
Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen

author:Nanning Intermediate Court

In order to promote judicial openness and create a strong atmosphere in which the whole society pays attention to enforcement, understands enforcement, and gathers enforcement forces, on January 27, the People's Court News and Media Corporation, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region High People's Court, the Nanning Intermediate People's Court, and the Jiangnan District People's Court jointly launched the "Special Enforcement of People's Livelihood" law popularization live broadcast activity, and the soldiers adopted compulsory enforcement measures against the executors of the two cases in two ways, which not only showed the daily life of the court's enforcement work, but also presented the judicial style of the enforcement judges taking root in the grassroots and going deep into the masses. More than 1.6 million netizens entered the live broadcast room to watch and interact, directly hit the execution site, and truly felt the "iron fist" and "warmth" of the execution work.

At 9:30 a.m., the enforcement team set off from the court and marched to the tengfang site on foot. In this case, the applicant, Mr. Wei, rented a shop on Tinghong Road in Jiangnan District to Mr. Fu, and the lessee refused to move out after the lease period expired. After the court judgment took effect, Fu still did not move away from the shop, so Wei applied for compulsory enforcement. After the enforcement judge Huang Wenmin came to the scene, he led the cadres and policemen to quickly carry out the work of vacating the house.

In order to more intuitively show the process of court enforcement, Dang Ruomu, a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region High Court, and Su Lingyan, director of the Trial and Management Office of the Jiangnan District Court, led netizens across the country to "step into" the shop to be disposed of, and broadcast the entire process of vacating the house to netizens across the country.

At 10:30, the execution site was transferred to the Su wei court of the Jiangnan District Court, and the enforcement judge prepared to go to the home of the executor to conduct an investigation. The case was a divorce dispute, Liang and Zhang sued the court for divorce due to the breakdown of their relationship, and the court ordered Zhang to pay Chen child support, medical expenses and various compensation expenses. After the judgment took effect, Mr. Zhang did not take the initiative to perform the corresponding obligations, and Mr. Liang applied to the court for compulsory enforcement. According to the analysis and tracking of the whereabouts clues, Wei Yiqing, the judge in charge, learned that Zhang had returned to the village to prepare for the New Year, so he went to the scene to investigate.

In Zhang's home, judge Bao Qijian, the person in charge of the Su Wei court, and Judge Wei Yiqing first patiently explained the law and reasoned for it, and Zhang expressed his willingness to cooperate with the court's enforcement, and communicated and negotiated face-to-face with his ex-wife on the issue of the child's visitation rights under the banyan tree in front of his home.

During the period, Zhang's relatives unexpectedly interfered, and the judges resolved them one by one, and finally the parties reached a settlement. During the live broadcast, Tan Qianyi, deputy director of the Executive Bureau, as the anchor, gave detailed answers to various questions from netizens.

"Popularizing the law for the people, the effect of such popularization of the law is very praised!" "Judges are in place for reason, reason, and law"... Through the live broadcast footage, the majority of netizens watched the whole process of case enforcement, and highly praised the judge for sticking to his post before the Spring Festival to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant, while the image of the enforcement judge being impartial in the execution of the case and patiently reasoning also left a deep impression on everyone.

Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen
Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen
Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen
Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen
Enforcement has "strength" and "temperature" - "multi-faceted" enforcement judges, the majority of netizens have seen