
CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points

author:PP Sports

On January 28, Beijing time, the CBA regular season ushered in a focus battle, Guangdong today against Shanghai, the former rose to the fifth place in the standings after four consecutive wins, and the latter won two consecutive wins to temporarily rank second in the league. In the game, Guangdong took the lead in entering the state to take the lead, but the good times were not long, their shooting rate fell sharply, Shanghai a wave of 12-0 small climax quickly achieved a rebound, the point difference was also stretched to double digits, the second quarter Guangdong still could not limit the opponent's offensive, at the end of the half has been 20 points behind. Yi Bian fought again, the two teams began to maintain a tug-of-war, the last quarter of Guangdong although there is a momentum of counterattack but it is too late, and finally Shanghai Li ke Guangdong, ushered in three consecutive wins but also ended the latter's four consecutive wins.

CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points

Scores in each quarter

CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points

Progression of the game

In the first quarter, Hu Mingxuan scored four points in a row of empty cuts, Wang Zhelin scored the first goal for Shanghai in the arc top of the long shot, Yi Jianlian ate cake under the basket to send a violent dunk, Guangdong opened the momentum like a rainbow to take the lead, but after this their shooting rate began to decline, Franklin scored three points from the outside, Liu Zheng followed up to make up for the basket, and then also hit a long-range shot on the outside, Shanghai played a wave of 12-0 small climax, Hu Mingxuan snatched and counterattacked to score the ball, but Guangdong really could not limit the opponent's attack, and the point difference was gradually stretched to double digits. At the end of the first quarter, Shanghai led Guangdong 36-22.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Shanghai's shooting rate fell sharply, Guangdong continued to make kills to get free throw opportunities, Zhao Jinyang snatched and counterattacked and was blocked by Yuan Tangwen, who was blown to violate the body, Weems faced the defensive layup to play 2+1, Li Tianrong's free throw line finally into the stop bleeding mid-range, but after Zhao Jinyang threw two points, Guangdong began to score again, Li Tianrong and Franklin directly stopped the game with three three points in a row, and the situation on the court still did not change after the adjustment. After Wang Zhelin won the high jump shot, the point difference continued to expand to more than twenty points, Du Runwang hit a long-range shot, and Wang Zhelin scored a whistle to layup. At half-time, Shanghai led Guangdong 68-48.

Yi Bian fought again, Luo Hanchen shot three points from the outside, Zhou Peng followed up to eat cake, Guangdong replaced Ledo in the second half, he launched a continuous counterattack to get points, Yi Jianlian also began to play, the impact basket was 2 + 1, just when Guangdong was about to start, Wang Zhelin suddenly shot outside and took five points to give a response, Feng Laikong cut out a wonderful counter-dunk, Shanghai a wave of 11-0 small climax to re-open the point difference, but just over half of this section Wang Zhelin received his fifth offense, Hu Mingxuan broke through the defense and threw two points, Ren Junwei's elbow was blown away in the attack, and Yi Jianlian turned around and scored the ball under the basket. At the end of the third quarter, Shanghai led Guangdong 88-69.

In the last quarter, Li Tianrong received the ball under the basket and scored a throw, Du Runwangdi scored three points, but Luo Hanchen immediately shot back to the color, Li Tianrong then scored consecutive points to stop the game, adjusted back to Guangdong began to use joint defense and received good results, Ledo repeatedly killed the ball in the penalty area, but this momentum did not last too long, Luo Hanchen continued to shoot three points on the outside line, Yi Jianlian and Feng Lai both tried to block each other unsuccessfully, Guangdong although there was a momentum of counterattack before the end of the game but it was too late, In the end, Shanghai Like Guangdong ushered in three consecutive wins and ended the latter's four consecutive wins.

Both sides started

Guangdong: Xu Jie, Hu Mingxuan, Yi Jianlian, Zhou Peng, Weems

Shanghai: Liu Zheng, Franklin, Ren Junwei, Luo Hanchen, Wang Zhelin

Players score

CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points
CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points

Technical statistics

CBA - Shanghai ends Guangdong's four-game winning streak Franklin 22+7 Li Tianrong scored 21 points