
Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

Summer is coming, and the rain is getting heavier. Compared with the lingering spring rain, the sentimentality of the autumn rain, the alienation of the winter rain, the summer rain is full of passion, coming fast, going fast, bold and free. In the hot summer, a rain also brings coolness to the earth, making the air fresher and fresher.

The plums between the windows are ripe and the bamboo shoots under the walls are out of the forest.

Even the rain does not know where the spring is going, and the sun is clear and the summer is deep.

--Song Fan Chengda, "Xi Qing"

The plums outside the window were yellow, and they fell unconsciously, and the bamboo shoots under the wall also grew into a bamboo forest. After continuous rain, I didn't know that spring was gone, and when I let go of the sun, I found that it was late summer. Time flies, and the passage of the seasons is also fleeting. Yesterday's flowers, today's fruit ripe, the air is already filled with the smell of summer.

The summer rain falls on its own, and the scenery in the rain reveals leisure and peace, making people feel the beauty of time.

In the rain, the chickens chirped one or two, and the Zhuxi Village Road Banqiao sloped.

The woman and the nun summoned the silkworm to go to the bath, idle in the atrium gardenia.

——Tang Wangjian, "Rain Over the Mountain Village"

In the summer rain, the sound of chickens chirping came from one or two families, the creek was covered with green bamboo, the village road spread into the distance, and the Banqiao was crooked. At this time, the village is quiet, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law call to each other to soak the silkworm seeds, and the gardenia in the courtyard is not appreciated, and it opens alone in the rain, emitting a fragrance.

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

Xia Yu said that it came, the momentum was unstoppable, but it also received quickly, really like a person with a quick temper.

Black clouds turned over the ink and did not cover the mountains, and white rain jumped beads into the boat.

The wind blows away suddenly, and the water under the lake is like the sky.

——Song Sushi, "Drunken Book of WanghuLou on June 27"

Dark clouds poured in, like ink spilled and stained, but they did not completely cover the mountains, and white water splashed like broken beads in the boat. The rain was so fierce that it was hard to resist. A fierce wind swept up and blew away the dark clouds. In an instant, I saw that the situation below the lake was different, the water of the West Lake was blue and calm, and the sky and water reflected each other, as if the torrential rain had never come at all.

Rain that comes too suddenly is always more of a surprise than a surprise for people in summer.

Climb the stairs to escape the height of summer, and Vientiane is dusting.

Opposite the thunder tree, when the street rains on people.

The eaves are thick with cobwebs, and the ground is wet and the swallow mud is new.

The breeze rises, and the fragrance of lotus fills the surroundings.

- Don Feidu, "Summer on the Rain"

Climb to a tall building to escape the heat, covered with dust everywhere. Suddenly, heavy rain fell, thunder burst out, roaring trees in the wind and rain, and people on the streets scattered to avoid the rain, which was really hasty. The sparse cobwebs under the eaves were wet with rain, the ground was wet, and the nest was like a new paste. After the poem, the breeze blows after the rain, and the fragrance of the lotus flowers in the water is scattered everywhere, which is really pleasant. From the sudden panic of heavy rain to the quiet admiration of the beautiful scenery after the rain, this is the daily life of summer.

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

Summer often brings people winds and rain, but after the storm, it also brings more vitality.

The wind drove the rapid rain to sprinkle the high city, and the cloud pressure was light and thunderous.

The rain passed without knowing where the dragon went, and a pool of grass-colored frogs chirped.

--Ming Liu Ji, "Heavy Rain on May 19"

The storm drove straight in, into the city, the thunder was faint, and the dark clouds covered the world. And the heavy rain passed quickly, the dragon of Shi Yunbuyu did not know where to go, the pond was full of verdant grass, and countless frogs sang, cheerful and full of life. Summer storms, though destructive, have also brought more prosperity. And everything that thrives in the summer, how can you be afraid of the tests and trials of nature?

The occurrence of summer rain is always unexpected, day and night, always shocking.

The fierce wind fluttered black clouds, and the sound of rain in the high forest.

The night is long and the rain is resting and the wind is fixed, but the broken clouds and the moon are obliquely bright.

- Don Han Wei, "Summer Night"

Dark clouds, lightning strikes, hurricanes are merciless, rapid rains are everywhere, and high forest leaves are like endless shouts. In the middle of the night, the rain finally stopped, the wind stopped, and the world returned to peace. Between the clouds in the night sky, there was a bend of the moon, sprinkling with clear moonlight, as if to comfort the world that had just been tortured by wind and rain.

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

The wind is coming, the rain is coming, and people are used to it. Summer rain has always been spontaneous, not afraid to disturb anyone.

Afternoon dreams fill the bottom of the boat, and the incense is full of smoke and water in the West Lake.

The sound of the torrential rain hitting the canopy, the first fright of the dream.

But it was the pond lotus that jumped into the rain, scattered the pearls and gathered.

Gathered as a mercury nest, diarrhea clear waves.

