as the county town broken road penetration project in 2022 will be determined as the people's livelihood practical projects of the county government in 2022.

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed
The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

The meeting heard the examination report of the Motion Review Committee on the examination of bills; voted and passed various resolutions of the congress; and commended 7 outstanding people's congress deputies liaison stations, including the Liaison Station of People's Congress Deputies in the Civil Engineering Area.

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

After the conference completed its agenda, Jia Bing made a speech.

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

Jia Bing said: With the joint efforts of all deputies and comrades attending the meeting, the second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County successfully completed its agenda. The conference is a conference to seek common development and draw a blueprint together, a conference to gather strength, unity and encouragement, a conference to seek truth and be pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, which will further stimulate the high morale of the people of the county to unite as one, work hard and take responsibility, and bravely tackle tough problems, and will further gather the powerful driving force for promoting Huailai's innovative development, green development and high-quality development.

Jia Bing pointed out that 2022 is the year of the successful holding of the Winter Olympic Games and the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, and it is also a key year for Huailai to cope with challenges and climb over obstacles. We must always adhere to the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, continuously strengthen and improve the work of the people's congress in the new era, continuously develop people's democracy in the whole process, consolidate and develop a lively, stable and united political situation, gather ideological consensus and gather strong forces for the economic and social development of the whole county, and strive to add color to the overall situation with the light of one region.

Jia Bing stressed: First, we must adhere to the political direction, unswervingly support the "two establishments," and achieve "two safeguards." All deputies and all party members and cadres should always regard stressing politics as the primary criterion and the first requirement, further enhance their political standing, enhance their political awareness, and strengthen their political orientation. It is necessary to strengthen the political stance, strengthen the concept of the overall situation, and strengthen ideological guidance. Second, we must maintain strategic determination, vigorously grasp the first priority of development, and stimulate endogenous motivation. In the face of the epidemic of the century and the unprecedented changes in a century, and in the face of the major development opportunities of the present and future periods, we must always firmly adhere to the goal of struggle, maintain high morale, stimulate the motivation to forge ahead, and go all out to promote the healthy development of various undertakings. It is necessary to strengthen the confidence of development, serve the overall situation of the center, and improve business skills. Third, we must adhere to the supremacy of the people, strive to promote social unity and enhance people's livelihood and well-being. People's congress deputies shoulder the important responsibilities entrusted by the people, and they must do more to enhance social unity, do more to enhance the people's livelihood and well-being, and do more to enhance the synergy of development, and earnestly play their due role in serving society, the people, and development. It is necessary to actively speak for the people, earnestly seek benefits for the people, and truly safeguard rights for the people. Fourth, we must persist in taking on practical work, continuously improve our work style, and invigorate our mental state. People's congress deputies are the backbone force of all walks of life in the county, and they must take the lead in really doing solid work and vigorously grasping implementation, and lead the broad masses of the people to concentrate on development and projects with a sense of responsibility and urgency that they cannot afford to wait, cannot wait, and cannot sit still. We must persist in working hard, enhance our ability to innovate, and create an atmosphere of hard work.

In conclusion, Jia Bing said that the vicissitudes of the sea show the true colors of heroes, and only when the big waves and sand are sandy can we see the ambition and pride. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, work hard, do not slacken off, make every effort to host the National Events of the Winter Olympics, make every effort to promote the high-quality development of Huailai, and present the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results!

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed
The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Huailai County was closed

The Assembly closed with the majestic sound of the national anthem.

Reporter: Lian Haiqing, Xu Xinyu, Zhang Xinlei, Zhang Peng, Zhang Xin, Cao Weizhong, Wang Zhenhu, Qin Jianhua, Sun Lingguang

Typography: Zhang Shugang

Review: Liang Ge

Please indicate: Huailai published this article

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