
"Xia Boyi, who has repeatedly supported the Hong Kong rioters, has finally stepped down!"

author:Haidong Information

According to media reports, the Hong Kong Bar Association held a re-election, with senior barrister Du Gankun as chairman, replacing the previous Englishman Xia Boyi. It is reported that before this, the Hong Kong Barristers' Association had actually been manipulated by the British.

"Xia Boyi, who has repeatedly supported the Hong Kong rioters, has finally stepped down!"

It has become one with the Hong Kong rioters

After The return of Hong Kong, Western forces still infiltrated and influenced Hong Kong in various ways, especially in the judicial field, and many lawyers were "running dogs" of the British. Among the legal organizations at all levels in Hong Kong, there are many foreigners, and even many hong Kong rioters, which have seriously disrupted Hong Kong's judicial fairness.

This phenomenon is very obvious in the Hong Kong Bar Association, in addition to the chairman being controlled and operated by the British, there are many members who are influenced by the British and are more or less involved in "Hong Kong independence". They have "colluded with the Hong Kong rioters," allowing many Hong Kong rioters who have committed the most heinous crimes to escape and float outside the supervision of the law.

"Xia Boyi, who has repeatedly supported the Hong Kong rioters, has finally stepped down!"

Blatant challenge to national laws

In addition, under the manipulation and influence of these chaotic elements in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Bar Association has repeatedly smeared Hong Kong and evaded supervision. Many Hong Kong rioters used their status as lawyers to cover up and plan and organize hong Kong riot activities from behind. In the final analysis, these people are not defending the justice of the law, but the interests of the United Kingdom, which has brought great harm to the citizens of Hong Kong.

The Englishman Dai Qisi once served as the chairman of the Bar Association, and even led the Hong Kong rioters and the SAR government to openly oppose, and even openly deliberated on Chinese laws, risking the world's great disobedience. In the face of the crazy acts of hong Kong rioters during the "amendment storm", they openly excused criminals and smeared the Hong Kong police, all of which came from the previous Hong Kong Bar Association.

"Xia Boyi, who has repeatedly supported the Hong Kong rioters, has finally stepped down!"

Similarly, Xia Boyi also has a special background of the British political party, and was once again elected as the president of the Bar Association under the nomination of the Hong Kong rioters. Similarly, he is lawless, questioning the Hong Kong National Security Law and even openly pressuring the Hong Kong SAR government. Under his leadership, the Hong Kong Bar Association was infamous.

The media repeatedly warned the Hong Kong Bar Association, and finally it made the right choice to let the lawyers who supported the Hong Kong rioters lose the election. This time, the chairman is no longer British and is not manipulated by the British. The Hong Kong Bar Association is relieved to lose the operation of the hong Kong rioters, but it remains to be seen how it will develop in the later stage. After all, the early stage was too deeply influenced by Western countries, and correction still needs a process, but the overall development direction is still optimistic.

Part of the news from: Shenzhen Satellite TV