--Song Yang Wanli, "Zhaojun Grievances, Yonghe on the Rain"

During the nap, I dreamed that I was boating in the West Lake and watching the beautiful lotus flowers. The lotus fragrance is scattered, the smoke and water are vast, it is a good view. Suddenly, the sound of rain lapping at the canopy surprised the poet's dreams. When I got up, I hurried outside, but I wanted to see the lotus flowers in the rain. The torrential rain hit the lotus leaves, up and down, suddenly scattered, and soon converged and rolled, like a broken crystal pearl. Finally, it gathered into a pool of mercury, but it was overwhelmed and fell into the pool. Watching the lotus in the rain is quite childlike, and the innocence of the poet can be seen.

The continuous rainfall in summer has also led to a rise in the water level in various waters, and the flood season has arrived.

Jiangcun enters the summer with many thunderstorms, and Xiao Zuo is crazy and sunny at night.

The waves are not known how deep, and the South Lake is now flat with the North Lake.

- Don Weizhuang, "Heavy Rain"

Since the beginning of summer, the villages by the river have been raining frequently, often in the morning and then sunny in the evening. The waves in the river are turbulent, the water of the Lake north of the South Lake is flat after the rain, the summer rain is fierce, the river is easy to rise, and it is no longer the sparkling situation in the spring.

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

Summer rains are swift and majestic most of the time, but they are not entirely true.

The sub-rules broke the city tower moon. Painting Lou Xiao Zai Sheng Song Hair.

Lychees on both sides of the strait are red, and thousands of families are in the smoke and rain.

The lady was crying relatively, and the tears were wet.

Since then, the letter has been sparse, and there are no geese flying in Lingnan.

——Song Li Shizhong, "Bodhisattva Man Zi Zhi Breaks the City Tower Moon"

The sound of cuckoos awakened the dream, and there was a crescent moon hanging on the castle tower. It was dawn and I was about to set off in a richly decorated boat. On both sides of the strait are ripe lychees, bright red, more beautiful than spring flowers, drizzling like smoke, enveloping thousands of households. At the time of separation, the beautiful woman and I cried opposite each other, and the tears stained the clothes. In the remote land of Lingnan, it is difficult for geese to fly, and I am afraid that there will be few letters in the future! Because of the parting, the summer rain is also as tight and sad as the spring rain.

If you say where the summer rain is the most, it is Jiangnan. The rainy season is something that Jiangnan can't get around every year.

In the yellow plum season, the family rains, and the grass pond is full of frogs.

There is about no night and a half, idle knocking chess pieces to drop the lights and flowers.

--Song Zhao Shixiu, "The Guest"

When the plums are ripe, it is the rainy season, it is raining everywhere in Gangnam, and the grassy pond is full of frogs. The poet invited a friend to come to the house, it was late at night, but he had not yet come, and he could not help but be a little anxious, bored, picking up the chess pieces in his hand, knocking on the table, and inadvertently shaking off the lamp. When will friends come? The only answer to him was the sound of rain and frogs all over the world, do you want to wait?

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

After the summer rains, the air is exceptionally fresh, not even a trace of dust, making people's mood calm and happy.

The monk's house is cool and bamboo trees are new, and the first rain washes away the dust.

The breeze suddenly blows lotus leaves, and the green jade plate pours mercury.

——Tang Shi Shoulder Wu, "After the Summer Rain"

After the rain, the monk's house is cool, the bamboo trees next to it are exceptionally verdant and renewed, and the air seems to have been washed, which is exceptionally clean. The breeze suddenly blew up the lotus leaves, and the rain that remained on the lotus leaves rolled, like crystal mercury pouring out of the green jade plate! The poet watched with relish and forgot about the opportunity.

When it rains, it is lively, and even makes people feel a little overwhelmed, and after the rain, there is no lack of fun.

Plum rain, summer wind and. There are many cicadas in Takayanagi.

Small garden terrace xie far pool wave. Fish play with new lotus.

Tulle kitchen, light lupine. Pillow cold mound cool deep courtyard.

Emotions at this time are now days. Nothing little fairy.

--Song Zhou Bangyan, "Crane Rushing To the Sky, Mei Yuji"

The rainy season has finally passed, and the summer wind is clear. On the tall willow trees, the sound of cicadas is everywhere. In the garden, the pond water waves reflect the pavilion, and the fish play under the newly formed lotus leaves. Under the light gauze cabinet, the lupine fan is gently shaken, and the soft pillows and cool mats on the bed are so cool that people feel comfortable. At this time, the mood is very good, just like the little fairy idle in the sky.

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless

A summer rain is the best antidote to the heat.

Wind Pu Hunting Small Pond,

Over the rain lotus flowers full of incense,

Heavy plum floating melon ice and snow cool.

Bamboo square bed, needle and thread lazy noon dream long.

--Song Li Chongyuan, "Remembering Wang Sun Xia Ci"

The wind crossed the pond, the sound of hunting grass was heard, and the fragrance of lotus flowers filled the yard after the rain, and there was no summer at all, it was really cool and fragrant. Take the plums and melons that were previously placed in the well water and use cold water to enjoy, as cool as ice and snow. The cool bamboo square bed is the best place to go, what kind of needlework, lazy lying on the bed, taking a beautiful nap, isn't it better than anything?

Summer rain, less subtle, more reckless, like a daredevil, but more like a passionate, easy to impulsive teenager. The power of the rain when it comes, the small freshness after the rain, all make people feel from the bottom of their hearts, this vigorous and enthusiastic season, but also has infinite charm, let people easily fall in love with ah.


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.

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