
Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

author:Hu Kan kaowow

Looking at the following series of pictures, anyone can understand, Stan Mott (presumably translated.) He has an extremely strong sense of humor and an amazing talent for artistic displays of various technical gadgets. In addition, many people familiar with Mott's work call his work only fantasy surreal. This part is correct. But only part of it.

The subject matter of most of his paintings is not actually the fruit of his unbridled imagination at all, but rather a creative reflection on real-life technological projects of the last century.

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster
Flying Big Bertha

"Flying Big Bertha" – a mixture of aircraft and a huge large-caliber artillery capable of shooting at ground targets from the air (1937)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

racing car

The fun of the 20th century - steam locomotive racing

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Truck extreme sports

21st Century Fun - Truck Jumping

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Excavator extreme sports

Fun of the 21st Century - Excavator Jump The fun of the 21st century - Excavator Jump

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Soviet supergiant aircraft

The world's largest Soviet supergiant aircraft in the 1930s could not take off due to its enormous weight

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Christie Cunningham Le Mans Athletic Team

Christie-Cunningham LeMans Sportank - Sports Tank, French Le Mans Champion (1962)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

The Maginot spirit

L'Esprit de Maginot ( L'Esprit de Maginot ) – French land battleship defending the Maginot Line (1927)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Secret copy of the Tu-114 aircraft with a super powerful cyclic jet engine (late 1950s)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Flying large-caliber artillery

Flying large-caliber artillery pre-flight loading process

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Ancient Egyptian tanks

Ancient Egyptian Tanks - Interpreted from Frescoes (1400 BC)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Ancient Viking tanks

Wheeled tanks of the ancient Vikings (1050 AD)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Tank taxi

Tank taxi based on the chassis of the M4A3 Sherman tank (1977).

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Airborne tanks

Soviet Air Program tank based on the T-34 tank (1953)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Flying tanks

Soviet flying armored vehicle based on Chrysler Airflow and MiG-1 fighter jets (1943)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Light tanks

Light wheeled tracked tank based on sports cars (1950s)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Kamikaze Tank

Small Japanese kamikaze tank with 400 kg bomb (1945)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Jet steam engine

The jet steam engine takes off

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

The ultra-small aircraft program

Stalin's Falcon - Project for The Manufacture of Ultra-Small Aircraft (1939 - 41)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Double-decker fighter

Soviet aircraft "Troika" (1925)

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Soviet racing

Artist Stan Mott's technocratic monster

Desert Aircraft Carrier

An aircraft carrier on a track in the middle of a sandy desert

#Military Hot ##Funny###Military Equipment ##军事 #