
63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

author:Mr. Tidebang

As the saying goes, what fits is the best. The same is true in terms of dressing, in each period of life, suitable for different outfits, choosing clothes that match their own characteristics will be more beautiful. 63-year-old actress Liu Lili does not play the old and pretty, wears a red Tang costume, dignified and elegant, and does not dress up as a tender temperament is more advanced. Learning liu Lili's teacher's outfit, it is also beautiful when she is old.

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

With the increase of age, aging is inevitable, the best way to face aging is to go with the flow, do not force tender, do not do not match their current temperament. Teacher Liu Lili in the face of the growth of the years is to go with the flow, wearing red Tang costumes to make her temperament more dignified and elegant, with a dignified hairstyle, the whole person is radiant, full of spirit.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Liu Lili's cheongsam wearing and matching analysis:</h1>

1. Traditional clothing is more stable and dignified

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

The retro sense of traditional Tang costumes is stronger, with jade buckles and jade necklaces, the temperament is dignified and elegant. A large piece of red will appear too monotonous as a whole, adding dark lines to The Tang costume makes the whole more advanced texture, and the design of the dark pattern is more stable and pure than the embroidery on the bright side, not destroying the overall tone of the clothes, and will not appear monotonous.

2. The collision of red and black is advanced and brilliant

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

The red Tang top with black pants makes the overall appearance more stable, and the combination of pure colors is also more advanced and temperamental. Red is very bright in the crowd, and the black and black pants of the cuffs echo the black hair, so that the overall color is unified, not monotonous and not fancy, high-grade and colorful.

3. Light makeup is natural and beautiful

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

Aging is inevitable, there will be wrinkles on the face, collagen loss, the flesh on the face becomes loose, etc., but having a young mentality will make people's overall temperament become young, and it is also beautiful not to deliberately make heavy makeup. The light makeup on Teacher Liu Lili's face makes her temperament more elegant, without too much modification, and the natural state is very beautiful.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > Liu Lili's other red outfits LOOK:</h1>

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

Loose and comfortable wear is not only suitable for ordinary activities for the elderly, but also more conducive to physical and mental health. Loose clothes will make the body and mind comfortable, there is no sense of restraint, and it can also modify the curves of the body. Teacher Liu Lili's outfit is also a combination of red and black, to a more concise, loose version to modify the curves of the body, comfortable and elegant.

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

Simple color collocation can also be very fashionable, and the elderly can also use accessories to highlight the fashion temperament. In Liu Lili's set of wear, the solid color of the blockbuster will be slightly monotonous, and some accessories will look better. A black scarf not only plays a warm role, but also modifies the shoulder curve, which is thin and advanced. Glasses hanging on the chest are a good accessory, not only stylish but also very practical.

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

Beauty is the charm emitted from the inside out, the mentality is calm and elegant, dignified and charming, and the temperament expressed will be more elegant and dignified and charming. Therefore, in choosing the right clothes, but also in the mentality to keep up with the temperament, naturally facing aging will make people's temperament more calm, elegant and dignified.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > fashion summary:</h1>

63-year-old Liu Lili does not play the old to be pretty, wear red Tang costumes to be old and elegant, do not dress up tender temperament more advanced Liu Lili qipao wearing analysis: Liu Lili other red wear LOOK: fashion summary:

At various times of life, finding a style of dress that suits you will make your temperament more elegant and attractive. The 63-year-old Liu Lili's wearing style is very representative, not playing old and pretty, elegant and high-class temperament. Simple styles and loose and comfortable clothes will be more suitable for the elderly, with the right accessories to modify the body, but also to highlight the fashion charm. Calm and elegant mentality will make the temperament better exude from the inside out.

Suitable age and right style of dress, you can also find your fashion charm.

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