
Li You's manuscript丨 "Welcome the Year of the Tiger, Go to a Higher Level"

Welcome the Year of the Tiger and take it to the next level

Text/Japanese Wind

Today, the twenty-third lunar month, the northern "small year", the new year is getting stronger and stronger. During the day, I simply sorted out the room, and this week my lover helped me collect the courier, and made two meals for my lover.

In the evening, after listening to two live shows, the time quickly slipped away. In the past week, I have developed the habit of going to bed early in the countryside, and before nine o'clock, my eyes have begun to fight.

In the bedroom, the bed was still cold. ay! Forgot about the hotbed. So, I opened the electric blanket and sat cross-legged on the bed to brush the circle of friends. The third dynamic seen from top to bottom is the dynamic of "making a lotus". She loves to read, and she is accompanied by beautiful pictures, which I have to appreciate every time I meet her.

"Like to communicate with words because it is clean and true; like to hug words because it is sincere and kind; like to linger in words because it is a beautiful landscape."

Inhabiting the text, walking shallowly in the text, quiet and far-reaching. Like this faint edge in the text, no need to show off, no need to compliment, just silently, silently understand you, silently look at you, silently accompany you all the way.

It's like jasmine that is open around you, faintly stirring you, and like a light cup of tea, mellow and elegant and endlessly aftertaste. I believe that this kind of fate is hidden deep in the text, it is a thought, a sincerity, a light refracted by the love of life.

Seeing through and not speaking is the wisdom of insight into the world; knowing and not asking is the cultivation of strict self-discipline; and not doing idle things is the cultivation of human cultivation. ”

I was enchanted by this passage and the crisp and pleasant sound of her recitation. My mind traveled back to a year ago, and it was under the influence of the beautiful and lovely "One Lotus" reciter that on the night of the Lunar New Year in 2020, I emotionally wrote my first essay,"The Year of the Ox also talks about the cow", and I also lost sleep that night.

The next day, I was groggy and did not make changes, so I threw myself into the "Changfeng Literature and Art" platform, thanked the editor teacher for not giving up, and helped me revise and delete the penultimate paragraph.

Although the end of the article after deleting this paragraph seems to be somewhat abrupt, it is still warmly encouraged by all the reciters and relatives and friends in the circle of friends. This warm heat stream inspired me to start "dancing and inking" to enjoy myself on weekends and holidays.

At present, there are sixteen essays, life essays and famous works posted on the platform, and there are nine unwritten poems. The small gains along the way will even move them to tears.

Listening back to the number of clicks and the encouragement and support of relatives and friends in my spare time are full of happiness and excitement.

Thanks to the teachers and friends who have helped me along the way, this year has made my life more exciting, and my heart has become more peaceful and peaceful.

Yes! Dealing with words, as a lotus shares the words of the text, "like to communicate with words because it is clean and true; like to embrace words because it is sincere and kind; like to linger in words because it is a beautiful landscape." ...... It's like jasmine that is open around you, faintly stirring you, and like a light cup of tea, mellow and elegant and endlessly aftertaste. ”

Since the automatic pen lyrics, I have paid attention to the new public account and met many excellent teachers. I have found that those who are expressive and careful to capture the beautiful moments of life are the messengers of beauty. Outside of work, I will continue to follow in their footsteps to find and realize that beautiful dream.

Bai Luomei said that the most beautiful woman should have a kind of quiet and elegance of the world, no matter when, no matter what mood, she can make you calm and let you rest assured.

The so-called beauty, beauty lies in the bones. It is an aura, a personality, a sublimation and precipitation of femininity.

It is the elegance of speech and demeanor, the humility of treating others, the gentleness of being friendly with people, and everywhere it shows a kind of peace, embodying a kind of warmth and beautiful upbringing.

The so-called skin is an external form that can be changed, and over time, Zhu Yan ci mirrors, frost dye Hua hair.

The real beauty is the temperament of softness and rigidity in the bones, sitting still, and there is also a dignified wind bone.

Wind and bone beauty, not noisy, not quarrelsome, not to argue, not to be arrogant, not to be humble, not to be profane.

The temperament is quiet and pure in the heart, the mud is not stained, the mao is clear and not demon, there is a calm heart, a kind of relict beauty.

Soft in the temperament of the strip, tough and firm in the steel. You will not lose yourself in the bustling world, but you can also stay awake in the hustle and bustle and guard your inner pastoral.

Beauty of the wind and bones, elegant in the depths of the years, not pleasing or flattering, rich and quiet to do what they like, with poetry to enrich their hearts. Light and self-sustaining, slowly precipitate yourself. Spoiled and unfazed, watch the flowers blossom and fall before the court, go to stay unintentional, let the clouds in the sky cirrus cloud Shu.

Right now, I have two hobbies – reading and reading. On the occasion of the Year of the Tiger, I want to make greater progress and reach new heights in the new year.

Only by practicing diligently every day, reading a lot, and precipitating yourself can you make a more beautiful voice, write more profound words, enjoy yourself, and become a better self.

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