
From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

author:Zinuo movie recommended

The history of European immigration has a long history, and from the perspective of modern history alone, the arrival of immigrants has transformed today's Europe into a place inhabited by people of different nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, and religious beliefs. And it is this great difference that gives Europe and European cinema a rich face that is different from other regions.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Outlaws" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French</h1>

From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

Outlaw is a crime film directed by Jean-Luc Godard, starring Claude Blaise, Na Carlina, Jean-Luc Godard and others, released in France on August 5, 1964.

Arthur and Faz are two young men fascinated by American culture and American cinema, who learn English, are very interested in legendary figures such as Billy The Kid, and love to dance. In order to make them both accept her, the girl Told them how to make money - they decided to go and rob Audrey's rich aunt together. But the consequences were a catastrophe.

France, in a similar situation after World War II to Britain, also faced a shortage of labor, and the French government decided to recruit labor migrants from its colonies. Large numbers of immigrants came to France from Vietnam, North Africa (especially Algeria) and Latin America. 6 percent of them work in construction, while more than two-thirds work in coal, steel and automotive industries. The outbreak of the Algerian War in 1954 had led to more than two hundred thousand Algerians living in France, and tensions between the two countries had led to the unpopularity of these immigrants in France.

The film "Extralegals" focuses on this group, and the 1945 Setif massacre in Algeria, shown in the film, also triggered a parade protest by the mayor of Cannes and thousands of French veterans at the Cannes Film Festival due to its controversial depiction of history.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Samba North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, France</h1>

From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

Samba is a comedy directed by Olivier Nakash and Eric Tolanda, starring Omar Sai and Charlotte Gansbour.

In Samba, Omahi plays Samba, an immigrant from Senegal who makes ends meet by washing dishes in a high-end hotel, unlike the good French life he imagined. To make matters worse, he was detained because of a file error. At this point, he meets Alice (Charlotte Gainsbourg), an immigrant worker who understands what it means to live at the bottom, and they begin to get to know each other, and two very different people actually breed feelings... But Samba was ordered by the authorities to leave France, where does his future lie?

In addition to Algerian immigrants of North African descent, black immigrants from Cameroon, Senegal and Mali also account for a significant proportion in France. Due to the history of French colonialism, these immigrants spoke fluent French and were more likely to integrate into French society.

In the movie "Samba", Samba, a Malian immigrant who has been in France for ten years, still has to rely on his meager income from washing dishes in the hotel restaurant to survive. At this time, he was detained because of an error in his identity documents. Fate led him to meet Alice, an immigration worker played by Charlotte Gamble. She understands the life at the bottom of the migrants. The two gradually got to know each other in contact and developed feelings. However, Samba was ordered to leave France by the Immigration Department.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, Germany</h1>

From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

Moving Forward is a love film by Universal Pictures Germany, directed by Fatih Akin and starring Bourger Yunel, Sibel Kekili and Metham Kubul. The film was released in Germany on February 12, 2004.

Birol Ünel, a Native Of Turkey, resented life because of his wife's departure and unemployment, and when rock and white powder were not enough to sustain him, he drove his car against a wall and committed suicide, but without success. In the hospital, he met Sibel Kekilli, a 20-year-old girl whose parents were also Turks, who went to the hospital by means of fake suicide to get rid of his parents, but his parents still chased her to the hospital and asked her to marry a Turkish man as soon as possible.

  At Siebel's request, Kadyn and her fake marriage, the two said that they would not interfere in each other's lives, Sibel as he wished to live a free and stimulating life of drinking and having fun, frequent boyfriend changes, and Kadyn also rekindled the hope of life because of her liveliness and passion. After half a year of peace, Kadyn really fell in love with Sibel, and Sibel also accidentally found himself full of jealousy of Kadyn's lover, but life pulled the distance between the two closer and wider at this time.

West Germany's economic miracle between the 1960s and 1970s owes its credit to the mass migration of Turkish citizens.

In 1961, the West German government signed a labor trade agreement with Turkey, and Turkish workers were invited to move to Germany as foreign workers to fill the emergency labor shortage caused by economic growth. Turkish immigrants soon became the largest group of foreign workers, along with other immigrants from Italy, Yugoslavia, and Greece, engaged in simple, repetitive manual work.

Both the West German and Turkish governments at the time considered the workers to work for Germany only temporarily, but over three to four years, they gradually reunited with their families and settled permanently in Germany.

The Berlin Film Festival's Golden Bear-winning film "Moving Forward" features descendants of Turkish immigrants living in Germany, and almost every work by director Fis akin, who shares the same identity, targets this ethnic group in German society.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > African immigrants from Marsh, Portugal</h1>

From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

The 2014 film, the sixth feature film directed by Portuguese director Pedro Costa, premiered in the competition section of the Lucano Film Festival and won the Best Director Award.

The elderly Cape Verde immigrant Fantura reverberated and groaned in the intricate passages of the gloomy hospital, his mind began to twitch, his hands twitching, talking to old friends, ghosts, and nostalgia; when the Carnation Revolution took place in 1973, this group of black immigrants panicked and feared, and nearly 40 years after the revolution, these immigrants still did not enjoy the promised future.

Portugal had a large number of overseas colonies, such as Angola and Mozambique in Africa.

Since the Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974 and the declaration of decolonization, the Portuguese colonial government and garrison have also withdrawn, causing these former Portuguese colonies in Africa to fall into a power vacuum as soon as they became independent, and civil wars broke out between factions and their neighbors.

In particular, the Civil War in Angola, where the warring sides received the support of Cuba and South Africa respectively, exacerbated the situation and forced Portugal to host as many as 1 million Portuguese refugees, known in Portugal as "returned overseas Chinese".

The protagonist of "Marcy" is a Cape Verdean immigrant from the Lisbon slum of Fontenia, a black man who has been trapped in a mental hospital since the outbreak of the Carnation Revolution. Director Pedro Costa's powerful video language is both a sculpture of reality and an exploration of the inner world of the characters.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > The Xiania Albanian immigrants, Greece</h1>

From the movie, I can understand the immigrants "Extralegal" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Samba" North African immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, French "Go Forward" Turkish immigrants, German "Horse Money" African immigrants, Portuguese "Xenia" Albanian immigrants, Greece

Danny, 16, traveled to Greece after the death of his dependent mother to search for his biological father with his 18-year-old brother. Danny, a homosexual and half-Albanian child without Greek citizenship, faces multiple discrimination in Greece, so the two carefully avoid different eyes and bullying during their journey. However, Danny is not discouraged, with a silly and fantastic fantasy, making the journey full of joy and becoming a heroic journey for the brothers.

  The film challenges the sensitive areas of Greek society, not only touching on the topic of nationality, but also featuring the sweet, cute, fearless Gay teenager. The film was shortlisted for the "A Kind of Attention" section of the Cannes Film Festival.

Albanians have had a tradition of emigration to Greece since the late Middle Ages, and the most recent wave of migration occurred after the fall of the communist regime in Albania in 1991, and most of them were illegal immigrants who came to Greece as economic refugees in search of work opportunities.

Among the large number of immigrants from Bulgaria, Romania and other Eastern European countries, ethnic Albanians account for 60 to 65% of the total number of immigrants.

"Xenia" is a youth film about immigrant identity. In the film, 16-year-old Danny leaves his hometown after his mother's death to find his brother Odyssey in Athens. He only knew that his mother was Albanian and his father was Greek.

Together, the brothers travel across the country in search of their father and participate in Greece's most popular reality TV show, hoping to gain recognition in a hostile country by becoming celebrities.

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