
#My Spring Festival Gala Memories #Yes ~ New Year's Eve again! The Spring Festival Gala is also just around the corner. Watch the Spring Festival Gala, set off firecrackers, eat Chinese New Year's Eve dumplings. The Spring Festival Gala is not an ancient one, but it is indispensable for Chinese New Year's Eve night


#My Spring Festival Gala Memories #Yes ~ New Year's Eve again! The Spring Festival Gala is also just around the corner. Watch the Spring Festival Gala, set off firecrackers, eat Chinese New Year's Eve dumplings. The Spring Festival Gala is not an ancient one, but it is indispensable for Chinese New Year's Eve night. From "My Chinese Heart" to Zhang Mingmin, from "Spring Beauty" to remember Zhang Delan [cover your face] and then Zhao Benshan, Pan Changjiang, Huang Hongdi, the stubble that can make people laugh and laugh to tears" are engraved in the heart of the "Memories of My Spring Festival Gala" [cover my face] and the end of the Spring Festival Gala song "Green Mountains are there, people are not old"... Year after year, I see it as "old". The Spring Festival Gala is never broken every year. Aunt Zhao Lirong nagged "Sima Cylinder Smashing Light" left in my memory! May the Spring Festival Gala of Chinese be with China "green mountains, people are not old"! [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs]

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